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Tame wolvies

Sam Akabara
Jamie Steel
Terry Winston
Kevin Alymer
Ronaldo Cortez
Alex Montgomery
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Tame wolvies Empty Tame wolvies

Post by Alex Montgomery Sat Jul 09, 2011 8:40 pm

They shouldn't be allowed, it's a frigging pain in the arse. . .Noone roleplays fear anymore because of them, and it's just retarded to see 7-8 wolves every day in the city going around licking people and themselves, back when there were only 4 werewolves, including Rudy, people actually roleplayed being afraid of the whole race, but now they just became like somekind of adorable furry creatures.I've got tired of 'em all.
Really, don't you think that seeing a bunch of wolves playing fetch with a gangster in a country-side town is quite...Stupid?
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Tame wolvies Empty Re: Tame wolvies

Post by Samara Sat Jul 09, 2011 8:50 pm

I have been attacking people, trying to invoke some sort of fear recently, there are only a couple who I trust, But people just don't RP fear properly, which is really annoying, I have no problem with tame wolves, like the one who works with the SD for example, as long as it is RPed properly, then I see no problem, but humans do need to start RPing fear.

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Tame wolvies Empty Re: Tame wolvies

Post by Guest Sat Jul 09, 2011 8:52 pm

As a "Tame wolVIE" I disagree. If someone's not taking you seriously, then you have more a reason to attack him.
You ain't going to kill all the friendly stray animals in town just because your a group of wild stray animals? Big meh. I am disappoint.
Anyway, that's a stupid rule to do. There are people in real life who have domesticated wolves and huskies, so I see no problems with Tame Wolves. Not every animal wants to kill everything in sight like most of you wolves, especially Fegarri, which has the most wolves who ruin roleplays such as an arrest or a EMS taking someone to hospital by attacking everyone in fucking plain sight "cause your hungry".
Besides, there isn't some force that stops EVERY wolf from NOT killing everyone. That's only with some werewolves.


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Tame wolvies Empty Re: Tame wolvies

Post by Alex Montgomery Sat Jul 09, 2011 9:01 pm

Did I say that wolves are supposed to kill everything in sight?
Just 5 minutes ago IG me and Ronaldo got attacked by 4 wolves IN THE MIDDLE OF THE DAY when there were around 3 other humans around, they just stood there and watched.Also IRL you don't see wolves walking around the town licking people or getting petted, do you?
Werewolves are supposed to be mystical creatures, not a bunch of dogs.
EDIT:Also stop pulling out that FP shit, if you have something against them deal with it, don't bring it up in every single topic adressed to wolves.
EDIT2:Also there was some wolf rping grabbing a katana by it's slice in the muzzle but not roleplaying any injury from it such as toungue being cut or sides of the muzzle.It's getting pathetic.
Alex Montgomery
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Tame wolvies Empty Re: Tame wolvies

Post by Ronaldo Cortez Sat Jul 09, 2011 9:07 pm

Acculty i think we got Attacked for no reason and Humans Should Start RPing fear They Wolfes not Funny creatures

PS: Can a Wolf Grabs a Katana with his teeth and crash it without hurting any thing in his Mouse ? Suspect

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Tame wolvies Empty Re: Tame wolvies

Post by Kevin Alymer Sat Jul 09, 2011 9:36 pm

I agree. We are giving humans the wrong idea on us. I don't have a problem with one or two tame wolvies with name tags on them, but we can't have too much of them.

Fegarri is getting new laws added though, and there is a law about avoiding attention in daylight and to actually not even hunt for food at daylight.
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Tame wolvies Empty Re: Tame wolvies

Post by Terry Winston Sun Jul 10, 2011 12:33 am

I agree but what i would say is a wolf ( dog size ) people would still be scary people are always cautious around them however werewolves are big fucking untamble meat eaters you wouls shit you pants if you see one. In fact you woudn,t even have chance to shit your self it would just tear you apart. I think if you want to be a "tame wolf" then we need to create a new race called DOGS! not wolves. I think wolves on server should stay out of town as people would probally hunt them down of course they can come in to kill but not just stroll around.
Best way to inforce this is if people see wolves ashume there dangerous and shoot on site.

Terry Winston
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Tame wolvies Empty Re: Tame wolvies

Post by Kevin Alymer Sun Jul 10, 2011 12:52 am

machete wrote:I agree but what i would say is a wolf ( dog size ) people would still be scary people are always cautious around them however werewolves are big fucking untamble meat eaters you wouls shit you pants if you see one. In fact you woudn,t even have chance to shit your self it would just tear you apart. I think if you want to be a "tame wolf" then we need to create a new race called DOGS! not wolves. I think wolves on server should stay out of town as people would probally hunt them down of course they can come in to kill but not just stroll around.
Best way to inforce this is if people see wolves ashume there dangerous and shoot on site.

I'd think twice before I petted a dog. More than twice.

Same goes with a chiuaua, it can bite your finger, even though its so small. Its normal human instinct.
Kevin Alymer
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Tame wolvies Empty Re: Tame wolvies

Post by Jamie Steel Sun Jul 10, 2011 1:22 am

Kevin wrote:
I'd think twice before I petted a dog. More than twice.

Same goes with a chiuaua, it can bite your finger, even though its so small. Its normal human instinct.
I don't really have any fear for dogs, even if they are snarling and growling. Although that's cos i've got a massive dog xD

You shouldn't forbid "Tame Wolves" you should just... Stop running around town and acting like dogs.

