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Your character bios.

Vincent Rogue
Raiden Akimoto
DeRon Ellis
Nicolas Djordjevic
Sheila Suzane
Marcus Campbell
Kevin Alymer
Simon Bourne
Alex Montgomery
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Your character bios. Empty Your character bios.

Post by Alex Montgomery Tue May 31, 2011 3:08 pm

Use this to describe your character in a more detailed way:


[center][Image of your character][/center]

[b]Eye color:[/b]
[b]Favorite food:[/b]
[b]Favorite dessert:[/b]
[b]Favorite drink:[/b]
[b]What he's good at:[/b]
[b]What he isn't so good at:[/b]
[b]The car he owns (Could include a image here too):[/b]
[b]The weapons he owns (Could include image/s here too):[/b]
[b]Description of his behaviour:[/b]
[b]Favorite animal:[/b]
[b]Medical problems (If he has any.):[/b]
Alex Montgomery
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Your character bios. Empty Re: Your character bios.

Post by Alex Montgomery Tue May 31, 2011 3:29 pm

Here's mine:

Your character bios. She-s-the-man-9

Name:Ryan Maxwell
Eye color:Green
Story: [Will add later...Haven't tought about a full one yet.]
Favorite food: Spaghetti and most of the salads
Favorite dessert:Chocolate Ice-Cream with cherry toping.
Favorite drink:R.C Coca-Cola and Heineken
Advantages:Has medical knowledge and knows how to heal most of the ''on field'' injuries.
Has survival skills.
Is quite agile after all the jogging he has done.
Knows how to handle most of the handguns.
Is cheerfull
Likes to help people.
He's really shy.
Pretty weak,doesn't take pain that good.
Gets easily hurt.
Doesn't have such a big muscle mass,not so powerfull..Pretty much the average.
Doesn't hit girls even if they attack and want to kill him.
Gets easily disgusted,has a weak stomach.
Can't drive properly at big speed.
Doesn't know how to fix anything at all.
Gets angered easily if his close ones are being hurt.
Doesn't have much stamina,gets easily tired.

The car he owns (Could include a image here too):Your character bios. Hotdog
His hotdog van
The weapons he owns (Could include image/s here too):
Your character bios. 3158933204_6f6d383547
Your character bios. Knife-ka-bar-knives-fixed-1252-usmc-short-wlthr-ws-ser
Description of his behaviour:He is the average guy except the werewolf part,anyhow he's a cheerfull person with a big knowledge and acts polite all the time.Likes to chat with friends and enjoys fooling around.
Favorite animal:His Border Collie puppy,Rusty.
Your character bios. Collie%252BPuppies%252B11011
Fears:Of getting hurt.
Of being threatened with a gun.
Of losing his friends.
Of losing his dog.
Of losing his hotdog van.
Of losing his status in the Feggari Pedia.
Of being rejected by anyone.
Medical problems (If he has any.):Agrophobia and a small case of AD/HD

Last edited by ChuckyFTW on Tue May 31, 2011 5:38 pm; edited 1 time in total
Alex Montgomery
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Your character bios. Empty Re: Your character bios.

Post by Simon Bourne Tue May 31, 2011 4:45 pm

Your character bios. Mattmu11

Name: Romeo Yuri Kovacs
Age: 27
P.o.B: Moscow, Russia.
Eye color: Green.
Story: Born within a poor working class family and heaving a dream to join the Spetsnaz or the F.S.B, Romeo enlisted in several different training courses within the Spetsnaz to try and become the best soldier the country could have, at the age of 20 he got accepted into the Spetsnaz, at the age of 25 he decided to call off Spetsnaz duties and joined the Federal Security Bureau, the F.S.B , after 2 years of successfull missions he decided to visit his cousin Bishop in San Andreas to check how he was.....but Bishop was in no shape to keep fighting, a strange Virus was growing in his body, so Bishop shot himself and Romeo, full of anger, wants to discover what happened to his only cousin.
Favorite food: Shrimp Pizza
Favorite dessert: Ice cream, mostly chocolate.
Favorite drink: Vodka.
What he's good at: Any weapon that you put in his hands, helicopters, planes and singing.
What he isn't so good at: Cars, boats and ladies.
The car he owns (Could include a image here too): Dodge RAM Full-back (Yosemite.)
The weapons he owns (Could include image/s here too): M-24 SWS, Grizzly Mark V .50 Semi-Auto Handgun and a Chainsaw.
Description of his behaviour: Calm, mostly lonely and silent.
Favorite animal: Fox.
Fears: Sharks and Snakes.
Medical problems (If he has any.): Short cases of P.T.S.D.

Last edited by RomeKovz on Fri Aug 12, 2011 11:54 pm; edited 1 time in total
Simon Bourne
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Your character bios. Empty Re: Your character bios.

