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** The sound of a Ibanez bass guitar rings out from the backyard of 28 PC**

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** The sound of a Ibanez bass guitar rings out from the backyard of 28 PC** Empty ** The sound of a Ibanez bass guitar rings out from the backyard of 28 PC**

Post by The_Noble Tue Jun 14, 2011 3:18 am

((PS to the owner of a house, RPly jumped into yer' backyard like a criminal))
*The melody of the song Soldier Blue by The Cult can be heard throughout PC*
*To those who look to see who is playing, you'd see a 11 year old girl holding the guitar that is nearly bigger than her*
*The name of the girl is unbeknownst to everyone, but it seems that you've seen her before*
*She looks up occasionally to smile at her own playing*
*After two minutes of playing, she takes her equipment and jumps the fence, dissapearing into fog*

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