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Robert_Jones Biography

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Robert_Jones Biography Empty Robert_Jones Biography

Post by Andre Campbell Thu Mar 31, 2011 2:33 am

*You see lined paper with Italic words showing Robert Jones's biography laying on the street then soon reporters of the news put it in the paper.*

Loud screams came from Robert_Jones as his mother pushed the final time, a new boy was born.

Robert_Jones was 10 years old, he was a nice little boy who got a A* in every exam, he listened to his teachers and respected those around him. He was attending a primary school called Dillmore Primary, he had alot of friends at his school though the older students bullied him, everyday they would pick on him and take his money. It was horrible. Robert_Jones tried to explain to his mother about the bullying at school, but she didn't seem to listen. She was hooked up in the dangerous drugs. cocain, heroine, methophetamine. You name it. Robert_Jones woke up, got dressed and made his own breakfest. He walked out and set off for school. He seen a small gang of pupils hanging around near his house, he tried to walk by calmly but the bullies bumped into him, knocking him over. " Hey!, watch where your going! " shouted the bully, Robert_Jones had nothing to say to him, he was so nervous and embarrased at the time he didn't know what to do. He slowly sat up, climbing onto his feet before another push come. "... I..Just let me go to school..Please. " stuttered Robert_Jones. One of the bully's sent a sly kick into Robert_Jones's gut, making him loose breath. He quickly scurried away from the bully, scrambling onto his feet. Robert_Jones ran off into the distance as the bully's laughed at him.Robert_Jones ran, and didn't stop running. He came upon a big oak tree and decided to build a hidden den, where he can chillout and hide from the bully's. He gathered wood from knocking on peoples doors, asking for spare wood. He got a hammer and a few other tools from his home, then got to work building his den. A few days later he finished building it, it was a masterpiece, fit for any child to live in. Robert_Jones continued to work in this den, he gathered coutches, chairs, tables. It was amazing that a child of his age could create such a large den .Robert_Jones returned home to notice his mother taking cocain, he got so pissed off at the thought of his own mother being a crack-head, he walked in then stormed up stairs, ignoring his mother. He picked up a suitcase and started to fill it with a blanket, pillows and fresh clothing. He walked into the kitched and took as much food as he could. Robert_Jones moved into his den, he loved it up there..- He was free to do what he wanted. He used to sit in that tree for a good 5 hours just staring at the sky.Two days had past from when he ran away, he found out that his mother had called the police regarding him running away, he knew if he got caught he'd get put into care, this made things worse. He wasn't allowed an education, job or a decent family. Robert_Jones always went on walks through forests, today was no different. Robert_Jones cracked open the suitcase, grabbing some wellies, he slipped them off and went for a walk in the forest. He came across a shadowed figuire leaning against a tree, he walked cautiously as the figuire slowly turned into the shape as another kid. Robert_Jones walked up to the kid, gaining enough courage to say something. " Hey...- What are you doing here? " asked Robert_Jones. " I ran away from home " sighed the stranger. " Do you have a place to stay? asked Robert_Jones...The boys reply was " Umm..no ", Robert_Jones grinned as he asked the boy if he wanted to stay at his den, they both hiked back towards the oak tree.Days past and Robert_Jones was running out of food, the boy James who he'd met earlier offered to go sneak into his house and steal some food, Robert_Jones nodded slowly at the offer, saying " Okay, just be carefull. ". James ran to his hood, he ran to his front garden to notice his door was open, picking a nearby stone James ran around and threw the stone at the back window, smashing it into pieces. Kane ran towards the front, sprinting through the house, into the kitchen. He stuffed his pockets with food, picking up a nearby bag James put several tinned food into it before running back out the door. He ran back to the oak tree to see Robert_Jones smiling at his arrival. James and Robert_Jones rashened the food so they both got a equal amount. It worked out they would have 1 tin of food a day, and a strip of chocolate for extra. This gone on for days, they both ran home stealing food. Kane and Trevon became best friends..- They watched each others back everytime.Several years had past, they were both 17, they built a new shelter in a forest, it was massive. Time had past and they was still best of friends, Robert_Jones agreed he would steal the food from his home this week, but what a mistake it was.
Robert_Jones turned up outside his home, noticing all the windows smashed, he quickly walked towards the window and glanced inside. The sight was bad..- Very bad. His mother layed there with several needles layed behind her, by the look of it Robert_Jones new she OD'd on drugs. He slowly walked away from the house, noticing James getting beat up by several by-passers. He quickly nelt to the floor, picking up a large rock. He ran towards the attackers and hit one of them on the head with the rock, he fell to the floor unconcious. Robert_Jones managed to fight off the attackers, kneeling down to James. Robert_Jones bursted into tears as he felt Kane's pulse, noticing there wasn't none...- He was dead-...Robert is now 23.

Andre Campbell
Andre Campbell
Sheriff's Department
Sheriff's Department

Personal Text : "I like to JAM OUT WITH MY CLAM OUT!" - Andre Campbell
Posts : 309
Join date : 2011-03-16
Location : in your closet..


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