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Fraternitatis Venatorum

Raiden Akimoto
Max Woods
Kevin Alymer
Simon Bourne
DeRon Ellis
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Fraternitatis Venatorum Empty Fraternitatis Venatorum

Post by DeRon Ellis Mon Oct 10, 2011 8:52 am

Fraternitatis Venatorum Background-

As he sits his living room, 2nd Lieutenant DeRon Ellis reflects over the first six months he's spend in Palomino. Aside from what he's learned working with the Sheriff's Department, DeRon's other set of skills continue to remain unused. He also know of others that possess some of the same skills as him and more. After standing slowly, DeRon picks up his old notebook. He flips to the last few pages and examines his logs. "September 20, 2011- FBI training exercise in Red County. What the fuck happened to LaRue? People disappearing...wolf activity diminished." DeRon flips a few more pages back and finds his section on Kevin Aylmer. "Alymer," he says to himself. Sighing and dropping the book on the coffee table, DeRon begins to pace. "So, its just me left. Best now let the effort go to waste..." After walking into his bedroom, DeRon pulls out a leather jacket and a large metal chest....

Diary Entry #1
October 10, 2011, the town hasn't changed much during the day, but I've noticed a drop in obvious crimes involving the supernatural. Seems that they're using more caution ever since everyone disappeared. I thought I'd have a drink today, but as soon as I got the damn thing, I got a message. The message simply read, "Cemetery." Possibly a fellow hunter. After working with LaRue, I found out that we were all linked. Once you were in, you could be contacted at anytime. Usually when using indirect communication, messages were short and to the point. Pushing my drink back, I headed outside and walked towards the cemetery. The sun was going down, and I had no sort of protection on me at the time. Apon entering, I instantly noticed a figure standing near a few tombstones. The man carried a cane and looked like he was wearing many rings of some sort. Possibly skilled in rituals or dark practices, common among skilled hunters. Checking my surroundings, I slowly approached him and began to speak. Always being formal, I addressed him in a traditional manner. "Evening." As we began to chat, he didn't hesitate to mention he was a fellow hunter. He questioned my manner of travel. I was unarmed and arranging meetings with strangers. Also, I had no backup whatsoever. Told him I was a bit off track, for its been almost a month since I've worked. "There are cases in Palomino, are you interested?" he asked. I accepted without thought. I can find a trail or anything leading to the supernatural beings right now. Maybe this man can help me. Note to self: This guy claims my ancestors were great at hunting the supernatural beings. Who is this guy, and how does he know about my ancestors? Were my ancestors hunters? ((Story will be updated as I RP within Red County.))

Diary Entry #2
October 11, 2011, well, today was one more relaxed days...sorta. Woke up to a call this morning. One of my contacts had some equipment for me. I wasn't sure what to expect. After driving to a remote place in LV, I was thoroughly patted down, striped of all firearms and possibly deadly tools and put in a vehicle. Not a word was exchanged until I actually met the supplier. We didn't speak much, but he did have some interesting tools to choose from. One weapon in particular caught my eye. It resembled the M4A1 Carbine rifle, but he claims it was the LWRC M6A1 Rifle. He quickly pointed out that it fired a newer 6.8mm round instead of the standard 5.56mm round. Overwhelmed, I asked the question that I wasn't sure I wanted to know the answer to. "How much will this and the other equipment cost me?" The man smiled and replied, "I understand my man made a deal with you. Just keep us in the loop, and we will be glad to help out." Nervously, I returned a smile and we arranged for shipping the gear.... Quite shaken up from the deal, I headed into Palomino, to do research I think. I can't completely remember what happened, but I eventually ended up in the hospital with Jones standing over my bed. He hesitated to tell me how he found me, but eventually he told me enough for me to understand he knew something about the supernatural. After finding my vehicle, I took my camera from the back and began scanning though the pictures with Jones. Need the end of the slide, he pointed out a man. He was seen nearby when Jones found me. Looks like we have our first target....Later tonight, I received an E-mail from a guy. He'd been browsing the web and stumbled across the RCI page I created a few days back. Finally, it was my opportunity to start bringing in people to work with. I grabbed a envelope full of disturbing photos taken in the past during my time working with LaRue. After arriving at his residence I was invited in and welcomed. As we headed to his living room, I checked out rooms, making sure we were alone. After actually getting into the living room, I just cut to the chase, no point in dragging the issue out. I took out the envelope and threw it on the table. He picked the envelope up and began to look at the photos. He gave me reaction I expected. He was quite shaken up over the fact that we weren't the only living in this town. After many questions, he eventually decided that he would settle down and help me...

