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A petition.

Mike Dan
Jager Arach
Tom Stall
Nicolas Djordjevic
Terry Winston
Sam Akabara
Simon Bourne
Kevin Alymer
Peter Greenson
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 A petition. Empty A petition.

Post by Peter Greenson Sun Jul 31, 2011 6:25 am


Identify what makes VH:RP so unique and you may come to these end points.

• Interesting RP
• Friendly community
• Lack of OOC arguments
• Different from the rest
• Unique
• Simple, easy to understand supernatural aspects.

Now why I came here has none of the above.

But looking at some of those virtues I cannot see the truth anymore in them, the VH:RP you came to love has been lost to miles of beaucratic red tape.

• Vampire/Werewolf abilities: As I remember you all came here to play the server without these things, and now that specific few power have been elevated to status and power these so called 'powers' have emerged from other games. Read on, as this is a serious issue. Many people, who accept the older, simpler system as better. Do not wan to play anymore, as now they have to read up on all the history and rules of these so called 'powers'. I don't know about you, but having these things makes the game beyond boring and disputes through miscommunication and perception erupt too frequently.
• RPing fearlessness: Unfortunately, there is no such thing as becoming fearless due to experience. You may become inert or able to control emotion over time but you will never be able to shake the ancient fear of mostly everything. This powergame as it really is also deters many people from playing. OOC arguments about how much fear someone can ignore as per say erupt too frequently as well.

Now I have not addressed many issues that have undermined VH:RP as a unique, interesting server to play on. But these two are currently major issues. I know Sam, Chris, and Kevin have put lots of work into this but as I, and many others can see. There is a line to how mch you can add in. It was crossed a while ago.
The points of your defence are, What separates vampire bloodlines then? Well to be put, Half the server knows fuck all about these things and they honestly don't care. You are already unique to the point that you are immortal and have scripted speed and strength.
This also applies to the werewolf faction.

The server isn't 250 players on at one time, so I don't actually see the need for strict difference after.

Your other point is, It makes RP boring. These things, make RP miserable for a large portion of players without it... There is no valid excuse that shows that what vampires previously RPed as before this influx of so called 'powers' came about (same to wolves).

It's open for discussion.
I am simply petitioning for the older, nicer VH:RP to come back.

I understand that all the current 'power' users will not agree with this as it will invoke stripping them of their power. As for that, Either you continue and these OOC arguments grow an the server collapses upon itself. Or you agree to change and we can continue building those virtues mentioned above that made the server so good to play in previously.

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 A petition. Empty Re: A petition.

Post by Kevin Alymer Sun Jul 31, 2011 6:44 am

To be honest, I don't mind either ways, they both have their advantages and disadvantages.

But if it's changed I'd like to add Shin's additions which weren't bad either, I mean they didn't give much power, they just gave a few advantages, but also disadvantages to each bloodline. Speaking of the vampire anatomy and other of the bloodline topic he made. Why? It gave each vampire a different characteristic, which it adds more RP, all being the same does make it boring. Also it didn't pass any limits nor did they have much power.

We could do something similar for the werewolves too.

I don't support though making them all the same, I support the idea that every supernatural can be unique from each other. For example there's different types of werewolf or vampires. It'd also give hunters, of these supernatural more challenge, and more roleplay. Not just the same, abilities all over.

I do believe making something original would make it more unique and interesting.

If its not change the advantages are that more roleplay is added between the two races. Other than that I support the fact to create our own story for the two races rather than that of a game.

EDIT: So a summary: We can do either things, just don't remove the variation in each race as it'd kind of make the races more boring and less interesting.
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 A petition. Empty Re: A petition.

Post by Simon Bourne Sun Jul 31, 2011 7:20 am

Like i said ....server needs to go back to basics:

- Wolves attacks were REALLY rare and unique, since the wolves were never seen again on scene.

- FBI acted in PUBLIC!

- Rare cases of Murder in public, less crime, more gangs.

- Scriptwise powers only, no such things as those 'perks' the vampires and wolves have.

- More Fear and less Badass-wannabeness

- Fair gameplay system and almost NO OOC bitching.
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 A petition. Empty Re: A petition.

