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[SD Application] Derek Thompson

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[SD Application] Derek Thompson Empty [SD Application] Derek Thompson

Post by tonice6 Tue Oct 11, 2011 3:34 am

In Character

Full name: Derek Thompson

Gender: Male

Race: African American

Date of Birth: July11, 1980

Place of Birth: Los Santos

Current active address: 20 Palomino Creek

Available phone number(s): (718) 1010010

Education: St. Johns University

Are you currently in occupation?: No.
If yes, what is your current occupation?: N/A

Have you had any previous occupations?: Yes.
If yes, what were your previous occupations?: Federal Bureau Investigation.

Do you own a current valid driver license?: Yes.
If yes, has it ever been suspended?: No.

Do you posses any knowledge or experience in the law enforcement area?: No.
Have you ever been arrested?: No.
If yes for what charges/crimes?: N/A

Have you ever served time in prison?: No.
If yes for what charges/crimes?: N/A

Biography (Must be over 200 words):
I was born in Jefferson Hospital in Los Santos. It was a bad experience growing up in Jefferson, Los Santos, very corrupted government/Police. In Jefferson a lot of gang activity. Crime rates in that area was too high for people like me to live in. So a few years passed and my family moved to New York City. Thats where I attended St. Johns University. It was a great experience living there. Schools were great, rarely any gang activity and wasn't such of a dangerous place. There my family had a great life. My father was a Police Officer for the NYPD and my mother was a doctor in New York.
My close uncle who lives with me at the time was drafted to the Navy when he was 28. He was sent overseas by the US Navy to fight in Vietnam war. Luckily after the war he came back safe. He told my family that joining the Navy changed his life. He was much more mature than before. When I was 15 my father died from a gun shot wound to his liver he died of uncontrollable bleeding. It was a sad moment in my life, but I managed to get over it for several months. When I turned 20 I moved to RedCounty to study Law, Physics and Criminal Justice. I was there for 4years and graduated at 24years old. After college I went to PAL for couple of years. My mother and uncle is still alive today and both live in Vice City.

Out of Character

Age: 15
First Name: Fritz
Last Name (Not required to answer):
Country: United States Of America
Do you have a working microphone?: No. But I can get one.
Do you have Skype or Teamspeak installed?: Yes

Your server nickname: N/A

Past characters and factions: FBI

How long have you been a member of this server?: about 2 or 3months. I haven't played recently though.

Have you ever been banned from this server (if yes, why)?: No.

Why do you wish to join this faction?:I want to try out different factions and being a FBI was fun so I want to be a SD to have that experience again since FBI was removed.
Have you ever played on any other role play servers (if yes, which)?:Yes. RCRP BCRP LSRP FCRP.
Do you posses any law enforcement knowledge or role play experience?: Yes.
Have you read the application rules?: Yes.
Any other comments: No.

Role Play

Explain what is role play and its basics: To role play means to act like you would in real life. The basics is for you to Role play your attitude, age, race etc. And the most important command for Role playing is /me.
Explain what is meta game and give two different examples: Meta game is using OOC information IC.
1) Mike: Hey John did you see the vampires?
John: No? What the hell? You believe in vampires?
Mike: Um. Yea. The server is called Vampire and Humans Role Play. Am I correct?
John: Hey y you talking to the admin like that? He's just arresting someone.

Explain what is power game and give two different examples: Forcing someone in an action.
1) /me pulls out his pistol and pistol whips John.
2) /me Headlocks John into submission.
Explain what is "gun from ass": Having a large item or weapon pop into your hands with a correct /me.

Explain what is "RP to win" and give two different examples: RP to win is a role player using unrealistic actions to have a better advantage in the Roleplay.
1) /me flys 1000yards into the air and comes crashing down on John Doe.
2) /me uses his telekinetic powers to take the money from the safe.

Give an example of a good detailed role play /me: /me pulls a Desert Eagle from his holster and cocks it back.

Give an example of a bad role play /me: /me has a sad face.
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[SD Application] Derek Thompson Empty Re: [SD Application] Derek Thompson

Post by Terry Winston Sat Oct 22, 2011 8:43 pm

( in game level?)
Terry Winston
Terry Winston
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