Post by Cesar_Rivarez Tue May 31, 2011 5:33 pm

Here's Mine

[Image of your character]
Your character bios. Enrique-iglesias-3

Name:Cesar Draco Rivarez
P.o.B: South Mexico
Eye color: Brown Eye's
Story: Classified
Favorite food:Fried Chicken and MeatBalls
Favorite dessert: Ice cream and Chocolate Cake
Favorite drink: Jack Daniel's , Sprunk , Water
What he's good at: His good in Fighting and Driving
What he isn't so good at: His bad in English
The car he owns (Could include a image here too):Your character bios. 0804mt_23_z+west_coast_customs_tour+wcc_custom_car
The weapons he owns (Could include image/s here too):Your character bios. Mini
Your character bios. Bali1a
Description of his behaviour:His Always Pissed off and Angry , sometimes happy
Favorite animal:Your character bios. Siberian-husky
His Scared to lost his status in Fegarri Pedia
His Scared to lost his Friend and Family
His Scared to Face Lucifer in Personal
Medical problems (If he has any.):Nothing

Posts : 302
Join date : 2011-02-02
Age : 31
Location : Behind the Palomino bank..

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Your character bios. Empty Re: Your character bios.

Post by Kevin Alymer Sun Jun 05, 2011 9:49 pm

[Image of your character]




Eye color: Brown/Blue in wolf form.

Story: Much to say, but basically he tries to use his wolf form to try and keep balance between races.

Favorite food:Adamo's special burger from Edward's Pizza Shop/Chicken Meat, Deer meat.

Favorite dessert: Can't decide.

Favorite drink:Beer, Sprunk. Doesn't drink too much alchohol as he doesn't want to loose control and become a threat to others in his wolf form.

What he's good at: Driving his Sabre, Being secretive, Hunting in his human form, Investigating,Noticing details, Solving matters through words in stead of violence, experienced in sailing a boat/ship and more.

What he isn't so good at: Not good at relations with humans, lacks social skills when dealing with daily conversations. Knows nothing about flying something.

The car he owns (Could include a image here too): Black Sabre - He has owned it for some time and bought it from an ex cop, a.k.a Bishop Bourne. Black Huntely used in heavy duty jobs.

The weapons he owns (Could include image/s here too): Silver knife, silver sword, AK47. Prefers Uzis, Deagles, Shotguns for self defense.

Description of his behaviour:Serious, barely shows any signs of feelings most of the time, respects and doesn't interfere in one vs one fights unless it is fought unfairly. Approaches the enemy without hatred and has a conversation with him instead.

Favorite animal: Arrrr hard question.


- Someone he cares being harmed. Also his pack members being in danger.

- Balance to be completely lost.

- Not being able to solve an issue of his.

- Loosing his Sabre or it being destroyed. Someone stealing it or it being carried by a tow truck.

- Forced to go against his brother(Not blood related) Drake in case any of them loose their sanity as he does still care about him as a brother especially after he got to know him better right before the merge.

- Having to hunt a human. He believes more in turning someone into something that's worth it than having to hunt him/her down.

- Being betrayed.

- Having to hunt someone he is close to.

Dislikes: Clowns.

Medical problems (If he has any.): None as he is designed to fight/defend as a wolf without any problems to stop him.
Kevin Alymer
Kevin Alymer

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Your character bios. Empty Re: Your character bios.

Post by Marcus Campbell Mon Jun 06, 2011 7:21 pm

Name:Nick Jones

Your character bios. L_d76b13

P.o.B:Los Santos,San Andreas
Eye color:brown
Story:Nick was born in Los Santos San Andreas.His mother died when he was born and his father died when he was 8.After a few years of a bad foster family he moved out to Red County.There he started to get into more trouble.Later on he met Sean Bell he held a party soon after that he met Dwayne Ryder.They all did several crimes of which Nick regrets getting involved.He saw a defendless food vendor getting tortured.A cop getting killed.After their sun supplier Micheal Baptiste supplied him with guns he lost it after being robbed by Edward Moriarty and Ariel Virai.Nick started to get into more trouble untill Grove died.He decided to set up an organization mostly agaisnt his will but he needed the money.With his recruits Zohan Benzke,Jermain Campbell,Kieth Summers and his personal best friend Aaron Lee.He managed to keep it running togheter with a Black Market Guns sell.His son Robert suicided a while after.In the meantime he met a younger citizen named Chris Williams.Nick is still trying his best to keep Chris out of the bad circuit but he will never be able to hold it up forever.All he is hoping for is being a good person.
Favorite food:Neon Router's hotdogs
Favorite dessert:Butterfinger bar.
Favorite drink:Carlsberg
What he's good at: Being a kind guy.
Having Mercy
Trying to befriend everyone (even some cops (Victor Jankowski) (Ness Mecha)
Attempting to live a good life.(even though some people doesn't accept that (Edward Moriarty) (Adamo Esposito)
What he isn't so good at:Seeing people get killed by friends (Dwayne Ryder killing lost of people while Nick could've saved them)
The car he owns (Could include a image here too):An Elegy (pic added soon)
The weapons he owns (Could include image/s here too):Your character bios. Colt2011
Description of his behaviour:Being kind overall,Might somtimes forgets who he is.
Favorite animal:Dog.
Fears:Losing his friends
Being attacked at.
Being arrested.
Wolves (altough he tries to hide it while people suspect (Aaron Lee)
Medical problems (If he has any.):None.
Marcus Campbell
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Your character bios. Empty Re: Your character bios.