Post by Sam Akabara Sun Jul 31, 2011 1:11 pm

Oh please? So it's just that TEENSY bit hard to RP a vamp, and they have to, oh god no, what's that? READ SOME STUFF?! My GOD! It's the end of the world!
Jesus christ. People don't like more IN DEPTH RP? What's that? People want to spend most of their time standing around Palamino bank and killing eachother?! Dearie me!

I quote you "Many people, who accept the older, simpler system as better. Do not wan to play anymore, as now they have to read up on all the history and rules of these so called 'powers'. "
For real? No. That's a pathetic reason. And it's not even a correct one at that! I don't recall any of them have a "History"
And it's not like anyones forcing them to use them either, and people damn well don't, usually, Becuase its kept low.
Your point essentially says we should reward people for being extremley lazy.
As for the powers, you know why they got brought in, they're FROM an RP game, one that's been goin strong for 21 years.. They must've done something right.

Also, i don't think you're in a position to comment on vamps. From what i understand, the amount of any of the stuff you've read amounts to a couple of sentences.

Now, i'd also like you to tell me which part of the "powers" are overpowered/cause people problems? Do tell. Becuase it'd be real helpful.

And Kevin, every bloodline has a weakness of some sort. Nuts to ye for not readin the stuff.

As for your other points, i doubt anything will be different in a month. Call it Pessimism, but i've seen it before, it's rather predictable.

As for the FBI, just pack it in and absorb it into the police, it's really not needed.

At the end of the day, people jsut want to RP stuff with the transparency of glass, and the depth of cardboard. But mweh, can't say i didnt try. Go ahead, do what you will.
Bet you twenty bucks if i made a list of all the powers with one line descriptions and then went "No restrictions lol" people would've jumped at it. But there you go.

I will not waste time and effort on people who are voluntarilly illiterate.
Sam Akabara
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 A petition. Empty Re: A petition.

Post by Terry Winston Sun Jul 31, 2011 1:47 pm

The abiliaties thought simpley make the players think there untouchable, to be honest the powers them selves are to much of a problem as long as poeple /coin it so its not a 100% perfect all the time and you do fail using them i would be happy, But as *not naming* showed we arrested him and while in jail thought because he was vampire he could just make up bullshit and teleport out of the cell, well as you can imiagine that ruined the rp. We didn't let him out but where do you go from the i know he was punished but the point im making is it makes people think there untouchable when they are really not.

Cop: Sir put your hands up!
Wolf/vamp /me turn around looking at the cop.
Cop draws his weapon pointing it at the wolf/vamp
wolf/vamp moves toward the man and rips his head of
/do S/f

See how that rp was killed by one /me you can't answer f becuase they say they are super fast and super strong even when you have a gun pointed at them.

At least if your going to RP as wolve/ vamp make an rp you guys rae suposed to set the standard for other people as your in a official faction. you need to not just kill people in broaddaylight and try and be smart try to lure them to a secluded place or capture them rply.

if this was real life vamps and wolves would already be discovered because you all do it in broad day light in public areas and second half of you don't even bother to rply clean the body up.
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 A petition. Empty Re: A petition.

Post by Nicolas Djordjevic Sun Jul 31, 2011 2:34 pm

machete wrote:The abiliaties thought simpley make the players think there untouchable, to be honest the powers them selves are to much of a problem as long as poeple /coin it so its not a 100% perfect all the time and you do fail using them i would be happy, But as *not naming* showed we arrested him and while in jail thought because he was vampire he could just make up bullshit and teleport out of the cell, well as you can imiagine that ruined the rp. We didn't let him out but where do you go from the i know he was punished but the point im making is it makes people think there untouchable when they are really not.

Cop: Sir put your hands up!
Wolf/vamp /me turn around looking at the cop.
Cop draws his weapon pointing it at the wolf/vamp
wolf/vamp moves toward the man and rips his head of
/do S/f

See how that rp was killed by one /me you can't answer f becuase they say they are super fast and super strong even when you have a gun pointed at them.

At least if your going to RP as wolve/ vamp make an rp you guys rae suposed to set the standard for other people as your in a official faction. you need to not just kill people in broaddaylight and try and be smart try to lure them to a secluded place or capture them rply.

if this was real life vamps and wolves would already be discovered because you all do it in broad day light in public areas and second half of you don't even bother to rply clean the body up.


