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Dominique LaRue <License>

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Dominique LaRue <License> Empty Dominique LaRue <License>

Post by Dominique LaRue Sun Aug 21, 2011 10:31 am

To: Red County Sheriff's Department
455 Main St.,
Dillimore, SA 91034

From: Dominique LaRue
6 Palomino Creek,
Palomino Creek, SA 91034
August 10th 2011

Dominique LaRue <License> 2akh5rq
Red County Sheriff's Department
Courtesy - Professionalism - Respect

Weapon License Application

Personal Information:

Full Name: Dominique Claire LaRue
Date of Birth: 10-11-1983
Sex: Female
Social Security Number: 944-72-1042
Current Address: 6 Palomino Creek, Palomino Creek, SA 91034
Current Occupation: Private investigator (company owner), currently visiting with a legal Greencard for a trade apprenticeship in Metallurgy.
Phone Number: (555) 101-0696

Background Information:

Have you ever had a firearm license before?: I had an approved Level 2 Clearance license.
Have you ever had a firearm license be revoked or suspended?: No. (Expired)
If yes, for what reason: None.
Do you have any previous criminal record?: None.
If so, describe the nature of your crimes and when: None.

Weapon Information:

Clearance Level: 2
Intended weapon(s): .357 Revolver, 20-gauge over/under pump shotgun.
Where will your weapon(s) be stored?: They will both be stored in a secure combination safe located in my private residence.
Do you have training or experience regarding the proper usage of the weapons you are applying for? If so, state the nature. I cannot claim to be a champion shooter, but in my youth in France, I would go with my father into the countryside of southern France where we would hunt pheasants and boar. I am familiar with how to handle and clean a shotgun and a revolver handgun as to not harm myself or others.
Why are you applying for a weapons license and why should the Red County Sheriff’s Department accept your application?: [[250 word minimum]]]
Palomino Creek is a beautiful town located in Red County, some of the finest reserves of wildlife in the San Andreas state. As a visitor to this country, I am greatly interested in experiencing many of the things that make this country so fantastic. The best season to hunt dove is happening now and I would like to participate. It is for this reason that I am interested in legally carrying a shotgun in the wilderness. However, I have also found that despite the town's beauty, it is quite dangerous. In my first day and night in the town of Palomino Creek, I was accosted by multiple people and put in situations in which my life was in danger. An officer that went by the name of Terry tried his best to answer one of my 911 calls, for instance, but by the time that he had arrived, the offender had threatened me with a high-powered assault rifle and beat me multiple times right in front of the bank in broad daylight. I respect the Sheriff's Department, however they are not able to respond to all the calls made at once and to keep everyone safe. I have also seen many wild animals roaming the streets of the town and occasionally they attack people. I want to be able to carry a firearm for the purposes of defending myself from thieves, those who intend to commit violence upon me, from the local wildlife, and to even protect my home in the case of an intruder.

As I mentioned in the earlier fields of this application, I am a legal visitor to this country from France. I would not wish to die in this country or to return home with my only experience of America being that of violence and pain. I am a woman and one who cannot defend herself with fists or strength. I have already been beaten, resulting in a laceration to my eyebrow and a cut inside of my mouth- had the sheriff Terry arrived just thirty seconds later, I would likely have been dead or left forever traumatized. I am a responsible member of the community and I do not intend to use my firearms in an irresponsible manner. I will look to exhaust every possible outcome before drawing a weapon and putting myself and others in danger. I still intend to call the Sheriff's Department if it is possible. I believe that accepting my application for a weapon license would be the right thing to do because I have serious fears that I may find myself in a situation that can prove itself to be extremely dangerous. The Sheriff's Department, if you are to accept my application, would leave a wonderful impression of this country for a foreigner- not only would it show me that the city of San Andreas is trusting of its citizens, including its immigrants (who are treated so poorly in many other parts of the world), but that they are also truly concerned for the well-being of them. I would also be able to experience one of the most exquisite pleasures of San Andreas: Hunting in the scenic and world-famous redwood forests of Red County, being one with nature and reliving the youth I had long ago.