Post by Victor_Jankowski Sun Jul 03, 2011 1:15 am

Your character bios. 110505_Michael_P_Murphy

Name: Victor Patrick Jankowski
Age: 29
P.o.B: Los Santos, San Andreas
Eye color: Brown
Story: Victor P. Jankowski was born in Los Santos, where he saw acts of gangbanging. His parents were killed in a drive-by, and he lived with his uncle. When he was 20, he moved to Coronado, where he volunteered for two years in a frigate, and then joined the SEALs, due to his good record, and got promoted to Petty Officer First Class. He worked in both Iraq and Afghanisthan, where he learned about taking quick decisions, and brotherhood. He usually worked as them team's sniper, but he could use any weapon if necessary. When he was 25, he headed back to Los Santos, and decided to move to Red County when he was 28, looking for a calm life. That wasn't what he found.
Favorite food: Spaghetti, and most salads
Favorite dessert: Fruits, mostly apples
Favorite drink: Coffee
What he's good at: Diving, weapons, Helicopters, taking quick decisions, boats, rappeling
What he isn't so good at: Keeping his temper...
Abilities: Knows to disarm a man, also great in Demolitions, Swift, and a great Marksman.
The car he owns (Could include a image here too): Grand Jeep Cherokee 2007 (Huntley)
Your character bios. 2007-jeep-grand-cherokee
The weapons he owns (Could include image/s here too):
Your character bios. TM-MK23-SIDE
SOG SEAL 2000 Knife
Your character bios. 2293259574_2d3f8f2a67
M4A1 Carbine
Your character bios. M4andM203
Your character bios. Aja_rightside
Description of his behaviour: Mostly calm
Favorite animal: Eagles, who represent the military.
Fears: Fear of losing his friends, and sharks.
Medical problems (If he has any.): N/A
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Your character bios. Empty Harry Miller

Post by Miller Sat Jul 30, 2011 12:42 am

No recent images of Harry - Because I can't find any good pics to portray him.

Name: Harry Miller
Age: 22
P.o.B: Broker, Liberty City
Eye colour: Blue
Story: Harry was born in Liberty City and lived in Broker for the majority of his life. When he was 16 he moved out of his house in Broker and got a nice flat a few blocks down the road. Harry went to high school at the age of 11, he attended Broker High School and left with seven GCSE's A-C. He immediately moved onto University studying Law for 5 years at Algonquin University. When Harry was 19 his dad left his mother, when he was 21 his father was killed in a brutal mugging, which revealed a permanent weak point in his emotions and personality, a couple of months later after Harry's 22nd birthday, more crime was sweeping across the city, every time he stepped onto the street he feared for his life. In June the Liberty City bank was robbed with many police killed, Harry couldn't stand to live in fear any more, he boarded a plane to San Andreas, and arrived a couple of hours later. He met up with his cousin Skye. Harry currently lives with Skye, in hope to start a new life. About a week after Harry moved in with his cousin Skye, he started looking for houses and found quite a few, he later moved into 26 Palomino Creek.
Favourite food: Pancakes.
Favourite dessert: Chocolate Cake.
Favourite drink: Coca Cola.
What he's good at: Harry has actually never found time to find anything he is good at.
What he isn't so good at: Hearing bad news, handling extreme situations.
The car he owns: Just a Faggio moped until he can afford a proper car.
The weapons he owns: A metal baseball bat to protect himself from muggers.
Description of his behaviour: Harry is a quiet person, who rarely speaks to anyone, if put to a fight he will generally run away. His quiet attitude is down to his recent location movement and past.
Favourite animal: Cats.
Fears: Being mugged, having an emotional breakdown.
Medical problems (If he has any.): N/A.

Last edited by Miller on Wed Aug 10, 2011 12:42 am; edited 1 time in total
The Camarilla
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Your character bios. Empty Re: Your character bios.

Post by Sonerin Sat Jul 30, 2011 10:19 pm

*editing and posting a new one*

Last edited by Sonerin on Sat Aug 06, 2011 4:40 pm; edited 5 times in total
Expert Killer
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Your character bios. Empty Re: Your character bios.

Post by Sheila Suzane Sun Jul 31, 2011 9:40 am

Your character bios. Cbc9

Name: Sheila A. Suzane
Eye color:Sky Blue Pupils.
Story:Sheila had a wealthy family, but she was bored with life. She decided to grab some cash in her ATM and buy some plane tickets. Sheila went Around the world alone without anyone with her. But she had met people while she was at other countries. She had no money left and she had bought a ticket to a place called "Los Santos, San Andreas". She took the flight and when she was in Los Santos. She jacked someone's car and started driving to places. She lost gas at this place called Palomino Creek. She had met
Many people in the town nice people, freaky things and awkward events. One day she had met a man named "Razakel Nicolaou" they hung out for a long time, they started to have an affair with each other. A week after that he had taken me to the forest. He grins at me showing his sharp teeth then suddenly he bites me at the neck ((Embraced)).
She had felt a little weird after that. She had experienced weird things like speed strength and a craving for human flesh. After awhile she had met a man named "Romeo Kovacs". They started going out and they began to have an affair with each other. But Sheila was so confused, She started to think of a plan that would make her be alone for awhile. She invited her friends to the Beach, she portrayed that she was eaten by a shark. She hid in a far place that no one would ever suspected. One day she just went back to Palomino Creek, she noticed that non had recognized her, but some had.

