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The most awesome people in the world.

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The most awesome people in the world. I_vote_lcap64%The most awesome people in the world. I_vote_rcap 64% 
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The most awesome people in the world. I_vote_lcap36%The most awesome people in the world. I_vote_rcap 36% 
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Total Votes : 11

The most awesome people in the world. Empty The most awesome people in the world.

Post by Jager Arach Sat Apr 16, 2011 10:23 pm

The Westboro church is coming to picket my school XD here is what they said about us

Dr. Phillips High School in Orlando , FL April 29, 2011 6:50 AM - 7:20 AMWBC will picket Dr. Phillips High School in Orlando to remind this nation that these high school students act like hellbound beasts because they have been raised to believe God is a liar. Every adult in their lives has lied to them about these very important matters of eternity. Only the servants of God at WBC will tell them to the truth, that God hates fags, divorce + remarriage = adultery, nations that will not obey God are doomed, and thus america's destruction is imminent! Instead of rejoicing that they are receiving this message before it is too late to repent, these doomed american high school students set upon God's prophets to do them harm while their parents, preachers and teachers cheer them on.

Their violence and caterwauling change not one jot of God's standard. At the end of their heathen rampage against the members of WBC, these teenage beasts and their adult enablers are still headed straight for Hell! The God who destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah reigns eternally and this nation shall soon see His wrath pour out from heaven. These pathetic high school students and their teachers, parents and preachers will cry out for the mountains to fall upon them to escape the pain of an angry God. It will be better on the day of the Lord's returning for the ancient Sodomites than for any of the inhabitants of doomed america. Luke 10:12 But I say unto you, that it shall be more tolerable in that day for Sodom, than for that city.
Jager Arach
Jager Arach

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The most awesome people in the world. Empty Re: The most awesome people in the world.

Post by Sam Akabara Sat Apr 16, 2011 10:33 pm

Fuck tuh WBC.
Sam Akabara
Sam Akabara
The Camarilla
The Camarilla

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Post by Tanya Smith Sun Apr 17, 2011 11:49 am

I'll see you in HELL. ;DD
Tanya Smith
Tanya Smith

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