Vampire is not fucking undead Death Knight from World Of Warcraft who is afraid of NOTHING.

So basically if pistol gets aimed at him, He wouldn't be like LOL IT'S JUST A GUN IM GONNA EAT YOU ALIVE HAR HAR...

I don't care, vampires/wolves gotta RP fear and I got sick of it... I'm seeing them using their powers ALL THE FUCKING TIME...

There is a guy in front of you hotwiring your vehicle! What you gonna do!? USE YOUR EPIC SPEED AND STOP HIM!


There is a gun aimed at you! What you gonna do!? BREAK IT WITH YOUR SPIT!

No really that's powergame... You gotta RP weapon fear AND using your powers NON-STOPLY is really retarded...

Old days? Right, Old days...

I remember old days without any werewolves... FBI was chasing me every day with their vehicles for illegal U-Turns or what the hell was that... I don't even remember of SD back then to be honest...

Factions? They were empty... Only active factions were FBI, EMS and SD... Inquisition? Shin and Shin? That was the old Inquisition...

No I really like the current look of everything EXCEPT FOR BADASS VAMPIRES USING THEIR SPEED EVERY TIME NO MATTER THERE IS SOMETHING CALLED "Masquerade" AND " Witch-Hunters "...

Humans are weak!? NO THEY AIN'T!...

Vampires and Werewolves LOSE their weapons every time they log... BECAUSE THEY DON'T EVEN NEED THEM...

Humans = WEAPONS.. Use them! Carry big ass .50 Cal pistols in case of retarded wolf and vampire attacks! One bullet and he is on the ground, another one he is dead! Is that so hard?

No speed can dodge a bullet! Only in movies! If you aim at someone and he " HAR HAR VAMPIRE SPEED 5"s into you, SHOOT HIM HE DOESN'T STANDS A CHANCE!

No.. vampire speed isn't that fast as you think, it takes you 0.7 second of reflex for officer to pull the trigger and shoot the bastard down...

But once again, whatever! Do whatever you wanna do, change things don't change things! I just made my retarded and non-sense point in here.

Oh and ah...

...while in jail thought because he was vampire he could just make up bullshit and teleport out of the cell,...

If you're playing WHOLE GOD DAMN DAY.. Why can't you just wait those god damn 10-20 minutes to pass..?

No I disagree with Gangrels turning into cobras and escaping the cells like that and Tremeres doing their.. WHAT THE FUCK IS IT, Teleportation? You're obviously breaking the rules of Masquerade while doing so.. I mean.. LOGIC PEOPLE...

In one moment you're in cell, in other you're Cobra walking down the Police office... What would cop think? 'Oh that prisoner turned into dust and random Cobra is going outside! Who cares! Let me get back to my coffee and donuts!' NO that makes no freaking logic and in my opinion you should get rapped by Sam for breaking rules of Masquerade. ( AND NO I AM NOT LICKING HIS ASS STOP SAYING THAT BULLSHIT )

Once again, as Red says... "Do whatever makes you happy" .
Nicolas Djordjevic
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 A petition. Empty Re: A petition.

Post by Tom Stall Sun Jul 31, 2011 7:13 pm

I read every machete's BS, I laugh.

• Friendly community
• Lack of OOC arguments

Well I don't agree completely, Peter.

And about this argument here, I agree with Sam and Nic.. Who the hell WOULD TURN INTO COBRA AND GTFO FROM SD?

Or teleport, for fuck sakes..... I laugh, alot.

Everyone who would do that shiiiiet, should be race reset'd instantly.
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Post by Kevin Alymer Sun Jul 31, 2011 7:50 pm

Sam I never mentioned the fact the new system doesn't have disadvantages either. I was pointing out that those shouldn't be removed.
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 A petition. Empty Re: A petition.

Post by Sam Akabara Sun Jul 31, 2011 10:17 pm

There we go. Vamps simplified. IG abilites only. Other wank.

Now any idiot can follow it. Enjoy.
Sam Akabara
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 A petition. Empty Re: A petition.