Favorite food:Caesar Salad, shrimp, pochi ((candy)).
Favorite dessert:Blueberry Cheesecake.
Favorite drink:Strawberry Milkshake
What she's good at:Running, cooking, drawing, composing music.
What she isn't so good at:Shooting, hitting people, driving.
The car she owns (Could include a image here too):VW JesterYour character bios. Jester Dinghy
Your character bios. Dinghu
The weapons she owns (Could include image/s here too): KatanaYour character bios. Katanasword Brass KnucklesYour character bios. Brassknuckle
Description of his behaviour: She is a nice happy person, she is a friendly person, you can talk to her at any time. When she is mad she does whatever she want.
Favorite animal:Polar bear Cub ((Awww So cutey Wutey :3))Your character bios. Polarbeaixi
Fears: Fire, loved ones dying, dying, getting shot, getting tortured.
Medical problems (If he has any.):Have been to the hospital many times due to crashing all the time.

Last edited by Sheila on Tue Aug 02, 2011 9:21 am; edited 1 time in total
Sheila Suzane
Sheila Suzane
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Your character bios. Empty Re: Your character bios.

Post by Nicolas Djordjevic Sun Jul 31, 2011 3:26 pm

Your character bios. Lars-ulrich-by-Olarek

Name: Nicolas Djordjevic
Age: Around 230
P.o.B: Hospital, no wait... Hospital weren't able back then so it was his family house...
Eye color: Brown.
Story: Nicolas was born in small town long time ago while Balkan decided to rise against the power of Turkish Empire... He was embraced by Serbian Commander of the Rebel Army for... He actually forgot the reason. After years and years fighting against Turks, Nicolas was finally happy to live in free country again. He managed to survive both World Wars. Later, in 1950 he decided to complete his dead brother's dream, AKA going to America... But FUCK he shouldn't even go there! After five bloody years he had to participate in Vietnam War... Somehow he managed to survive it and to live happily in city full of Kindred, Los Santos... Well, he realized that licking the ass of the current Prince and doing his dirty work is being really annoying and retarded, so once again he decided to move into smaller place with no Princes at all. Finally! He found Palomino Creek.. No wolves.. No Prince, No Inquisition, No Cammies no Anarchs no nothing! Only small amount of vampires hanging around in old country bar... But time passed by, some guy was sent into Red Country to take control of it due to lots of vampires doing shit like jumping on the roof tops of bank with their jump and racing down the street with their speed... Nicolas was disappointed to have a Prince again, tho', he didn't needed to do anything for this one... So it was the same.. well... we couldn't have those god damn races anymore! But fuck it, everything started falling off the cliff... Some werewolf pack leader came into Palomino and brought his small army of thee werewolves... Duh they had to fight each other that was really stupid. Then his band died like most of his friends, he entered into dark and depressive life... After some time he managed to find few wolf buddies, but some Wolf with Sword on his back managed to stay between their friendship, that problem was solved too. Now Nicolas is sitting in his chair in his house.. Wondering should he drive Jester all day long or Freeway... People, that is hard decision to make.
Favorite food: Blood.
Favorite dessert: Blood.
Favorite drink: Blood.
What he's good at: Bloo-.. I mean. Well, driving vehicles since that's what he's mostly doing, hugging rabbits and Grizzly Bears, shooting at walls at his home and singing and playing the same songs all day long until he doesn't realizes that he's hungry, summoning animals to have some fun with him and similar stuff.
What he isn't so good at: Cooking, washing, cleaning, singing, playing guitar, he had a band but they all died or suicided because he sucks at singing and playing.
The car he owns (Could include a image here too): Jester and Freeway.
The weapons he owns (Could include image/s here too): First of thy Unholy Vampire: Your character bios. Making-a-fist-1
Description of his behaviour: He seems like an EMO all the time because he got bored of living so long and he lost shitloads of wifes and friends, sometimes he likes to look retarded for no reason at all, like shouting at random people and annoying them with his ads over the Internet, TV, and radio.
Favorite animal: Bunnies and Grizzly Bears as I stated before.
Fears: Fear of Jager, Fear of Jager's brother, Fear of whole Jager's family, fear of all Jager's magic swords, fear of anything Jager related, fear of his dead exes, he's worried that they won't come back to life and kill him. ( For some retarded reason... )
Medical problems (If he has any.): Need of drinking blood and vomiting human food, no cure for this medical problem called Vampirism.

Last edited by Nicolas on Tue Aug 30, 2011 10:35 pm; edited 1 time in total
Nicolas Djordjevic
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Your character bios. Empty Re: Your character bios.

