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Job skills

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Job skills Empty Job skills

Post by Roebuck Sat Jul 23, 2011 6:18 pm

Hi, i'm James Roebuck.
While i was farming, i had an idea:

If you can upgrade your weapon-skills, why can't you upgrade your JOB habilities??
Bus-driving hability, Taxi-Driving hability, Farming-techniches skill and fishing-techniches habilities.

Bus driving: It would have 5 levels.
Level 1: Pick up 10 players. Increases pay by 5$
Lv 2: Pick up 25 players. Increases pay by 5$
Lv 3: Pick up 50 players. Increases pay by 5$
Lvl 4: Pick up 100 players. Increases pay by 10$
Lvl 5: Pick up 500 players. Increases pay by 20$.
Total increase: 45$

Taxi Driving: I don't know if this job is payed by the GM, so i won't put the lvls.

Lvl 1: Farm 50 times. Increases pay by 5$
Lvl 2: Farm 100 times. Increases pay by 5$
Lvl 3: Farm 200 times. Increases pay by 15$
Lvl 4: Farm 500 times. Increases pay by 30$
Lvl 5: Farm 1000 times. Increases pay by 35$
Total increase: 80$

Fishing skill:
Lvl 1: Fish 1000 fishes & sell them. Increases fish price by 0.5$
Lvl 2: Fish 2000 fishes & sell them. Increases fish price by 0.5$
Lvl 3: Fish 5000 fishes & sell them. Increases fish price by 0.5$
Lvl 4: Fish 10000 fishes & sell them. Increases fish price by 0.5$
Lvl 5: Fish 100000 fishes & sell them. Increases fish price by 1$.
Total increase: 4$ per fish.

This can obviously be changed.


Posts : 1
Join date : 2011-07-23

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