Post by Simon Bourne Sun Jul 31, 2011 11:57 pm

About the Vampire speed 5 thing....seriously? Dodge a bullet at the fucking distance of fucking 4 feet? A bullet would rape anyone no matter if he's Chuck Norris or the Pope himself.
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 A petition. Empty Re: A petition.

Post by Kevin Alymer Mon Aug 01, 2011 12:04 am

They're not faster than a bullet? They can escape while you try to unholster, pull the safety off and aim. If you already fired a bullet when they're standing they can't do anything about it but get shot.
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 A petition. Empty Re: A petition.

Post by Samara Mon Aug 01, 2011 12:08 am


Moriarty wrote: Vampire Speed: No level is faster than bullets.

Level 1: High school football runner. Not much doing at this level.

Level 2: Consistently as fast as a trained runner. Still faster than your average human.

Level 3: 20 M dash sprint champion. Consistently faster than your average human can move. Perform actions with some speed.

Level 4: Fast as an Olympic sprint gold medalist. Consistently And that’s jogging speed. Can, with a /coin, manage to get close enough to someone before they draw a gun, providing they’re 5 feet away or less, anything over that and they won’t stand a chance. Can perform many actions quickly. Only a fucktard takes on a vamp at close range, especially without a gun.

Level 5: Faster than an Olympic sprint gold medalist. And that’s just while jogging. Consistently. Can, with a /coin, manage to get close enough to someone before they draw a gun, providing they’re 10 feet away or less, anything over that and they won’t stand a chance. Can perform most actions they do quickly. Fast in melee combat too.(Only a fucktard takes on a vamp at close range, especially without a gun.
Vampire sniff: Same as In game.

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Post by Jager Arach Tue Aug 02, 2011 9:07 am

I'll not be following Sam's lead, wolf abilities stay. For all you humans over exagerating all these bullshit stories, I've yet to hear of many regarding wolves. My guide is detailed and tells you how to roleplay these powers properly. I've added many restrictions and balances. If you all can't be fucked to read for five minutes or even skim the page then it's not my problem. Also I would like to add I played before werewolf abilities were being used and vampire abilities weren't common. Same level of /b bitching and same level of violence, this so called nicer, older vhrp I beleive does not exist.

Last edited by The Grim of Evil on Tue Aug 02, 2011 1:22 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Post by Samara Tue Aug 02, 2011 9:24 am

The Grim of Evil wrote:I'll not be following Sam's lead, wolf abilities stay. For all you humans over exagerating all these bullshit stories, I've yet to hear of many regarding wolves. My guide is detailed and tells you how to roleplay these powers properly. I've added many restrictions and balances. If you all can't be fucked to read for five minutes or even skim the page then it's not my problem. Also I would like to add I played before werewolf abilities were being used and vampire abilities weren't common. Sam level of /b bitching and same level of violence, this so called nicer, older vhrp I beleive does not exist.

I've actually read over it several times, Yet it still makes no sense to me.

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Post by Jager Arach Tue Aug 02, 2011 9:34 am

Samara wrote:
The Grim of Evil wrote:I'll not be following Sam's lead, wolf abilities stay. For all you humans over exagerating all these bullshit stories, I've yet to hear of many regarding wolves. My guide is detailed and tells you how to roleplay these powers properly. I've added many restrictions and balances. If you all can't be fucked to read for five minutes or even skim the page then it's not my problem. Also I would like to add I played before werewolf abilities were being used and vampire abilities weren't common. Sam level of /b bitching and same level of violence, this so called nicer, older vhrp I beleive does not exist.

I've actually read over it several times, Yet it still makes no sense to me.
That is why we have pm systems I am never bothered with people asking me for help.
Jager Arach
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Post by Sam Akabara Tue Aug 02, 2011 1:20 pm

Oh i already changed it Drake.
CBA with all the shit.
Now the only problem i have is with vampires who don't want to be ugly to use certain powers.
Sam Akabara
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Post by Jager Arach Tue Aug 02, 2011 1:25 pm

Moriarty wrote:Oh i already changed it Drake.
CBA with all the shit.
Now the only problem i have is with vampires who don't want to be ugly to use certain powers.
O I'm well aware, but I've been dealing with people complaining ever since Fegarri became big, I'm not about to give up something I worked hard on over a few more complaints.
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Post by Mike Dan Wed Aug 03, 2011 5:33 am

I Don't seriously want to start anything but Wolves are no longer entering the town from now on in the day ,I've only seen a " SD Wolf " For about 3 days.. However, If you want to get the old VH:RP, Eathier you Remove ALL Of this powers , Or Simpilfy It. , I Suggest Simpilfying it..

