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Neon Router - Weapon License[Edited]

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Neon Router - Weapon License[Edited] Empty Neon Router - Weapon License[Edited]

Post by Guest Sun Jul 10, 2011 6:28 pm

Forename and Surname: Neen Router

Age: 23

Address: Palomino Caravan Blue 1

Phone Number: 1010197

Social Security Number: 4722

Check ID((Post a screenshot where you transfer 2000 dollars to an SD member Captain or Above)): ((If I get accepted I'll /charity and post here.))
Why are you applying to achieve a weapon license((150 words minimum)): Well I've been getting paranoid here there about some people. I don't want some fool robbing me in the Forest, or some animal tryin to attack my CaraCampervan like they usually do. I don't have any intended use of these weapons on people, but if I gotta use some firepower against some crooks, then I'd have no choice. Of course, I wouldn't take large weapons around town on my back like many of the peoples here, but I'd keep at least a pistol in my pocket for when I've got money, and a Sniper Rifle in my Caravan to warn off those Pesky Wolves away from my Caravan. I always wanted to do target practice in the woods, away from people, near the cabin, on the trees. I've never been good weapons on the run but I'm a clear shot when it comes to inanimate targets, so going ahead and being legitimate with a license would be the best way to go in this town.

State why we would accept your application((100 words minimum)): Well, being that I'm not into the shady business of gang's or such, I would imagine that I would be a person to trust, and that I'd only need to use them when I go camping, as those pesky wild animals just don't know when to quit destroyin my CaraCampervan! I've got a record as clean as a newborn babies bottom, and I'm quite the calm person in this town. There won't be any problems with me and my weapons, I assure you, and it would also cut down on those 911 calls because of those pesky wolves, cause I'd deal with them myself.

Do you have experience with handguns and / or other weapons: I've used one of them Handguns before, and I've trained with some rifles back in my country with a friend.
Current employment: Self Employed - Gimmie Pizza! Delivery + Photographer.
((I wanted to get a Sniper Rifle/Country Rifle to be like the Sniper in TF2 :3))
((Edit: Edited.))

Last edited by The Constipator on Mon Jul 11, 2011 1:08 am; edited 1 time in total


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Neon Router - Weapon License[Edited] Empty Re: Neon Router - Weapon License[Edited]

Post by Caleb Simms Sun Jul 10, 2011 7:00 pm

Neon Router - Weapon License[Edited] 2akh5rq
PO Box 90, Dillimore, San Andreas
Mr. Router.

We are glad to inform you that your firearms application has been ACCEPTED. Please come to the Sheriff Department in Dillimore to receive it.

Caleb Simms
Caleb Simms
Sheriff's Department
Sheriff's Department

Posts : 385
Join date : 2010-12-10
Age : 29
Location : Caribbean St.Vincent and the Grenadines

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