Post by DeRon Ellis Fri Aug 05, 2011 1:41 am

Your character bios. JamieFoxx

Name: DeRon Ellis
Age: 24
P.o.B: Kings, San Fierro
Eye color: Brown
Story: Growing up in San Fierro did wonders for DeRon's childhood life. He never had many problems in his childhood life. His hobbies included trips the beach and shooting at the pubic range. DeRon worked hard to follow his father's foot steps. In college, DeRon took up courses in Psychology and Criminal justice. At the age of 23, he had completed his courses and when into the police academy. After excelling above his class and proving himself as a worthy cadet, a retired F.T.O. recommended that he look for employment in the Sheriff's Department. Seeing an opportunity to surpass his father's progress in the police department, he quickly agreed to move into Red County. After a three hour flight, he touched down in a long field. Looking around, he quickly felt out of place. He was wearing a $250 dollar suit at the time. After many strange stares from the locals, he decided to hurry up and arrange a meeting with the County Sheriff. After four long hours, he failed to find the Sheriff's Department. Having only $2000 dollars, he made a payment for a motel room so he could have it for the month. Seeing that he wasn't going to find the Sheriff anytime soon, he decided to look around for work. At first, he gave fishing a try, but failed miserably. On his way to turn in the 20 pounds of fish he struggled to catch, he met a farmer selling an old Crop Harvester. He decided to buy the Harvester, and now works on a farm among a group of farmers. He now spends his days harvesting crops and searching for someone to point him in the direction of his goals.
Favorite food: Sushi, fried rice.
Favorite dessert: New York Style Cheesecake
Favorite drink: Water
What he's good at: Improvising, smooth talking, playing saxophone, retaining information, proficient with handguns and automatic rifles, fair at hand to hand combat.
What he isn't so good at: Holding conversation with strange men, baking, operating at heights, keeping cool when cornered or trapped.
The car he owns (Could include a image here too): Crop Harvester
Your character bios. 61GOD00Z
The weapons he owns (Could include image/s here too): USP.45 Compact
Your character bios. Usp45comp
Description of his behaviour: Calm and cool in pubic. Ignorant and disrespectful to thugs and criminals.
Favorite animal: Jack Russel Terrier
Your character bios. Jack_Russell_Sophie
Fears: Heights, Sea Monsters, dying alone.
Medical problems (If he has any.): N/A

DeRon Ellis
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Your character bios. Empty Re: Your character bios.

Post by Sonerin Sat Aug 06, 2011 4:46 pm

Your character bios. MCsO1

Name: Rudolf 'Rudy' Krieger
Age: 15.
P.o.B: Germany, Frankfurt.
Eye color: Dark brown.
Favorite food: Women.
Favorite dessert: Hates desserts.
Favorite drink: Coca-Cola.
What he's good at: He is good at internet stuff. He can crack into governmental websites, hack online games. He is very lean towards street-fighting, as he is a Hammerskin.
The weapons he owns: N/A
Description of his behaviour: Has a good sense of humor, is very friendly to people. He likes to make friends and walk around.
Favorite animal: Horse.
Fears: Death. Nuclear warfare. Darkness. Being alone and isolated.
Medical problems (If he has any.): Asbestosis.
Expert Killer
Expert Killer

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Your character bios. Empty Re: Your character bios.

Post by Raiden Akimoto Sat Aug 06, 2011 5:26 pm

Your character bios. 174014_100002083411582_4262430_n

Name: Adrian Marcus Lee
Age: 17
P.o.B: New York
Eye color: Sky Blue
Story: ((Will add soon..))
Favorite food: Fried Chicken
Favorite dessert: McFlurry Oreo
Favorite drink: Monster Energy Drinks
What he's good at: Free Running and Assassinating
What he isn't so good at: Sleeping
The car he owns (Could include a image here too): Chevrolet Camaro 1969
Your character bios. 1969-Chevrolet-Camaro
The weapons he owns (Could include image/s here too): Hidden Blade, Knife and Silenced Pistol
Your character bios. Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTo1jTNcnW1BACqaMarJHnMJOvJ46uNx1pwtHNlBPAS4HZGFog_cA
Your character bios. MUS10058Your character bios. 400px-RugerMkIIStandard
Description of his behaviour: Quiet and mysterious
Favorite animal: Wolf and cat
Fears: God
Medical problems (If he has any.): None
Raiden Akimoto
Raiden Akimoto
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Your character bios. Empty Re: Your character bios.

Post by Vincent Rogue Fri Aug 12, 2011 3:15 pm

Human Form:Your character bios. Vvr
Lycanthrope Form:Your character bios. Vincent

Name:Vincent V.((Valentine)) Rogue
[/b]D.o.B:[/b]October 14, 1981
Eye color:Dark Grey
Story:Vincent Rogue born on October 14, 1981 he was born with the Dormant blood, his father was a Vampire and his Mother
was a Werewolf. He had a sister named Sheila A. Suzane. One day while Sheila had ran away from home, Vincent
had found some used tickets to Palomino Creek, San Andreas. Vincent immediately went there, when he arrived he got a text
that his parents we're murdered. He was very mad. A couple of days he saw his sister with excitement. He saw that
Sheila has been with a man named Romeo. Vincent was mad because Sheila was still young. Then some days had passed
he bought a house. Then a car then a motorcycle. After a few days there was these groups of people that took him somewhere
and he was scarred on the eye. He was turned into his dark side his lycanthrope form. Then he became very powerful, he started
to train oftenly and he had killed lots of Vampires. He was Shocked one day he had learned that Sheila had turned into a
Vampire. He was very mad and furious that he destroyed his own house. Then after some trainings. Vincent became bulk
larger chest shoulder legs in his Lycanthrope Form. He was in the society called Fegarri Pedia. He didn't want
obeying rules from Kinigos and Dio's so he quit'ed He started playing by his own rules by his life. It was very
Fun for him. He enjoyed being alone with his own rules. Some time later he had heard that Sheila had passed away,
because she was eaten by a shark, Vincent got mad,furious he went out and tried to beat up Romeo. After a few days
Vincent became Numb, to his feelings, nothing was left to him. He had started to kill again. A year later, Sheila had
came back to Palomino Creek and showed up to Vincent. Vincent was surprised, He felt very very awkward.
He then went away for awhile. After awhile someone had bought his house. So he got mad and killed the new owner
and took the house.