Diary Entry #3
Everything is falling into place now. Found a vampire feeding in pubic. Information is still a bit hazy, but its good enough for me to take action. Making contact with the FBI shortly, should help cover some of my activities I'm planning in Palomino. My status in the Sheriff's Department is in jeopardy. All of this illegal crap I've obtained this week...they'd think I'm a terrorist or something. The new guy and I are going to get some information from a big shot in Palomino. Not sure how dangerous he is, but I'm not taking any risk. Meeting arrangements have been made, whether he likes it or not. The new guy seems a bit off. Its going to be hard to train him to fight against the supernatural. As LaRue would say, "Humans are squishy and won't last long against the unnatural." Sadly this is true. The only chance we have in head on confrontations is to be quick and sneaky, unless that William guy wants to see the target. Otherwise, I'm killing and bagging. No need to expose a rookie to danger for long periods of time.

-Our Purpose-

Palomino is home to more than just humans, and Fraternitatis Venatorum knows this well. Though DeRon is just a human, he is making it duty to protect the humans of Palomino and regulate order among the supernatural beings in the town and surrounding areas. As he works to carry out these task, he is presented with information from his past, expanding his knowledge on the supernatural beings. Fraternitatis Venatorum isn't a group focused on killing off entire races. They are more or less a team of hunters that will eliminate any unnatural being or organization that has the intend on causing harm to the innocent.

-Roles of the Brotherhood-

Fraternitatis Venatorum Alastair-goes-to-break-the-seal
The Hunters: All of the Brotherhood's members are technically hunter, but within the Brotherhood, to be classified a "Hunter," you must possess skills in the traditional symbols and rituals. Hunters will likely work in pairs and use traditional methods to complete their task.

Fraternitatis Venatorum Readingx300w
Hunter's Apprentice: There are the members who wish to become educated in the traditional methods of hunting. A human being will have trouble learning most of the symbols and rituals, as mastering the art is time consuming. Humans will have a limited ability in using the symbols and rituals, but skills can be proficient enough to care out some of the same task as a highly skilled hunter.

Fraternitatis Venatorum ErnSmall
The Untraditional Hunter: These are the hunters that abandon the traditional ways of hunting, which involves the symbols and rituals. Instead of the traditional methods, these men and women use teamwork, modern tactics, and extreme force to bring down targets. Force of this measure is a last resort option for the Brotherhood. They are trained to quickly kill and secure targets, leaving little to no trace of presence. They are also the people who watch the potential targets in the field and relay the gathered intel to the traditional hunters.

Last edited by CoolSuave on Mon Nov 14, 2011 3:08 am; edited 9 times in total

DeRon Ellis
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Fraternitatis Venatorum Empty Re: Fraternitatis Venatorum

Post by DeRon Ellis Mon Oct 10, 2011 8:53 am

((Reserved for Press releases and Pubic IC information))

((OOC Obtained Info)) DeRon's Diary Entires:

Last edited by CoolSuave on Fri Nov 04, 2011 2:43 am; edited 3 times in total

DeRon Ellis
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Fraternitatis Venatorum Empty Re: Fraternitatis Venatorum

Post by Simon Bourne Mon Oct 10, 2011 9:01 am

((Awesome idea and story for this faction, but there's something i still don't understand, DeRon -your character- knows about the Werewolf/Vampire thing that's going on in Red County?))
Simon Bourne
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Fraternitatis Venatorum Empty Re: Fraternitatis Venatorum

Post by DeRon Ellis Mon Oct 10, 2011 9:03 am

((Yes, he has known for quite sometime now.))

