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Who's who.

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Who's who. Empty Who's who.

Post by Sam Akabara Sun May 29, 2011 1:42 am

The prince

The prince more of a magistrate or overseer than an absolute rule, it is the prince who keeps the peace and makes the laws, whatever is necessary to keep the city orderly and safe from incursion.
There are several ways one can become prince. One is to get rid of the old prince, either through the backing of elders or a full scale war. If a prince is incapable of maintaining the safety of the city against threats, he may be forced to abdicate by the rest of the Kindred. The last way is to become seneschal and hope the prince either dies or is forced from office.
A prince is owed nothing by their subjects. Indeed, once they follow the protocol of tradition, most have plenty of other things to keep busy with. A prince rules only so long as they can enforce order, the subjects are sufficiently frightened of their might and the elders support them.
The elders ensure a prince’s rein is maintained in the name of stability.
A prince enjoys a great deal of power, one of the major reasons why anyone would ever seek the job in the first place. They have the right to freely create new vampires, while others must ask permission before doing so. They may also extend power over anyone who enters the princes domain.

The Primogen

The Primogen is the assembly of elders within a given city. Each clan usually has at least one representative. The Primogen council is meant to be a legislative body, a representation of the various clans with regard to the governance of their city. The Primogen of a city can hold a great deal of power. It is their support that confirms a vampire as prince or sentences him to be food for the worms. If they wish, the Primogen may drive a prince from office with their recalcitrance or votes of no confidence.

The Seneschal

The seneschal is the prince’s personal assistant, and the one who knows what going on, the one who knows how to get things done and is generally the second in command, taking over the prince’s duties when they are not available.

The keeper of Elysium.

This Kindred is responsible for everything that occurs in Elysium.
(Quick briefing: Elysium is an area where no combat of any kind may take place, only social interactions between kindred. Breaking Elysium and fighting within it can result in a swift death the place that is Elysium is usually some kind of building.)
Anyone wishing to schedule an event within Elysium must firs speak with the keeper and ask for permission. The keeper may cancel an event at any time, on the grounds that it threatens security and the masquerade. (Whether or not the claim is accurate is irrelevant; the keeper uses this authority as they see fit) Keepers may be of any clan. Most are of Ancillae status. The job comes with heavy responsibility and very few perks. A keeper is responsible for everything that occurs within Elysium’s walls. While the position is a prestigious appointment and it can garner kindred a great deal of status and recognition it puts them under the intense watch of all of the “high up vampires”. On a nightly basis the keeper must be certain that Elysium abides by the rules regarding the established traditions. For one they may be forced to play host, stop weapons from being brought in and tackle any problem that occurs.

The Sheriff

The sheriff is typically the prince’s enforcer. As such they generally assist with the “Muscle” aspects of ruling, doing everything from hauling offenders into court to keeping order on the streets and occasionally bouncing fools from Elysium. During wartime the Sheriff is often called on to act as the war-chief, leading charges, planning and coordinating. A Sheriff may select deputies to assist him, who often act fully in his authority, but such appointments usually require a prince’s approval. By far, the vast majority of Sheriffs are Brujah and Gangrel.

The Scourge

The scourge scours the cities and the countryside surrounding them, searching for unauthorised childer and thin-bloods. The scourges job is to catch these and bring them before the prince for judgement. Scourges are lonely beings, as few Kindred are comfortable in their presence

The huddled masses

Not every vampire holds title; far from it, the vast majority of the sect’s members attend to their own business. The fact of the matter is that each vampire has eternity stretching before them, and had best find themselves something to do before the crushing ennui of the ages drives then mad. Politics is an option only to a few, as promotion is slow and bloody. This means most Kindred need to find some other interests and outlets. All the while adhering to the traditions and preserving the Masquerade. The most common diversion for the Kindred involves dabbling with Mortals. This can take many forms, from the arts to meddling with corporation. Other Kindred try to resume or assume mortal lives in order to stave off boredom.
Sam Akabara
Sam Akabara
The Camarilla
The Camarilla

Posts : 951
Join date : 2011-03-20
Age : 31
Location : England

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