Favorite food:Chicken,Pork chop, Lechon((Roasted Pig)), Human meat, Chicken Lollipop, Taco, Hotdog, Cheesedog, Longsilog, Bacon Eggs and Rice.
Favorite dessert:Kit Kat, M&M's, Hersheys, Black Forest.
Favorite drink:Mango Banana Milkshake, Mixed Shake.
What he's good at:Fighting, Blowing things up, killing, punching, decapitating, slicing things.
What he isn't so good at:Handling his temper, being patient, handling his hunger.
The car he owns (Could include a image here too):None
The weapons he owns (Could include image/s here too):None
Description of his behaviour:He is easily mad, he is not patient, he kills people without any sign when furious. He is nice, funny,
Favorite animal:Wolves
Fears:Silver Bullets, Nothing else.
Medical problems (If he has any.):He had been shot several times, he has suffered from heart disease lately.
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Your character bios. Empty Re: Your character bios.

Post by Aaron_Lee Fri Aug 12, 2011 7:16 pm

Your character bios. De55046cd1e4d1e02e364c60b2e02266

Name: Aaron 'Leeroy' Lee.
Age: 29
P.o.B: Italy, but half chinese.
Eye color: Dark brown
Story: Born in Italy, lived there until he was 9. Migrated to San Andreas to avoid troubles with some Italian Mafians. After 18, Graduating High School in LV University. He went to Collage studied some courses Marketing etc... He then met some Amercan mafians during college. They turned out to rob his house, killing Aaron's father and mother at the age of 19. He then joined an Italian mafia called CSF, which he is currently an Underboss. [As of August 12]

Update: CSF was shut down and Leeroy started his own Corporation along with old, trustful friends he has.

Favorite food: Pasta, mostly Pesto and Red Sauce/ Pizza/ Steak, any ind as long as it has quality.
Favorite dessert: Ice cream, Yogurt
Favorite drink: Black Coffee.
What he's good at: Shooting a gun, All sorts.
What he isn't so good at: Making friends.
The car he owns (Could include a image here too):
Pheonix [Fire Bird] :Your character bios. PontiacFirebird1
The weapons he owns (Could include image/s here too):
MP5, Customized: Your character bios. Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ1u0hy5fKpWO0aojNlfFHLi2HjbcwqsMmz1xqC0HR4mqTCV_T6
Colt Python .45 Magnum, Silver Plated. [Deagle] Your character bios. 357colt-python
Description of his behaviour: Silent. Wants respect from people.
Favorite animal: Arowana, One in our HQ. [Chili red breed] Your character bios. Red-Dragon-Fish-01
Fears: Caleb Simms Death.
Medical problems (If he has any.): None.

Last edited by Aaron_Lee on Thu Oct 06, 2011 2:40 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Your character bios. Empty Re: Your character bios.

Post by Raiden Akimoto Fri Aug 12, 2011 7:20 pm

Aaron_Lee wrote:
Your character bios. De55046cd1e4d1e02e364c60b2e02266

Name: Aaron 'Leeroy' Lee.
Age: 24
P.o.B: Italy, but half chinese.
Eye color: Dark brown
Story: Born in Italy, lived there until he was 9. Migrated to San Andreas to avoid troubles with some Italian Mafians. After 18, Graduating High School in LV University. He went to Collage studied some courses Marketing etc... He then met some Amercan mafians during college. They turned out to rob his house, killinh Aaron's father and mother at the age of 19. He then joined an Italian mafia called CSF, which he is currently an Underboss. [As of August 12]
Favorite food: Pasta, mostly Pesto and Red Sauce/ Pizza/ Steak, any ind as long as it has quality.
Favorite dessert: Ice cream, Yogurt
Favorite drink: Black Coffee.
What he's good at: Shooting a gun, All sorts.
What he isn't so good at: Making friends.
The car he owns (Could include a image here too):
Pheonix [Fire Bird] :Your character bios. PontiacFirebird1
and Hustler[30's Ford Hotrod]: Your character bios. 36PONT
The weapons he owns (Could include image/s here too):
MP5, Customized: Your character bios. Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ1u0hy5fKpWO0aojNlfFHLi2HjbcwqsMmz1xqC0HR4mqTCV_T6
Colt Python .45 Magnum, Silver Plated. [Deagle] Your character bios. 357colt-python
Description of his behaviour: Silent. Wants respect from people.
Favorite animal: Arowana, One in our HQ. [Chili red breed] Your character bios. Red-Dragon-Fish-01
Fears: Caleb Simms Death.
Medical problems (If he has any.): None.

L.A Noir much. Razz
Raiden Akimoto
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Your character bios. Empty Re: Your character bios.

