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Nero McKay - Application

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Nero McKay - Application Empty Nero McKay - Application

Post by Nero Sun Jul 17, 2011 1:01 pm

In Character

First Name: Nero

Last Name: McKay

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Date of Birth: 19th December, 1982

Place of Birth: Crippen Memorial, Montgomery
Current active address: 20 Palomino Creek(Rent)

Available phone number(s): 101-0359

Education: Primary School, High School, Harvard University of Law.

Are you currently in occupation?: No.
If yes, what is your current occupation?: N/A

Have you had any previous occupations?: Yes.
If yes, what were your previous occupations?: Sheriff's Department, Deputy.

Do you own a current valid driver license?: Yes.
If yes, has it ever been suspended?: Never.

Do you posses any knowledge or experience in the law enforcement area?: Yes, I have been a deputy for six months.
Have you ever been arrested?: Yes.
If yes for what charges/crimes?: Evading.

Have you ever served time in prison?: Yes.
If yes for what charges/crimes?: Evading.


"The Before"(1977)
Nero's parents, Paul and mother Carla, met in Italy. Paul, an Irish businessman, went to Venice because of a career important meeting with his bosses. He stayed in a hotel at the city square.
He got a promotion. The day after, his boss gave him a free day. Paul decided to explore the beauties of Venice. He wandered around the city, crossing a bridge. When he looked down, he saw a gondola, with a beautiful woman riding in it, but he didn't care much, since he was happy about his promotion. The night shrouded the city, so Paul returned to the hotel. When he came back, he saw the woman from the gondola again, standing in the lobby, he looked at her, and she smiled. He went up the stairs, to his room. When he was passing by the elevator, the woman from the gondola appeared again. They both smiled to eachother. They went to their rooms, which were one across the other. The next morning, he was going out for work, and he saw the woman again, smiling, he passed by her. After the long, boring meeting, he couldn't think about anything else, but the woman from the gondola. He decided to ask her out. He went up to her room, knocking on her door. She was surprised to see him. After a short chatter, e asked her out, which she accepted. They went out for a dinner, in a small Italian restaurant located in the oldest part of Venice. They talked about everything, family, Italy, Venice, Ireland, even the Palomino Creek, the "paradise" at that time. Carla dremt about living there... Few years later they got married. The honey-moon gift to Carla was a trip to Palomino Creek.

"In The Palomino"(1981)
They explored the Palomino, walked the streets, walked in the woods, layed at the Fisher's Bay, everything you could do there. Carla and Paul loved it, while they were walking back to their motel, they saw a house for sale, and it wasn't that expensive either. Carla had a great idea, buy the house and live in Palomino Creek. Paul, at first, didn't want to live there, but after a few kisses and begs, he decided to move.

"The Baby"(1982)
Well, how the things work, people in love got to business and got a child. Nine months later, Carla was rushed to the Montgomery hospital. After hours and hours of hard labor and painful contractions, a little baby was born. The next morning, the child was brought to his parents. Now, they had some hard time making up the name for the baby, so Carla found a compromise. They were gonna name child by an Italian name, and the surname stays by the father, Irish. Carla thought of a name "Nero". Paul didn't like it, thought the childen in school would make fun of him, but Carla was good at persuasion, so Nero it was.

"The Early Childhood"(1982-1990)
Nero was a lovely child, and every mother could've wanted him for her son. He said his first word when he was two and a half years old. After that, everything was going smooth. He had a various vocabulary by the age of five and learned writing when he was six. As an eight year-old, he went to school. He did great, straight A's.

"Growing Up"(1990-1997)
The fabulous accomplishments in school were still on track, but when he reached the age of 15, it all started going downwards. The school was't going so well, he "closed up", wasn't very social and avoided his parents. Carla was worried, but Paul wasn't. He knew what's going on. His little baby boy was growning up... Carla realised that, and started remembering the good old times, when they were a mother and a child, playing in the park, riding a bike... She was sad, but Paul explained to her, that's how life goes.