This is all from my previous application. Things have barely changed. I was accepted for a level 2 license and would wish for it to be reinstated. Carrying a firearm has been a very peaceful feeling. I have not one had to pull it out or brandish it in public and only once had to brandish it on my property, where I did not even have to fire the gun. I am now going into the career of private investigations and opening up a private investigation firm here in the city and I am requesting to reinstate my weapons license because while a private investigator is not a lawman, a private investigator often comes into contact with dangerous situations with disgruntled people who may or may not be heavily armed. I wish for a shotgun to defend myself at the office and a handgun to defend myself in the field, if the need be. Again, I have shown myself to be a very responsible individual with a handgun as multiple agents of the Bureau and multiple officers of the Sheriff's Department can attest.

I, Dominique Claire LaRue, understand the terms and conditions for applying for a weapons license. I understand that if I violate any of the terms or conditions, misuse my license in any way, shape or form, or mishandle my weaponry and become a danger to myself or others through the use thereof, that I will have the license revoked without a refund of funds and likely arrested and tried to the fullest extent of the law. I understand that any and all firearms I purchase using this license will only be handled by myself and that every one of them is to be registered upon purchase to my name and any crimes committed with the weaponry can and will be levied upon me. I promise, under penalty of law, that all information in this application is absolutely true and understand that falsifying information on this document will result in any licenses being revoked, having my ability to apply in the future removed, and also being arrested and tried accordingly. I promise to use the weapons license responsibly, safely, and lawfully.

Screenshot of you /charity-ing the appropriate amount of money for the license:

Last edited by Seeker on Sun Aug 21, 2011 10:17 pm; edited 1 time in total
Dominique LaRue
Dominique LaRue

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Dominique LaRue <License> Empty Re: Dominique LaRue <License>

Post by Terry Winston Sun Aug 21, 2011 6:18 pm

Dominique LaRue <License> 2akh5rq
Sheriff Department, County of Dillimore
Weapons licenses

Mrs LaRue,

I am Pleased to inform you that your written application has been PASSED,
Please come down to the station when avaliable for your interview. Please bring dwon with you any document related to your buisness.
if you are sussesfull you will be rewarded with a buisness firearms license.

Terry winston

Last edited by machete on Mon Aug 22, 2011 11:30 am; edited 1 time in total
Terry Winston
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Dominique LaRue <License> Empty Re: Dominique LaRue <License>

Post by Terry Winston Sun Aug 21, 2011 7:53 pm

(( i don't feel self defence is a vaild reason now you say you want it for hunting? well that would be a diffrent license all togther as that would be a license which would only allow you to use the weapon in hunting area it would not permit you to carry it around town ect. If SMt feels you have a vaild reason for owneing a level 2 license then please say else my oringinal denied stands))
Terry Winston
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Dominique LaRue <License> Empty Re: Dominique LaRue <License>

Post by Dominique LaRue Sun Aug 21, 2011 8:57 pm

(( SMT really shouldn't be involving itself with the overruling of weapons license. Multiple reasons were listed, including hunting- which includes the necessity for a game license as well as registration of these weapons, which by our server can only be purchased by a weapons license. Self-defense, which speaks for itself but not alone. And a professional need, which stands for the necessity of a company to function in this case with a professional-level weapons licenses, as most American bodyguards and private-eyes apply for to be allowed to legally carry a firearm in their work.

If Sheriff Winston denies the application, it won't be the SMT that will be coming in and overruling it. Dominique will simply seek in-character means to petition the license application, that's all. ))
Dominique LaRue
Dominique LaRue

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Dominique LaRue <License> Empty Re: Dominique LaRue <License>

Post by Terry Winston Sun Aug 21, 2011 10:01 pm

(( i sort of ment if smt would coment on weather icly these license where aslo including hunting licence ? Aslo withe the body guard thig i think that will need smt permission to become else everyone will just claim to set up there own body guard firm ect ))
Terry Winston
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Dominique LaRue <License> Empty Re: Dominique LaRue <License>

Post by Kevin Alymer Sun Aug 21, 2011 10:05 pm

((What I don't get is why do you need a level license if your level 2 license was accepted before. I mean if your character had a level 2 license before, like Dom and my char, and have had no issues, no criminal records while handling it, why do they need a level 1 license now? Plus as for the bodyguard firm there's one RedsNeds security, it's in the IC section.