Post by Outcast Mon Aug 22, 2011 5:03 am

Your character bios. Maurice_Boscorelli

Name: Marcus Keaton
Age: 20
P.o.B: Liberty City
Eye color: Brown
Story: Born in a poor family, after finishing high-school worked as a security guard. Moved to Palomino Creek when he was 18, almost 19 years old. Has been working in RCSD ever since.
Favorite food: Spaghetti
Favorite dessert: Ice cream
Favorite drink: Beer
What he's good at: Shooting, driving
What he isn't so good at: Resolving problems, talking with people
The car he owns (Could include a image here too): Buffalo
The weapons he owns (Could include image/s here too): Colt .45
Description of his behaviour: Impulsive, not too chatty.
Favorite animal: Bear
Fears: Spiders, wolfs
Medical problems (If he has any.):

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Your character bios. Empty Re: Your character bios.

Post by ArielV Mon Aug 22, 2011 3:44 pm


What he's good at: Free Running and Assassinating The weapons he owns (Could include image/s here too): Hidden Blade,

What, the fuck, assassin's creed ripoff much.


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Your character bios. Empty Re: Your character bios.

Post by Nicolas Djordjevic Mon Aug 22, 2011 5:48 pm

ArielV wrote:OffTopic:

What he's good at: Free Running and Assassinating The weapons he owns (Could include image/s here too): Hidden Blade,

What, the fuck, assassin's creed ripoff much.

Someone likes cookies, Someone likes ponies, Someone attention,...

And someone likes Assassin's Creed...

...And Freedom of choice For All.
Nicolas Djordjevic
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Your character bios. Empty Re: Your character bios.

Post by Al Mon Sep 05, 2011 11:31 pm

I played on one server long time ago,and I got few bios, read if you want. Thanks. I am the author of this one,I love to write.

Your character bios. Me_at_10

New England US, Fall of 8th November 1985 – The Birth of Little boy
Beautiful golden leaves, turbulent water past the river and the weak autumn breeze as the smell of good news. It was one bright spot in the troubled lives of Jack and Sarah Bullock, the Irish refugee who moved to America in the hope of a better life. They lived in a three-room apartment overlooking the river at Hampshire. Those were tough times. Jack has worked in the police department in this small town, while Sarah stayed at home keeping the baby. On that rainy day on November the eighth, baby was born.With blue eyes, a few pounds heavy, with cuddly view and brighter complexion. He was a boy, and they named him Seth.

New Hampshire, Spring of 20th April 1993 – Growing up
Seth was very lively and joyful child.He liked to play in the meadows and pastures with other children. He was a healthy child full of energy. Years passed in joy. When he was 7 years old he went to elementary school of St. John. He gained many friends, he began to take an interest in cars and law and order. Shortly after the end of primary school decided to try his hand at the Police Academy.He is a graduate with honors and went for his dream of becoming a cop.

Angel Pine,Whetstone SA,Summer of 5th August 2003 – Promotion
Seth had graduated from the police academy and became a first grade cadet. He got a transfer at the small town of Angel Pine to work as a deputy sheriff. The town was very nice, all the houses looked like each other, the streets were clean, there was the smell of nature and hear the hubbub of happy peasants.City was not in crime, sometimes it happens a robbery of pump, a fight between people, but nothing seriously. Seth became friends with Sheriff Leeroy Arellano, he learned him how to handle with weapons,they kept the city together in peace.

Angel Pine,Whetstone SA, Winter of 15th January 2011 – New Chance
It's been several years since he came here.The city was too calm for Seth, who had hoped an adventure and a better opportunity.He became very skilled with weapons and a very experienced driver, thanks to Sheriff Arellano.One day a telegram arrived.
It read: "Dear Seth Bullock, few years passed since you're in the service. Suddenly, an officer left our service in Los Santos, the place is empty. You got the offer to become a member of our Police Department. We hope that you will make the right decision. Read carefully, and contact us about your opinions. All the best, the Police chief Jake Tyler. "
Shortly thereafter, Seth has decided to answer the call and goes a long way to Los Santos. Angel Pine has remained in good memory, as well as good old Leeroy.
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Your character bios. Empty Re: Your character bios.

Post by DeRon Ellis Wed Sep 07, 2011 3:41 am

Your character bios. Cutcaster-photo-800883217-Mexican-Cowboy-in-a-Meadow

Name: Preston Taylor
Age: 34
P.o.B: Waco,Texas
Eye color: Redish-Brown
Preston Taylor, 17 year old, high school boy. Grew up in Waco, Texas working on a farm with his parents and three younger sisters. The Taylors lived on the outskirts of town, where they maintained 125 acres of land. Preston's regular day would be, going to school on the weekdays, coming home, completing homework, then help his father with working in the field. His sisters would help their mother harvest crops and get them ready to be picked up by local merchants. All went well until Preston begin going to high school. As usual, he had his friends like any other high schooler would have, but Preston also had a 1987 GMC Sierra and a large field that would hide most of the stupid shit he and his friends pulled. Late one night, Preston and four of his friends managed to get two girls drunk at a pub near his home. Everyone was way too drunk to drive so they had random stranger take them to the field. Everything seemed fine and alright, but after getting to the field, the stranger pulled a .45 and ordered the boys out of the truck. After complying with the man's orders, he got back in and took off with the truck and the two drunk women. The next morning, Preston decided to tell his father that he had lost the truck after getting drunk. Ofcourse, his father was upset, but he became enraged when the truck had been reported three days after that. The truck had been found just outside of Dallas with two bodies, cut up and deposed in a large trash bag. The local Sheriff's Department couldn't find any hard evidence showing that Preston committed any crimes, so they eventually cut him out of the picture. Though the law had looked over his mistakes that night, the locals wouldn't. The whole family was out casted. They couldn't go around where without random violence and hate crimes committed against them. Eventually, their crops stopped selling. Preston's father decided that the family should leave.

