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[SD] Nicolas Djordjevic

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[SD] Nicolas Djordjevic Empty [SD] Nicolas Djordjevic

Post by Nicolas Djordjevic Sun Mar 27, 2011 9:55 pm

In Character

First Name: Nicolas;

Last Name: Djordjevic;

Gender: Male;

Race: White - Serbian;

Date of Birth: 1. May. 1985;

Place of Birth: Europe, Serbia , Belgrade;

Current active address: 35 Palomino Creek;

Available phone number(s): 101/0157;


-Economic High School, 4 years;
-Faculty of Law, 4 years;

Are you currently in occupation?: No;
If yes, what is your current occupation?: \

Have you had any previous occupations?: Yes, I had;
If yes, what were your previous occupations?: School Secretary and Barman (In Palomino Creek);

Do you own a current valid driver license?: Yes, I do;
If yes, has it ever been suspended?: No, it hasn't;

Do you posses any knowledge or experience in the law enforcement area?: Minor ones;
Have you ever been arrested?: Yes;
If yes for what charges/crimes?: Assault on suspect;

Have you ever served time in prison?: Yes;
If yes for what charges/crimes?: Assault on suspect;


I was born in capital of Serbia, known as Belgrade. After my birth, I moved with my parents to smaller city in the country.

After finishing the school, I decided to enroll in Economic High School, and
I have finished it after four years. After that, there was a big step ahead. Entering Law Faculty, studding and everything was pretty hard for me, since I wasn't ready for such a thing. After four years of hard work, it was over with huge problem, and then, there was another another step to make, to find a good job.

My brother was director of Los Santos' school in California, and with permission of my parents, I decided to move into Los Santos', and to work as secretary. In the beginning it was hard for me, first job in unknown country was pretty hard punch.

Los Santos wasn't greeting me warm. Actually I hate this city. Crowed with people, gangs, it is hard to wake up in the morning and to realize that there is another day in the hell I need to survive. Why people every time they go to bed say "Finally, another lame day is over", and when waking up, they say "Damn it, another day to survive", instead of knowing that every time you wake up, you know that there is perfect day ahead, but no, not in Los Santos. That is the reason why I have moved into Palomino Creek.

I love this place, it is perfect, small, not crowded with stupid people, peaceful, but not peaceful enough. My first job in this heaven was job as barman at Night Club, well, it is not the best thing you can find, but it was good for beginning.

After couple of months, I realized that the streets aren't safe anymore. I saw many crimes going on, gangsters, everything wrong which reminds me on Los Santos. I honestly don't want to see this place filled with blood, hatred , anger, crime, that is the reason why I want to serve the law, the Sheriff's Department.

Out of Character

Age: 15
Country: Serbia.

Server nickname: None.

Past characters and factions: None.

How long have you been a member of this server?: Joined on January.

Have you ever been banned from this server (if yes, why)?: Yes, once. Someone typed IP of another server on /g OOC chat, so I started spamming it ( /g ),so the IP could go away, but well, at the end I got banned.

Why do you wish to join this faction?: OOC reason for joining? Well, I guess that I want some more RP, and I hope it would be funnier.
Have you ever played on any other role play servers (if yes, which)?: Yes. ZORP and... Ehm, there was another one but I forgot the name.
Do you posses any law enforcement knowledge or role play experience?: I know SOMETHING about law enforcement, and I RP for a year.
Have you read the application rules?: Yep.
Any other comments: Ehm.. I guess that's it.

Role Play

Explain what is role play and its basics: Basics? Well Roleplaying is acting something. In each Roleplay you control your character, and Roleplay what would he do in real life, but well, it depends on roleplay.
Explain what is meta game and give two different examples: Metagame is mixing OOC informations with IC informations, like:

Random guy says: hi, how can i change my skin? :S . (( This guy obviously metagamed, because he used an OOC thing in IC 'chat' )

First random guy says OOCly: You can defeat my character only with ice!

* Second random guy takes out some ice from the fridge and throws it at Random guy.

(( Well, Second random guy knows that First random guy's weakness is ice, but he found out about that OOCly, and he used that information ICly, which is metagame. ))
Explain what is power game and give two different examples: Powergame is using the power which your character DOESN'T owns.

*Victor attempts spit on Jake and to kill him.

*Success! (( Victor )) (( No /me answers + You can't kill someone.. by spitting on him. ))

*Victor takes out F117 stealth from his pocket, jumps on the seat and flies on.

* WROOM! (( Victor )) (( You can't take out... an airplane from your pocket RPly.. ))

Explain what is "gun from ass":

*Nicolas puts his Desert Eagle on the table inside of the bar
*Nicolas steps outside
*Nicolas looks at the werewolf,takes out his Desert Eagle and starts shooting at the wolf.

(( Nicolas' weapon is INSIDE of the bar.. so he can just.. spawn it on his hands like that. ))

Give an example of a good detailed role play /me:

/me is looking at bank, which is burning, sighs.
/me takes out cigarette box from his left pocket and the lighter
/me takes out a cigar from the small box, puts the cigar on his lips, lights it with the lighter and puts everything back in the pocked except for the cigarette in his mouth.
/me starts smoking

Give an example of a bad role play /me:
/me lights cig
Nicolas Djordjevic
Nicolas Djordjevic
In Game Administrator
In Game Administrator

Posts : 1098
Join date : 2011-02-05
Age : 28
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[SD] Nicolas Djordjevic Empty Re: [SD] Nicolas Djordjevic

Post by Shin Takeshi Wed Mar 30, 2011 2:31 am

Mr. Djordjevic,

Your application has been processed, and we would like to bring you in for a followup interview. Please, come to the station in Dillimore, and ask for Sheriff or Captain Ashford, or Captain Valentine.


L. Ashford.
Shin Takeshi
Shin Takeshi
The Camarilla
The Camarilla

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Age : 33
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