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Post by Arnold Angel Wed Aug 03, 2011 11:58 pm

Well... I applaud for the creator of this fine topic... I thank Sam and whoever has helped made Vamp and Werewolf RP more in depth. But, Ya the old VHRP... Man oh man... There wasnt much fuckin around like there is now. I feel there needs to be no changes to the script no changes to the rules no changes to anything. The only thing that needs to be changed is your guys's fuckin goofing off.

Now I regret saying there should be no changes to the script, there should be.

Over the last few days i've witnessed CIVILIANS and yes i said CIVILIANS running around with Ak47, Molotovs you name it. This server wasnt meant to be played like it is now.
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Post by Simon Bourne Thu Aug 04, 2011 12:06 am

Arnold Angel wrote:Well... I applaud for the creator of this fine topic... I thank Sam and whoever has helped made Vamp and Werewolf RP more in depth. But, Ya the old VHRP... Man oh man... There wasnt much fuckin around like there is now. I feel there needs to be no changes to the script no changes to the rules no changes to anything. The only thing that needs to be changed is your guys's fuckin goofing off.

Now I regret saying there should be no changes to the script, there should be.

Over the last few days i've witnessed CIVILIANS and yes i said CIVILIANS running around with Ak47, Molotovs you name it. This server wasnt meant to be played like it is now.

Back in the day when i started playing everything was so calm, no one was looking for a reason to clip other people, everyone was getting along.
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 A petition. Empty Re: A petition.

Post by Matt Mercer Thu Aug 11, 2011 5:35 am

i saw to hell with the powers and gifts...
yeah there cool and all.. for the user. not many people like to be killed... by...being teleported to the sun.. (exaggeration)... but i think the old server was better. and alot more fair. so i have to agree with peter.
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 A petition. Empty Re: A petition.

Post by Nicolas Djordjevic Thu Aug 11, 2011 1:03 pm

Mercer wrote:i saw to hell with the powers and gifts...
yeah there cool and all.. for the user. not many people like to be killed... by...being teleported to the sun.. (exaggeration)... but i think the old server was better. and alot more fair. so i have to agree with peter.

It's your problem cuz' you don't read stuff and say random shizzel. Oi, No offense.

Person draws you two sheep on the blackboard , and you lose one in 10 minutes for being lazy. That's basically your problem.

...But you know how it goes. When someone doesn't likes it, he just doesn't goes for the easiest way and picks the goddamn elevator.
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Post by Kenneth Sullivan Sat Sep 24, 2011 10:34 pm

Well, been here before Werewolfs weren't as big, and Drake hadn't made his faction yet. (Old account). And yet back then if it wasn't a OOC Bitching argument fight going on over Vamp/Wolf abilities and trying to do something, it was over throwing a punch or blocking one.

OOC arguements will always happen from day to day, maybe not at first, but after a while it will. The main subject which causes these problems is not the Rules and Restrictions themselves, but the players which want to go their 'own' ways. Or at least what they 'think' they know what the Rules/Regulations meant.

So I don't actually think there was even an Old VH:RP, but maybe an Old style of Game play which were lead by different Rules. I believe the Vampire Rules which Sam had posted from another RP Game should be removed or such, I mean c'mon, just takes a short period of your time to read over em'. Then if you don't understand or whatnot, that's why Admins or Faction leaders are there for, ask em'. Also for the Werewolves' rules. Since being in a Faction, means you're suppose to set an example to others, and cooperate with whatever is apart f the Faction you're in, to make interesting RPs out there.

Last edited by Henry on Sat Sep 24, 2011 10:39 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Post by ArielV Sat Sep 24, 2011 10:39 pm



Tl;dr necrobumpmore?


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Post by Kenneth Sullivan Sat Sep 24, 2011 10:41 pm

Nah, just sharing my opinions, since this is a Petition which involves the whole serv.. And hadn't been solved yet.
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