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Vladimir Bran´s Application

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Vladimir Bran´s Application Empty Vladimir Bran´s Application

Post by Nico Fri Sep 23, 2011 3:07 pm

In Character

First Name:Vladimir

Last Name:Bran



Date of Birth:12/5/1980

Place of Birth:Moscow,Russia

Current active address:41 PC

Available phone number(s):10-10-471

Education:Highschool.(ESO degree)

Are you currently in occupation?:Yes.
If yes, what is your current occupation?:Working as a disc jokey.

Have you had any previous occupations?:Yes.
If yes, what were your previous occupations?:Staff member at a club.

Do you own a current valid driver license?:Yes.
If yes, has it ever been suspended?:No.

Do you posses any knowledge or experience in the law enforcement area?:No.
Have you ever been arrested?:No.
If yes for what charges/crimes?:N/A

Have you ever served time in prison?:No.
If yes for what charges/crimes?:N/A


Born in Moscow,Russia and lived there for twelve years,when finally my mother and father broke up and my mother got custody of me.
She decided she wanted to go somewhere else,so we moved to Ibiza in the summer of 1992. By then Ibiza did not have as many clubs
and so many disc jokeys,but by the year of 2000,it all began for me. I learned how to become a disc jokey in a local pub
in Mallorca,the neighbour island near Ibiza. I used to work in pubs and clubs all over Ibiza,and when I finally managed to save up
some money I decided to go to the United States,and so I ended in PC. Not later after that,my mother died due to a heart attack.
It was sad,but I had to go on with my life,so now I am looking for a job which could help me go on.

Out of Character



Server nickname: VHRP

Past characters and factions: Vladimir Bran,Fegarri Pedia; Lafayette Cracks,Grove Street Families

How long have you been a member of this server?: Since 2011-06-09

Have you ever been banned from this server (if yes, why)?:
Yes,I have been banned for spamming,insulting another player.(Not that I feel proud about it)

Why do you wish to join this faction?: Because there are currently not many SD members,and yeah cop RP is entertaining.
Have you ever played on any other role play servers (if yes, which)?: Not of SAMP.
Do you posses any law enforcement knowledge or role play experience?:Yeah,law enforcement ,from the TV. And roleplay experience from another game.
Have you read the application rules?:
Any other comments:

Role Play

Explain what is role play and its basics:Role play is basically interpretating a character and narrating your actions.
Explain what is meta game and give two different examples:Meta game is mixing OOC with IC,for example you receive a PM asking for your location,that is metagame.
Another example is when someone uses,knows your name only by reading the text above your character,that´s metagame aswell.

Explain what is power game and give two different examples:Power game is when someone does unrealistic actions,or impossible actions,for example :/me breaks the sword into pieces by using his hands.;/m
e crouches and avoids a bullet.
Explain what is "gun from ass": Gun from ass,or asspulling guns is when you scroll the guns without any roleplay or take the guns from an unvalid storing place. Example : /me takes out a bazooka out of his pocket.

Give an example of a good detailed role play /me: /me reaches for his gun,hidden in his pants. /me slowly takes it out,hiding it behind his back. /me aims at <target>. /me fires a couple of bullets. /coin,/coin.

Give an example of a bad role play /me:
/me takes out his gun. /me shoots.

Personal Text : Who the fuck are you now ?
Posts : 365
Join date : 2011-06-09
Age : 28
Location : Spain

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Vladimir Bran´s Application Empty Re: Vladimir Bran´s Application

Post by Raphael Fri Sep 23, 2011 3:30 pm

(( Yeah, forum-banned on "Nero" for a while... But this is IC, has nothing to do with forum accounts so... ))

Dear Mr. Bran,

Your application has been reviewed and the managerial force of the station has agreed to put you as DENIED.
- The applications are closed.
If you have any further questions or any complaints, please feel free to contact us at the Dillimore Station. Thank you.

2nd Lieutenant, Unit 41-62,
N. McKay.

New Residence

Posts : 20
Join date : 2010-12-21

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