"The Big Boy"(1997-2003)
Nero wasn't a child anymore. He started going out with his friends, started smoking, drinking, even smoked pot at some time, but he realised he was killing himself and got over it. After a few years, he was sent to Harvard... He finished school, returned to Palomino Creek and got a job as a security guard at the Bank of Palomino. He didn't see much actions in that time, since Palomino was still a "paradise" at that time. He didn't go throught anything speical in that part of his life, everything went the usual way.

"The Promotion"(2003-2010)
He still worked as a security guard in the Bank, and that's when the Palomino "Paradise" Creek went to the usual, Palomino Creek. Many people started moving in, so did the thugs and thieves.
There were several bank robberies, but Nero went unharmed. He was the lucky one.... Several police officers died in the bank robberies, and the Sheriff's Department was missing staff, so he applied in the December of 2010. He got the job. He looked at it as a promotion from a security guard to a police officer. The life was going great for him, but not for his parents. They were old, and they couldn't handle the crime and pressure, so they moved to Flint County.

He worked as a police officer for six months, but he retired in the June, 2011. He tried out some private businesses, tried opening somethng of his, but didn't work, now, he's trying to be a police officer again...

Out of Character

Age: 14
Country: Croatia

Server nickname: Nero McKay

Past characters and factions: Nero McKay - SD | Raphael Rousseau - None | Terry Benedict - EMS |

How long have you been a member of this server?: 7 months, since December 2010.

Have you ever been banned from this server (if yes, why)?: Never.

Why do you wish to join this faction?: I wish to join this faction because I fnd the civilian's life rather boring. And I have seen many, and I mean many crimes, which SD didn't deal with, so I would like to help there. I think the police is the role model to the other players, especially to the new ones, beacuse the police is the law on the server, and as a good roleplayer, I wish to be a role model to the players too.
Have you ever played on any other role play servers (if yes, which)?: Yes, San Andreas Roleplay, Los Santos Roleplay, San Andreas International Roleplay, GamerFFS Roleplay(Been an admin lvl 3 there).
Do you posses any law enforcement knowledge or role play experience?: Yes. Been a cop many times.
Have you read the application rules?: Yes.
Any other comments: I know the application baord is closed, but you can look at it/reply when it's open.

Role Play

Explain what is role play and its basics: RolePlay - Playing a role. Creating your character, leading it throught life and different situations. Just like real life.

Explain what is meta game and give two different examples:
Mixing OOC knowledge with IC.
Example 1: "PM from Name1_Name1: Come to bank, cops are after me!" - So you get there and start RPing: "Get in!"
Example 2: "Name2_Name2 shouts: NOOB!"

Explain what is power game and give two different examples:
Roleplaying impossible actions in RL, and forcing someone to RP your way.
Example 1: " *Name3_Name3 jumps on Name4_Name4 and tears off his head, throws it at Name5_Name5's head and kills him.* "
Example 2: " *Name6_Name6 runs towards Name7_Name7 and grabs the gun from his hand. *
The Name7 could have been holding it really tight(Could've been aiming at someone, so he WOULD be holding it tight.)
Explain what is "gun from ass": Taking out a weapon by scrolling your mouse without a proper /me.

Give an example of a good detailed role play /me:
/me reaches for his waist and lifts his shirt. Takes out a Colt .45, cocks it and aims it at Johnny, opening fire.

Give an example of a bad role play /me: /me unholsters his gun. (Same situation as above)

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Nero McKay - Application Empty Re: Nero McKay - Application

Post by Caleb Simms Sun Jul 17, 2011 7:26 pm

Applications are closed.
Caleb Simms
Caleb Simms
Sheriff's Department
Sheriff's Department

Posts : 385
Join date : 2010-12-10
Age : 29
Location : Caribbean St.Vincent and the Grenadines

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