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Samuel_Kain <Application>

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Samuel_Kain <Application> Empty Samuel_Kain <Application>

Post by [Graziano]Adrian Wed Oct 26, 2011 6:52 pm

In Character

Full name: Samuel Kain

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Date of Birth: 20/August/1985

Place of Birth: Angel Pine

Current active address: 24 Palomino Creek

Available phone number(s): 1010701

Education: Los Santos High School

Are you currently in occupation?: Yes
If yes, what is your current occupation?: Fisher.

Have you had any previous occupations?: Yes
If yes, what were your previous occupations?: I was working for the APSD (Angel Pine Sheriffs Department)

Do you own a current valid driver license?: Yes.
If yes, has it ever been suspended?: No

Do you posses any knowledge or experience in the law enforcement area?: Yes, Like I mentioned before, I worked for the APSD
Have you ever been arrested?: No
If yes for what charges/crimes?: No

Have you ever served time in prison?: No
If yes for what charges/crimes?: No

Biography (Must be over 200 words):
Samuel is a boy who born in the Angel Pine jail, his mother read his name in a book and called him Samuel. His father died before Samuel was born. His mother was working, and Samuel was living in the streets. He was hanging out with the wanna-be criminals. The young guys who were just stealing from shops and beating each other up for no reason. But later when he was just 12, his mother got raped, robbed and murdered. Since no one could care for Samuel. He went to an orphan all the time, but also he was going to school. He hated criminals, but everyone thought he was a criminal since he was black. He finished the University and left the orphan when he was 18. When he was twenty he joined the Angel Pine Sheriffs Department. But his own brother was selling drugs in the streets where he was living. He he couldn't take it anymore and threw him in the jail for ten years. Living there was a big pain for him, since they did really much things together. So he moved to Palomino Creek. He rent a house and worked as a fisher for long. When he had enough money, he left his house and bought one. But he was still working as a fisher.

Out of Character

Age: 15
First Name: Taylan
Last Name (Not required to answer):
Country: The Netherlands
Do you have a working microphone?: Yes
Do you have Skype or Teamspeak installed? Yes

Your server nickname: Its Bradley_Burke, but when Dilandau joins I'll ask him to change my name to Samuel Kain, (I have one name change left)

Past characters and factions: Bradley_Burke, G.S.F, B.L.C, The Milkmen, EMS, and much much more...

How long have you been a member of this server?: Several months.

Have you ever been banned from this server (if yes, why)?: Yes, flaming an admin.

Why do you wish to join this faction?: I never RP'ed (in this server) as a cop, I really want-to
Have you ever played on any other role play servers (if yes, which)?: LS-RP, URP, LBRP, Walhalla RP (MTA)
Do you posses any law enforcement knowledge or role play experience?: Yes, I RP'ed in LSRP and U-RP as a police officer.
Have you read the application rules?: Yes, I did.
Any other comments: No,

Role Play

Explain what is role play and its basics: Taking a role of a random person, and roleplaying as if it was your real life.
Explain what is meta game and give two different examples: Using OOC information in IC situations.
Bradley reads the name of Dilandau, and says: "Hi Dilandau!" Without knowing his name IC'ly.
Bradley PM's Dilandau; "Help! I'm getting arrested!"

Explain what is power game and give two different examples: Forcing someone to roleplay, or roleplaying impossible things.
/me takes his M4 from his pocket.
/me takes his deagle from his pocket, sets the safety off, aims the weapon at the face of the man, shoots 5 times, then robs him.

Explain what is "gun from ass":
Scrolling your weapon without any roleplay involved.

Explain what is "RP to win" and give two different examples: That you are RP'ing to winning. You can't loose or you'll any little reason to win.
When someone is getting robbed he says: /do I left my wallet home. But actually he never RP'ed that.
/me runs from the cells to the exit, ignoring the doors and the police officers who are working there.

Give an example of a good detailed role play /me:
/me takes the uzi from the seat next to him, leaning out of the window and holding with one hand from the top of the car.

Give an example of a bad role play /me:
/me takes out his uzi and kills the suspect.

Posts : 244
Join date : 2011-08-10

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Samuel_Kain <Application> Empty Re: Samuel_Kain <Application>

Post by Nero Wed Oct 26, 2011 7:12 pm



Reason: You already are in a faction(TSE).
Close it and apply again or stay with it.


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Samuel_Kain <Application> Empty Re: Samuel_Kain <Application>

Post by Terry Winston Wed Oct 26, 2011 7:30 pm

(( denied and Banned from re applying as your a massive criminal))
Terry Winston
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Samuel_Kain <Application> Empty Re: Samuel_Kain <Application>

Post by [Graziano]Adrian Wed Oct 26, 2011 7:38 pm

(( That's not a valid reason, also metagame much? No one knows ICly I'm a criminal as I never got arrested, the shootout with the cops got voided so.))

Posts : 244
Join date : 2011-08-10

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Samuel_Kain <Application> Empty Re: Samuel_Kain <Application>

Post by Terry Winston Wed Oct 26, 2011 8:51 pm

Ice Boy wrote:(( That's not a valid reason, also metagame much? No one knows ICly I'm a criminal as I never got arrested, the shootout with the cops got voided so.))

((The app is based on ooc an ic if i see you runnign round being a massive criminal and then all of a sudden you want to be a cop your words when i first denied you where *fine il become a criminal* you have been denied please live with it.))
Terry Winston
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Samuel_Kain <Application> Empty Re: Samuel_Kain <Application>

Post by [Graziano]Adrian Wed Oct 26, 2011 8:52 pm

(( You need to deny it ICly as this is an IC bord ))

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Join date : 2011-08-10

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Samuel_Kain <Application> Empty Re: Samuel_Kain <Application>

Post by Terry Winston Wed Oct 26, 2011 8:54 pm

Dear Mr Kain,

We at the sheriffs department are sorry to inform you that your application has been Denied, any further attempts to apply will be to no avail.

Yours sinserally,
Terry Winston
Terry Winston
Terry Winston
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Age : 32
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Samuel_Kain <Application> Empty Re: Samuel_Kain <Application>

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