DeRon Ellis
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Fraternitatis Venatorum Empty Re: Fraternitatis Venatorum

Post by [Graziano]Adrian Mon Oct 10, 2011 10:08 am

((It looks pretty cool, it is really exciting when you read it like this. Good story, but you need something more. Btw. zero, My character also knows about overpowered humen (Not that my character knows that they're vampires).. ))

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Fraternitatis Venatorum Empty Re: Fraternitatis Venatorum

Post by Kevin Alymer Mon Oct 10, 2011 5:38 pm

You can add ranks for the cover, and each one of those people working in cover also has a cover for the brotherhood.
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Fraternitatis Venatorum Empty Re: Fraternitatis Venatorum

Post by Rising Mon Oct 10, 2011 6:27 pm

(( Wow, the whole concept is GREAT! I love how you start off with a story, and then an epic ending u.u Hope this becomes official soon ;3

10/10 ))

Last edited by Rising on Mon Oct 10, 2011 6:28 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Adding brackets ;3)
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Fraternitatis Venatorum Empty Re: Fraternitatis Venatorum

Post by Max Woods Mon Oct 10, 2011 7:25 pm

(( Nice, indeed. I forgot to check it back then when you told me, i see its nice, 10/10, like Rising said. Good Luck! cheers ))
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Fraternitatis Venatorum Empty Re: Fraternitatis Venatorum

Post by DeRon Ellis Tue Oct 11, 2011 6:58 am

Updated, Diary Entry #1, Added the first three roles to the Brotherhood, Librarian added as a Cover Job.

DeRon Ellis
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Fraternitatis Venatorum Empty Re: Fraternitatis Venatorum

Post by Aaron_Lee Tue Oct 11, 2011 2:37 pm

(( This was the other 'secret' of BLC. We knew about vampires and wanted to protect Humans. But maybe this would be the more main one. The BLC's function isn't mainly on protecting humans. This faction main purpose is to do so. I really think this will be useful and I am really interested on making an allience on your behalf, but since your a cop and so on...,. Anyway this faction will give Humans a chance on the inbalance of Vampires Vs. Humans. ))
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Fraternitatis Venatorum Empty Re: Fraternitatis Venatorum

Post by Raiden Akimoto Tue Oct 11, 2011 10:38 pm

((Awesome! Now I can get revenge! Nah, kidding. This look kinda fun, good luck with it and hope to see you RPing it.))
Raiden Akimoto
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Fraternitatis Venatorum Empty Re: Fraternitatis Venatorum

Post by Matt Mercer Wed Oct 12, 2011 2:48 am

BAWS... I support this... would make things much more fun for humans....and vampires >Smile
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Fraternitatis Venatorum Empty Re: Fraternitatis Venatorum

Post by Niklaus Corvin Wed Oct 12, 2011 4:19 am

Deron, I must say, good job. Nice story and the idea sounds interesting..

and just.. saying.. there's no need to use brackets on Unofficial factions section.. it isn't IC section Razz
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Fraternitatis Venatorum Empty Re: Fraternitatis Venatorum

Post by Max Woods Wed Oct 12, 2011 1:31 pm

Dude, DeRon, make more diary entrys... Its so awesome to read it cyclops I wanna read more of it.
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Fraternitatis Venatorum Empty Re: Fraternitatis Venatorum

Post by Tyler Reese Sat Oct 15, 2011 1:26 am

(( Why's Renan saying that DeRon saw me feeding ICly? maybe you mixed me up with David Reese? idk. just show me a proof. ))
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Fraternitatis Venatorum Empty Re: Fraternitatis Venatorum

Post by DeRon Ellis Sat Oct 15, 2011 1:52 am

((Why is Renan working alone? Anyway, I'll deal with it.))

DeRon Ellis
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Fraternitatis Venatorum Empty Re: Fraternitatis Venatorum

Post by Renan Magagnin Sat Oct 15, 2011 2:54 am

I was not working alone, our chat was totally OOC. And i was mistaken you with David.
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Fraternitatis Venatorum Empty Re: Fraternitatis Venatorum

Post by DeRon Ellis Fri Nov 04, 2011 2:44 am

Updated Diary, should start getting interesting in the future.

DeRon Ellis
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