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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Empty Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Post by Loxxo Wed Mar 23, 2011 1:24 pm

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The Story

After Hamato Splinter came back from scavenging, his four three-year old sons were sitting on the floor waiting for him.

"My sons why are you sitting on the floor"

"A wady came bwy and gave dis to us." Donatello said pointing to a basket on the floor. Splinter came closer to it was shocked to see what it was. An infant baby girl with lightly tanned skin, Splinter also found a letter it said:

Dear Splinter,

I want to thank you for saving me and for that I owe you but, now I need a favor from you. I want you to take care of this baby, because it would be too dangerous for me to.

Thank you,

Christina Marks

P.S.: Her name is Reyanne (Reya)

"So wad does it say masta spwinta?" Leonardo asked

"Well my sons it seems to me that you have a new baby sister."





Splinter knew this was a new beginning for his sons.
Disclaimer: I only own Reya, Princeton, and The Plot

'Ohshitohshitohshit Master Splinter is going to kill me.' Hamato Reya thought as she ran through the streets. Her pink hair blowing through the breeze. Reya was just your normal 13 years old girl, except for the fact that she lived in the sewers was raised by a giant rat having 4 older brothers as giant mutant turtles and being born with pink hair every thing was totally normal about this girl.

'Gotta run faster gonna be late.' She thought.

'Wait maybe Master Splinter isn't tense today.' She thought as she ran into an alley. She concentrated hard on Master Splinter she could here his heartbeat although yards away.

'Yep he's tense gotta run.' She thought as she jumped into a manhole and ran to the entrance of her happy home in the sewers.

"You're late." Master Splinter said

"Yeah I know I said I would be home at five but I got caught up in something…"

"Caught up in what?"

"Well I missed subway home because the teacher kept me late in school."

"For what?"

"For this." Reya said as she handed Splinter a paper with an F on it.

"I can do a make up assignment next week."

"And Donatello will help you study for it."

"What? Master Splinter no offense but me and Donatello don't get along to well.

"Reya I know you and Donatello do not get along well but I'm doing this for your own good. Your grades are slipping and with Donatello's help they will probably get up to a passing average and also will improve your relationship with him."

"Yes Master Splinter." Reya said as she went to her room.
Dear Diary,

I failed another Advanced Technologies Test. And now Master Splinter wants me to study for a make up assignment… With Donatello! It's not that I love Donatello I love all of my brothers it's just me and Donatello don't see eye to eye. His motto is "Brains beat Brawn." And Mine is "Life's short Live it." He thinks the most important thing is smarts but I think the most important thing is having fun. I mean I think the best way to learn things is to live im' when Donatello thinks the best way to is by reading about them.

I mean that's how I learned to speak French. But I learned how to hotwire and drive the battle shell was by doing it. But I guess I have to as my brother Fearless Leader would say "Respect Master's Wishes." And study with my older brother.

Well Sayonara,


Reya closed her journal, put in her desk drawer, grabbed her text book, a pencil, her notebook, and went to Donatello's lab so he could "help" her study for that make up test. When she got to his lab she knocked on his door.

"It's open!" Donatello yelled as Reya walked in.

"Hey sis."


"Master Splinter wanted you to help me study for this damn test."

"What's it about?"

"How computers, I-Pods, and Memory disks collect and store data."

"Well it all starts out…" Donatello started giving Reya this detailed explanation about the topic for her test helping her take notes and drawing out examples.

"Well that's about it." He said.

"Thank Don." Reya said and walked out of Donnie's lab.

I know it's boring but I did this for Rose of Hope because she wanted to know why Reya doesn't like Donny.

No Flames!

A/N: This is one of the reasons I typed Ch 3 is so that Ch 4 would make some sense

"Hey guys. Bye guys." Reya said.

"Wait a minute," Donny said "How'd you do."

"Fine Donny."

"Well let's see" Donny said as Reya handed him her paper. He stared at it in shock

"A C?"

"Not just a C a C plus."

"But after all the studying we did you got a C plus?"

"It's passing ain't it?"

"Passing? I helped you not for passing, I wanted commendable."

"Don, give the kid a break." Raph said.

"Yeah Don everyone at my school knows Mr. Jenkins is really strict about the essay part."

"So it should've made you work harder."

"I tried my best. Well, I'm outta here."

"Sis." Don said but it was too late Reya was out the door.

"How do I know she's going to get in some trouble?" Leo asked

"Should we follow her?" Raph asked. They looked at each other nodding agreement and ran out the door.

"Dude, this chick can run." Mikey said

Reya knew exactly where she was running to. The center for misguided teens. That's where her counselor Erica Cosweld worked. Little did she know her brothers were right on her trail.

"The center for misguided teens?" Leo asked.

"Isn't where all those whacked up teens go, like when they get into gangs and stuff and can't get out of 'em?" Raph asked.

"You don't think?" Mikey asked.

"Sis is in a gang?" They all asked in unison.

-with sis-

"Excuse me is Erica Cosweld here." Reya asked the secretary.

"Sorry hon' ya just missed her," she said "I know her address but it's all the way across town. My shifts almost over. I could drive you there in a minute if ya want me to."

"No, but thanks anyway." Reya said as she took off running out of the center.

As Reya was running she thinks about the time she met Erica.

IC Rules:

Don't scribble on each other's shell!
Don't push eachother! It's hard as fuck to get up again.
Don't talk to that rat-ninja.. He's pedo..
No pizza in the HQ.

Wanna join? Contact me.

Posts : 39
Join date : 2011-03-16
Age : 31
Location : Sweden


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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Empty Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Post by Loxxo Wed Mar 23, 2011 1:36 pm

Also, a new ninja-turtle race would be great.

Posts : 39
Join date : 2011-03-16
Age : 31
Location : Sweden


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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Empty Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Post by Ray Wed Mar 23, 2011 1:50 pm

CLOSED, obvious reasons.

Also forum ban for doing a joke thread in the faction forums.

Posts : 290
Join date : 2011-02-05
Location : TAS, AUS

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