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Updated Application Rules and Template

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Updated Application Rules and Template Empty Updated Application Rules and Template

Post by Victor_Jankowski Sat Oct 01, 2011 6:54 pm

In Character

- We only accept applicants over the age of 21.
- We do not accept applicants over the age of 45.
- We only accept applicants in a good and healthy physical condition.
- We only accept applicants who have finished high school.
- We only accept applicants who posses a valid current driver license.
- We do not accept applicants with a criminal past and records.
- Be honest in your answers, if you lie, it will be discovered.
- If your application gets denied, you'll have to wait two weeks before you can re-apply.

Out of Character

- You need to be over IG Level 6.
- You need to know how to RP without the S/F system.
- You need to know how to RP without "Play to win"
- You need to know how to RP detailed /me's.
- You must have at least a minimum OOC knowledge of law enforcement, as well as have interest in RPing a police officer.
- Don't bother applying just for the weapons. You will be denied instantly.
- You need to put in visible effort of writing into your application.
- Your biography is required to be over 200 words.
- Do not copy answers from other applications.
- Do not skip or leave questions unanswered.
- We do not accept applicants with the current status of "gang hoppers".
- We do not accept applicants, who have been banned before for hacking or non-role play actions.
- We do not accept applicants currently in a faction, you must leave it before applying.
- We do not accept applicants applying for the RCSD and another faction in the same time.
- Applicants may apply, only when the application status is open.
- Only recruitment officers and applicants may post inside the application topic.
- Applicants may post in the topic only once, unless asked to otherwise.
- Only applications and answers will be held in this topic, any other posts will be deleted.


[font=Courier New][color=blue][b]In Character[/b]

Full name:



Date of Birth:

Place of Birth:

Current active address:

Available phone number(s):


Are you currently in occupation?:
If yes, what is your current occupation?:

Have you had any previous occupations?:
If yes, what were your previous occupations?:

Do you own a current valid driver license?:
If yes, has it ever been suspended?:

Do you posses any knowledge or experience in the law enforcement area?:
Have you ever been arrested?:
If yes for what charges/crimes?:

Have you ever served time in prison?:
If yes for what charges/crimes?:

Biography (Must be over 200 words):

Out of Character[/b]

First Name:
Last Name (Not required to answer): 
Do you have a working microphone?:
Do you have Skype or Teamspeak installed?

Your server nickname:

Past characters and factions:

How long have you been a member of this server?:

Have you ever been banned from this server (if yes, why)?:

Why do you wish to join this faction?:
Have you ever played on any other role play servers (if yes, which)?:
Do you posses any law enforcement knowledge or role play experience?:
Have you read the application rules?:
Any other comments:

Role Play

Explain what is role play and its basics:
Explain what is meta game and give two different examples:

Explain what is power game and give two different examples:
Explain what is "gun from ass":

Explain what is "RP to win" and give two different examples:

Give an example of a good detailed role play /me:

Give an example of a bad role play /me: [/color][/font]
Sheriff's Department
Sheriff's Department

Posts : 531
Join date : 2011-04-04
Age : 30
Location : In the 5th Hell.

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