Tame wolvies 2938710350_39dba6b9af
This is a dog.

Tame wolvies 0100wolf
This is a wolf.

Now, I would be rather apprehensive about this type of animal, I wouldn't walk up to the thing, and let it get close enough to lick me. Because if it's close enough to lick my face, it's close enough to rip it off.

Besides, wolves have TONS of parasites and stuff anyways, why the hell would you want it licking you?

There can be Garou that doesn't like violence, but they'd be hermits, living in the forests, not walking around town in public where they could get hunted down by people/ other Garou.
Jamie Steel
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Tame wolvies Empty Re: Tame wolvies

Post by Sam Akabara Sun Jul 10, 2011 1:39 am

Jamie found insanity wolf.
Tame wolvies Steal

But yeah. Gotta say. I don't like the whole "These wolves r cute, let's give them luv" thing. It's very annoying.

Also. You don't have to go around KILLING EVERYTHING. You could, you know, try and find other things to do.
Sam Akabara
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Tame wolvies Empty Re: Tame wolvies

Post by Odin Sun Jul 10, 2011 3:23 am

I myself rp a neutral wolf, which means I can kill you with no hesitation but I am also nice to people I trust such as close friends and people who saved me from a few troubles.
People should really stop and coming to pet us or talk to us like we are some cute fluffy dogs.
I attacked some guy and ate his ass while other are either standing there or trying to be "heros" and wrestle me away from him. Seriously start acting like you would in real life.

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Tame wolvies Empty Re: Tame wolvies

Post by Nicolas Djordjevic Sun Jul 10, 2011 10:01 am

Honey Badger wrote: They shouldn't be allowed, it's a frigging pain in the arse. . .Noone roleplays fear anymore because of them, and it's just retarded to see 7-8 wolves every day in the city going around licking people and themselves, back when there were only 4 werewolves, including Rudy, people actually roleplayed being afraid of the whole race, but now they just became like somekind of adorable furry creatures.I've got tired of 'em all.
Really, don't you think that seeing a bunch of wolves playing fetch with a gangster in a country-side town is quite...Stupid?

People should be afraid of wolves...

I don't honestly know why are they even allowing them to lick them and smell their asses and such.

Its not up to wolves, its up to people.

But I honestly don't think that there should be "No tame wolves at all".

Maybe few of them, but not five of them walking on the streets like fluffy little doggies and licking everyone allowing them to pet them like some dogs or something because that looks... Gay. (( Yeah I RPed that shit didn't realized it is Non-RP.. so don't blame me after saying this. ))

I don't mind of one of them are "tame" but more than two are just too much, but honestly, I never seen an group of wolves being gay-tame (( Licking and getting petted non-stop )) on the streets to be honest.

Basically, there SHOULD be tame wolves, but not ten of them... In my opinion.
Nicolas Djordjevic
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Tame wolvies Empty Re: Tame wolvies

Post by Kevin Alymer Sun Jul 10, 2011 10:40 am

Also wolves should be afraid of being hunted down. Humans with guns can scare wolves too.
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Tame wolvies Empty Re: Tame wolvies

Post by Daniel Wilhelm Tue Jul 12, 2011 6:18 am

Eh.. I say leave CERTAIN "Tame Wolvies" alone, IF they actually rp correctly. Good.. But.. Ya cant Just be like "Yer annoying, Gtfo" Tbh your talkin to another person, and if they take things... Well... To mind... Well.. "War Alert"

But In my eyes, I like them, They dont attack ems(Have you ever heard of an ambulance being.. Attacked? Irl? I havent.) Tbh, Its good, Im known by Certains to save people(How many people actually Rp being a medic, as Sam Stated..) Well. I like tame wolves.

As for EMS... I cant do a thing about it as i am only a Co Leader. Mia Is the main leader, and.. I have "Other" things to attend to.. as most of you very well know..

But Make the tame Wolfs "By admin Permission Only" Take the time to read the apps, and take them.. It will lead to a better population count.. .. Same for Vamps.. Organize everything.. and such. Takes time, Yes, Effort, Yes, But Hell. Most of you folks Know me, I work, and Have time for life, and YET im still active In Samp, and Other games. So all you folks that say "I dont have time" What could you Possibly be doing for... The Entire.. 15 Hours?.. (Unless you Love sleep... and dont wake up in the morning..) But still, That leaves you with.. 10?.. Who knows.
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Tame wolvies Empty Re: Tame Wolfies

Post by Guest Tue Jul 12, 2011 12:10 pm

As wolves, at least some types, we have our freedom. And if we where brought up in a happy cute way at a very young age by humans, chances are we'l keep that attitude, as what happened to Katrisha.
And that's a Wolfie. Nuff said.


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Tame wolvies Empty Re: Tame wolvies

Post by Jaz Wed Jul 20, 2011 12:27 pm

Tame wolfies arent a big trouble for you guys
everyone has freedom

Katrisha Yin is RPing one and i dont see any Non-rp from her
so guys you want to RP wild wolf RP but dont force others to RP

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Tame wolvies Empty Re: Tame wolvies

Post by Tom Stall Wed Jul 20, 2011 6:20 pm

Some of tame wolves are non-roleplaying like hell. I am VAMPIRE as Tom Stall, and wolf approaching me trying to lick my hand. Seriously, what the heck.
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Tame wolvies Empty Re: Tame wolvies

Post by Nicolas Djordjevic Wed Jul 20, 2011 7:41 pm

Stop bumping the old topic.

Thank you.
Nicolas Djordjevic
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