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Adrian_Graziano [Firearm Application]

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Adrian_Graziano [Firearm Application] Empty Adrian_Graziano [Firearm Application]

Post by [Graziano]Adrian Mon Oct 31, 2011 7:34 pm

To: Red County Sheriff's Department
455 Main St.,
Dillimore, SA 91034

From: Adrian Graziano
38 Palomino Creek,
Palomino Creek, SA 96454
10 31 2011

Adrian_Graziano [Firearm Application] 2akh5rq
Red County Sheriff's Department
Courtesy - Professionalism - Respect

Weapon License Application

Personal Information:

Full Name: Adrian Graziano
Date of Birth: 20/08/1985
Sex: Male
Social Security Number: 15551226980
Current Address: 38 Palomino Creek
Current Occupation: Leader of The Sicilian Transport.
Phone Number: 1010701

Background Information:

Have you ever had a firearm license before?: No
Have you ever had a firearm license be revoked or suspended?: -
If yes, for what reason:-
Do you have any previous criminal record?: No
If so, describe the nature of your crimes and when: -

Weapon Information:

Clearance Level: 1
Intended weapon(s): Desert Eagle.
Where will your weapon(s) be stored?: In my holster.
Do you have training or experience regarding the proper usage of the weapons you are applying for? If so, state the nature. Yes, worked back in the 90's five years for the RCBI, later leaved it when I had to move back to Los Santos.
Why are you applying for a weapons license and why should the Red County Sheriff’s Department accept your application?: [[250 word minimum]]]

As the leader of The Sicilian Transport, I need to take care of my drivers. There are recently many taxi robbers in the town. They enter our transport vehicle, acting very friendly asking a transportation to BlueBerry. When we are nearly there, he aims the weapon at our head asking for money. When he leaves he shoots the tires of the Taxi and there is nothing I can do. It would be really appreciated if I can get a little fire arm just to scare the person off. So they can’t rob us or any damage to our taxi. Only I, Myself; Adrian Granzo will profit from the weapon license and never will give the weapon to others. As I’m also the leader of The Sicilian Transport, I have to work with much other employers, so I never know who I can trust or not. We got recently robbed while I was counting the money by a masked black man, and never could get the money back. So a little fire arm, just to shoot them in the leg, or a warn shot, or even just to scare them off without using it would be fine. My mother got killed two years ago by a robber, I don’t want the same destiny as her as I have a really risky job. Its just for my own safety, will be holstered always in my holster, and no one will hear about that I have a weapon or a license.

I, Adrian Graziano, understand the terms and conditions for applying for a weapons license. I understand that if I violate any of the terms or conditions, misuse my license in any way, shape or form, or mishandle my weaponry and become a danger to myself or others through the use thereof, that I will have the license revoked without a refund of funds and likely arrested and tried to the fullest extent of the law. I understand that any and all firearms I purchase using this license will only be handled by myself and that every one of them is to be registered upon purchase to my name and any crimes committed with the weaponry can and will be levied upon me. I promise, under penalty of law, that all information in this application is absolutely true and understand that falsifying information on this document will result in any licenses being revoked, having my ability to apply in the future removed, and also being arrested and tried accordingly. I promise to use the weapons license responsibly, safely, and lawfully.

Screenshot of you /charity-ing the appropriate amount of money for the license: After it gets accepted Smile
Your Account Level: 13


Posts : 244
Join date : 2011-08-10

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Adrian_Graziano [Firearm Application] Empty Re: Adrian_Graziano [Firearm Application]

Post by Simon Bourne Tue Nov 01, 2011 1:05 am

((Terry, just deny it and stop him from ever getting one, he can barely RP, he RQ's, flames and DMs, giving him a firearms license is like giving a nuke to a monkey, no offense.))

**Terry receives an e-mail directed to him from a Deputy.**

From: Simon Bourne.
To: Terrence Winston.
Subject: Firearms License.

Sheriff this is Deputy Simon Marshall Bourne, i would like to request that you ignore ANY sort of application coming from these 2 individuals, Damir Johnson and a recent applicant called "Adrian" apparently, not sure what's his last name, they've both been spotted selling illegal firearms by Cadet Theron and i, they're on the run and probably armed.

As always, take care.

Simon Marshall Bourne.
Simon Bourne
Simon Bourne
Sheriff's Department
Sheriff's Department

Personal Text : Only the dead find the true end of War
Posts : 1858
Join date : 2011-01-16
Age : 28
Location : Somewhere in Nevada.

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Adrian_Graziano [Firearm Application] Empty Re: Adrian_Graziano [Firearm Application]

Post by [Graziano]Adrian Wed Nov 02, 2011 12:52 am

(( Samuel Kain, got yesterday arrested for selling illegal weapons, not Adrian Graziano, PLUS you don't know my name ICLy, so don't metagame it. PLUS It wasn't cadet Theron, but it was Seth who went undercover trying to jail me and the one who arrested me was nick jones, my name was SAMUEL KAIN, not Adrian, so don't even bother to metagame. ))

Posts : 244
Join date : 2011-08-10

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Adrian_Graziano [Firearm Application] Empty Re: Adrian_Graziano [Firearm Application]

Post by DeRon Ellis Thu Nov 10, 2011 8:36 am

**DeRon Ellis is looks through the stack of license applications, and writing responses.**
Dear, Mister Graziano,
I've never heard of the Sicilian Transport. This being the reason you want your license, I'm going to have to deny your application for the time being. Good luck with your organization.

DeRon Ellis
In Game Administrator
In Game Administrator

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Join date : 2011-08-04

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