And machete, if there's no issue with someone's criminal record, or if they don't have a bad history, the license is no really a big issue to give considering the fact SD is not in its bad shape, nor can they respond every single call. SD's performance is not the best at the moment so the inhabitants should be able to self defend. Saying this as you mentioned in another application that self defense wasn't a valid reason. Well it is, and lets add the fact we live near the forest, wild animals aren't always taken care of by SD. It's simply not a safe place.))
Kevin Alymer
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Dominique LaRue <License> Empty Re: Dominique LaRue <License>

Post by Terry Winston Sun Aug 21, 2011 10:09 pm

Kevin wrote:((What I don't get is why do you need a level license if your level 2 license was accepted before. I mean if your character had a level 2 license before, like Dom and my char, and have had no issues, no criminal records while handling it, why do they need a level 1 license now? Plus as for the bodyguard firm there's one RedsNeds security, it's in the IC section.

And machete, if there's no issue with someone's criminal record, or if they don't have a bad history, the license is no really a big issue to give considering the fact SD is not in its bad shape, nor can they respond every single call. SD's performance is not the best at the moment so the inhabitants should be able to self defend. Saying this as you mentioned in another application that self defense wasn't a valid reason. Well it is, and lets add the fact we live near the forest, wild animals aren't always taken care of by SD. It's simply not a safe place.))

Reason im being strict on license is the reason they have all been revoked everyone is claiming self defence meaning everyone has one, if you are applying for a license for a firm you work for its you employers job to seek the correct documentation. Self defence is not a good enogh reason sorry
Terry Winston
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Dominique LaRue <License> Empty Re: Dominique LaRue <License>

Post by Dominique LaRue Sun Aug 21, 2011 10:16 pm

(( I -am- the employer, thus the reason to apply. I even edited it to stress it even more if it wasn't blatantly obvious.

So again, the reasons are:

  • Self-defense.
  • Hunting.
  • Legal registration of firearms.
  • Reinstatement of previous license.
  • Officer/agent recommendation.
  • Professional use (owner of a private investigation firm).

Seems like plenty reason to me, more than you will find from 95% of people applying...
Dominique LaRue
Dominique LaRue

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Dominique LaRue <License> Empty Re: Dominique LaRue <License>

Post by Terry Winston Sun Aug 21, 2011 10:23 pm

Seeker wrote:(( I -am- the employer, thus the reason to apply. I even edited it to stress it even more if it wasn't blatantly obvious.

So again, the reasons are:

  • Self-defense.
  • Hunting.
  • Legal registration of firearms.
  • Reinstatement of previous license.
  • Officer/agent recommendation.
  • Professional use (owner of a private investigation firm).

Seems like plenty reason to me, more than you will find from 95% of people applying...

Il tell you what il speak to peter to see if these licenses are going to include license for buisness and for hunting as they would be seprate frome personal ones as for self defence there will be few and far of people with legal weapons so i suggest people ring the police more or hide instead of being vigilanies.
Terry Winston
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Dominique LaRue <License> Empty Re: Dominique LaRue <License>

Post by Dominique LaRue Sun Aug 21, 2011 10:43 pm

(( You're still missing the point.

  • Professional use (owner of a private investigation firm).

On top of ringing the police- last time Dominique rung the police, Terry Winston pulled up to see her grappling a man for his gun while she was bleeding from the face. She then saved Terry from being shot in the back by another gang member. I'd think Terry of all officers would realize that Dominique's reason for self-defense is apt. ))
Dominique LaRue
Dominique LaRue

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Dominique LaRue <License> Empty Re: Dominique LaRue <License>

Post by Simon Bourne Sun Aug 21, 2011 10:52 pm

Seeker wrote:(( You're still missing the point.

  • Professional use (owner of a private investigation firm).

On top of ringing the police- last time Dominique rung the police, Terry Winston pulled up to see her grappling a man for his gun while she was bleeding from the face. She then saved Terry from being shot in the back by another gang member. I'd think Terry of all officers would realize that Dominique's reason for self-defense is apt. ))

((I see that as illegal firearm discharge and Rambo'ing.))
Simon Bourne
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Dominique LaRue <License> Empty Re: Dominique LaRue <License>

Post by Dominique LaRue Sun Aug 21, 2011 10:56 pm

RomeKovz wrote:
Seeker wrote:(( You're still missing the point.

  • Professional use (owner of a private investigation firm).

On top of ringing the police- last time Dominique rung the police, Terry Winston pulled up to see her grappling a man for his gun while she was bleeding from the face. She then saved Terry from being shot in the back by another gang member. I'd think Terry of all officers would realize that Dominique's reason for self-defense is apt. ))

((I see that as illegal firearm discharge and Rambo'ing.))

(( You are not to be answering random topics. Skidaddle. It was neither and you're speaking out of line. ))
Dominique LaRue
Dominique LaRue

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