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Auto Hotkey Tutorial(Wider Variety of Keybinds)

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Auto Hotkey Tutorial(Wider Variety of Keybinds) Empty Auto Hotkey Tutorial(Wider Variety of Keybinds)

Post by Chris_Bell Mon Jan 24, 2011 3:39 am

Auto Hotkey is usualy used in government factions since they have alot of commands and cant type them all in,or normal keybinding programs dont have enough.
Key List

Your First Bind:
1.First you go to your desktop (after downloading and installing).Then right click and pick "new>Autohotkey Script

2.Next you name the script ("VHRP Binds" for example)

3.Now you open it up and clear out whatever is inside it

4. To startoff your first bind you must specify which key you want it to use(!1:: is ALT+One,While NUMPAD1:: is number one on numpad,I always do the ALT+numbers because if I'm typing and just say "1" it wont send a bind out randomyl)

5. For now we will just use ALT+1,which is !1:: After you have that you hit space or enter(doesnt matter) and type "Sendinput" then you type what you want to say/do after it and when your finished type {Enter} and after that you put Return So an example is this
!1:: Sendinput T/me waves {Enter}

This is how I would set it up on mine(It doesnt matter about the spacing of Sendinput or Return,I just like to keep it neat Razz
After that right click>compile script Now there should be a new program that is a grene sqaure with H on it.Every time you make changes to the script re-compile it.

If your binds do not work. Try this.
Rightclick>properties>compatabilty> and check off the box run as administrator.Now everytime you use it it will ask you if your sure or somthing,click yes and it should work.

Now you should know how to make simple binds,For a list of keys just use the link up der^

Common Keys:
And so on

NumPad Keys:
And so on

F# keys:
And so on

ALSO To make your binds ONLY work in SAMP add this to the top of your binds and re-compile it
#IfWinActive, GTA:SA:MP

Personal Text : I am Sean Bell from the new VHWRP Server(7/14/13)
Posts : 483
Join date : 2010-12-23
Age : 26
Location : PA,USA

http://Used to own roflcookies.com

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