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John Lites Weapons License Application

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John Lites Weapons License Application Empty John Lites Weapons License Application

Post by tarik00555 Thu Jul 21, 2011 11:39 pm

Forename and Surname: John Lite

Address: 63 Palomino Creek

Phone Number: 1015689

Social Security Number: 28-75-32

Check ID((Post a screenshot where you transfer 2000 dollars to an FBI member)):
((When I get the license))

Why are you applying to achieve a weapon license((150 words minimum)):
When I first came in to the town I was looking forvard for a nice vacation from my long service in
the United States Army.Things weren't so bad until I began seeing those wolfs.At first they weren't interested in me, so I weren't interested in them.But one day I climbed on top of my apartment to see the town from a diffrent point of view.I turned back and there he was a small sized wolf.He jumped on me and bit my neck.My cousin Alex was getting worried when will I come back, so he came on the top and saw my lying.He quickly called the ambulance as I was blacking out.I woke up with pain in the neck.Now every week I need to come so doctors can examine my wound.
From that day on I felt insecure, and I don't like walking the streets.I always drive my car so the beasts can not get me.Atleast I hope so...
So I am aplying in hope I will have the means to protect myself from wolves or gangs.Also I would protect anyone that needs help.But I still hope that I never use it.For me shooting is always a last resort...I truly hope that you understand...

State why we would accept your application((100 words minimum)):
As said above like many others of Palomino Creek needs guns to protect themselves from wolves and gang bangers.Without a gun I in Palomino Creek feel insecure, and defensless.I hate when I see someone suffer and realize that I can't help.Also I am constantly worried about my younger cousin Alex who got involved recently whit gang trouble at the docks. He was threatend and he was at gunpoint, I also do not drink or smoke. Me or my family could not stand if something happend to him...

Criminal record:I have no criminal record

Do you have experience with handguns and / or other weapons:
In the Army I mostly used m16 and Desert Eagle, but I in the outside world am a gun nut.
I had weriety of weapons back home.

Current employment:Fisherman

Signature: John Lite

New Residence

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Posts : 13
Join date : 2011-07-18
Age : 26
Location : Bosnia and Herzegovina , Sarajevo

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John Lites Weapons License Application Empty Re: John Lites Weapons License Application

Post by Terry Winston Mon Jul 25, 2011 8:06 pm

Mr Lites,

I am happy to inform you you will be granter a level 1 weapons license, Please use you weapon responsbly and rember it can be revoked at any time.Please come to The police station with the funds to recive your license.

Terry Winston
Terry Winston
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Join date : 2011-06-02
Age : 32
Location : England

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