Preston Taylor, 27 year old, forklift operator. After moving to Pine Nut, Nevada, Preston was forced to join his father, working at a Trucking and Logistics company. The company was large and shipped to the larger cities in Nevada. The manager welcomed the two with open arms. Seeing that Preston's father was older, yet husky looking man, he decided to give him a trucking route after he finished training. Preston was put to work in the warehouse, where he drove a forklift and moved pallets for hours. The jobs racked in a good amount of pay. The pay was so well, they were able to send Preston's 19 year old sister to college before the year was up. The trucking company usually got men looking for quick cash. After the first few good paychecks, they'd leave the company and go on to bigger things, but Preston and his family decided to settle down in Pine Nut. Preston's father, quickly got promoted to shift supervisor and Preston started driving his own trucking route afterwards.

Preston Taylor, 34 year old, Larson Trucking and Logistics, Plant Supervisor. Larson Trucking and Logistics, eventually decided to expand Eastward. The head of Larson Trucking and Logistics, Fred Larson, decided to have some trusted me move out East to setup the companies. Among those men, Preston's father. Preston was ready to move with his family, but Fred had another plan to put in motion. He bought out a small lot in California, and was going to offer it to another man to run, but he wanted to see if the Preston wanted it first. Seeing that he actually had an opportunity to move away from his family, he took it. Preston and his family spent the next two days packing and clearing out the old house in Pine Nut. After they found a buyer for the house, Preston went his separate way...

Preston Taylor, arrived in Palomino three days later by a Greyhound bus. Totally lost and confused on what to do next, he began to make a To Do List. After making his list, he quickly realized that he was on his own. He had to fund himself and buy everything he needed himself. Preston now wanders the countryside in search of odd jobs and ways to get money without putting himself in debt.

Favorite food: Southern Style Potpies
Favorite dessert: Peach Cobbler
Favorite drink:
What he's good at: Trucking, man to man brawling
What he isn't so good at: Driving smaller cars. ((He calls them "Chickmobiles")), Handling automatic weapons
The car he owns (Could include a image here too):
1990 Chevy Silverado
Your character bios. 0811chp_12_zchevy_readers_rides_muscle_cars1990_chevy_silverado_ss

The weapons he owns (Could include image/s here too):
M870 Shotgun
Your character bios. 50_rem870entry
Your character bios. Left

Description of his behaviour: Friendly to those he's gotten to know, stubborn and snippy to anyone else.
Favorite animal: German Shepard
Fears: Hand Grenades, uncontrolled fires
Medical problems (If he has any.): None

DeRon Ellis
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Your character bios. Empty Re: Your character bios.

Post by Sonerin Mon Sep 12, 2011 9:42 pm

Nicolas wrote:
ArielV wrote:OffTopic:

What he's good at: Free Running and Assassinating The weapons he owns (Could include image/s here too): Hidden Blade,

What, the fuck, assassin's creed ripoff much.

Someone likes cookies, Someone likes ponies, Someone attention,...

And someone likes Assassin's Creed...

...And Freedom of choice For All.

Sure. I'll roleplay a psycho and deathmatch script kill everyone I see. Hey, freedom of choice yo.
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Your character bios. Empty Re: Your character bios.

Post by Simon Bourne Mon Sep 12, 2011 9:43 pm

Sonerin wrote:
Nicolas wrote:
ArielV wrote:OffTopic:

What he's good at: Free Running and Assassinating The weapons he owns (Could include image/s here too): Hidden Blade,

What, the fuck, assassin's creed ripoff much.

Someone likes cookies, Someone likes ponies, Someone attention,...

And someone likes Assassin's Creed...

...And Freedom of choice For All.

Sure. I'll roleplay a psycho and deathmatch script kill everyone I see. Hey, freedom of choice yo.

Keep 'em psychos on a leash.
Simon Bourne
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Your character bios. Empty Re: Your character bios.

Post by Nicolas Djordjevic Mon Sep 12, 2011 9:48 pm

Sonerin wrote:
Nicolas wrote:
ArielV wrote:OffTopic:

What he's good at: Free Running and Assassinating The weapons he owns (Could include image/s here too): Hidden Blade,

What, the fuck, assassin's creed ripoff much.

Someone likes cookies, Someone likes ponies, Someone attention,...

And someone likes Assassin's Creed...

...And Freedom of choice For All.

Sure. I'll roleplay a psycho and deathmatch script kill everyone I see. Hey, freedom of choice yo.

Sure thing bro! You can do whatever makes you happy.

Even killing people is allowed! Now, grab your shotgun already and kill 'em all.
Nicolas Djordjevic
Nicolas Djordjevic
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