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Post by Darko123 Tue Apr 19, 2011 3:44 pm

Ok this is what i wanna say to you all... Please dont be offended or anything else what i tell now, thank you!

Well, server is pretty much going down... Jaxson and Shin are in-active for a long time... Yoko, Hikari and Ray are the only admins i saw, most of them cant refund or give commands for donator... Good players are leaving because of bad players: DM'ing them, destroying their cars, they loose money because /acceptdeath, they hate when they dont RP... We are on the line to break down... Of course, server wont close down, its just everyone will leave Sad, i admit i am a: Flamer, bad rp'er... That's the reason why i left, if i cannot RP i dont wanna make others go away... So please good roleplayer's stay, Yoko/Hikari/Ray will kick/ban bad players, if they do dm or something just type in /q, or make a bind, after that report them, or just wait for them to leave... We dont get more players then 20, and most of them are in different timezone's, i was up in the morning to see players(0), afternoon(5), in the evening the 5 players leave because its night for them and the others have day so they stay Neutral As I, am living in Croatia I cant play when everyone is on, its night for me, but maybe its not just because of timezones, who knows... I just know that in the afternoon, when there are 5-10 players, new players leave because they think its too little ammount of players, i personally like 5-20 players servers, i cannot stand crowded servers... I know that would deal more money and more RP to the server but i just dont like it. I just want of you guys to stay because we are on a line to the end. I will now leave because im a bad rp'er and i dont wanna bother anyone else with that, i am deeply sorry for everything what ive done and what i have said.

Aaron Lee - Great friend, awesome person, always supporting me, friends.

Now you see it, i had only 1 friend i suppose... Everyone else was either not my friend or he hated me for being: Immautre, non'rp-er, flamer etc... Well, just to let you know, i am sorry. I get mad because they provoke me and that let's me rage, i know i shouldnt do that but im that tipe of a person, now as i am saying you this you probably dont want to read it all, that's what i would do.... For now, i am trying to be a better RP'er on other servers, and try to gain my objectives:
- Be a good RP'er
- Manage into Donator
- Try to become once in my life admin(Only if i made it to step 1!)
- Meet more friends
- Have fun and enjoy everything.

This is my last time to talk to you guys i suppose, i am banned from the server because of DM'ing and i am sure im not getting unbanned, i had hope that i would be, but now, it vanished... I hope you have a good roleplay time, as for me, i will go to other servers but there's no such a server as this one, i like servers that are not like the others, not basic RP, that sucks for me(no offense)... So this is it, now its just to watch up and say Goodbye, i'm sure now i broke some records in writing, Smile that's the only thing that makes me a bit happy now... Goodbye everyone, especially Aaron(Lee) If you guys want you can add me on x-fire: simon10rdx .... I'd be happy to hear of you again soon guys, but for now its just: Goodbye... Oh and i almost forgot, Ariel, im sorry for my flamings to you and im sorry to you all that i flamed/non-rp'ed at you. So now i suppose you are like: Wow... So goodbye...

Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad

Posts : 235
Join date : 2010-12-25
Age : 27
Location : Croatia

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Post by Tommy Carreiro Tue Apr 19, 2011 3:55 pm

Agreed. Most of the guys just provoke you and you get the blame for it. Sucks.
Bye man, and good luck in the future Smile Maybe you'll return some day.

Tommy Carreiro

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About server Empty Re: About server

Post by Darko123 Tue Apr 19, 2011 5:51 pm

You are right, Maybe... I dont wanna blame anyone, but people do discriminate us kids for being younger then 18... "Immature" cannot be used against us, we are -18, we are kids, that's not Mature, mature are 17/18+ i suppose. Oh well... Tommy, should i tell you when i will return? I will return when im 18(Joking).... Well, bye tommy, i forgot to mention your name in too. You are a good friend.

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Join date : 2010-12-25
Age : 27
Location : Croatia

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Post by Guerrero Tue Apr 19, 2011 6:31 pm

I haven't seen Aaron in-game at about 5 days, hmm weird.

Rookie Killer
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Post by Tommy Tue Apr 19, 2011 7:11 pm

Dominio wrote:I haven't seen Aaron in-game at about 5 days, hmm weird.
First he told people he were going inactive 3-4 weeks since he's moving to another country, then like an hour later he said 4-5 months.

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Post by Midnight Tue Apr 19, 2011 7:19 pm

I don't remember your IG name but...You're right,the server is going down...
Well,goodbye and by the topic you made and how you wrote,I won't say you're immature...
Sometimes I get mad too but you know,admins always have to be nice and so on so on...
In any case,goodbye...And I hope you'll return when you feel to.


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Post by Darko123 Tue Apr 19, 2011 7:57 pm

My Name is David Jones, and im sorry for myself to say this but... I cant return whenever i fell, i have been IP banned by Yoko... She made the right decision and i respect that, but... it would be nice to get unbanned too, this is a nice server and i have a few friends in it Neutral, and... this is somehow making me angry Smile, i had left 3 XP to lvl 9 Smile, but i do not care about lvl if you think that, i watched 5 sites of: How to RP, and now i just learned that Roleplay games arent always for winning as some players want that, Roleplay servers are for Roleplay(duh) but most of the people here only think for roleplaying. So, Gangrel, i cannot go back into game whenever i fell i want, i am banned, Sad... And by the way, new players should read this and also some old ones, if you are in a roleplay fight, and you dont wanna loose, you will try to make up things or do things that aren't possible IRL, so you are basicly PG'ing because you only want to win, so please try to loose, it's not as bad as it sounds, this is a game, you need to know you cant win always, you need loose sometimes too! Only put a reason for /DO F, if you realy know you can do it IRL... If the player does not agree on it, try explaining him or just do S... Like the old saying says: "The smarter one let's go"... Bye Gangrel and everyone else.

Posts : 235
Join date : 2010-12-25
Age : 27
Location : Croatia

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