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Red County Investigations

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Red County Investigations Empty Red County Investigations

Post by DeRon Ellis Mon Nov 14, 2011 3:08 am

Red County Investigations RCI_logo
Red County Investigations

Here for your personal informative needs

We are the R.C.I. Our duty and purpose is to gather the information you desperately require and deliver it in a pleasing, understandable manner. We'll investigate anything from affairs your spouse may be involved in, to what your child does after school with his friends. Nothing is too sensitive for the R.C.I. We offer our services to the local Sheriff's Department as well. Need to keep eyes on a paranoid suspect? Our investigators will blend into any and every situation and with takedown every detail and return it to you. We leave no trace of our work, so we can be hired over and over for cases closely involving each other. For legal or person matters, R.C.I. is the choice for you.

The Team

Management: DeRon Ellis

Due to the need of secrecy among R.C.I. All employees will have there names hidden from the general pubic.

Our Jobs and Descriptions

The Investigator: Private detectives and investigators assist individuals, businesses, and attorneys by finding and analyzing information. They connect clues to uncover facts about legal, financial, or personal matters. Private detectives and investigators offer many services, including executive, corporate, and celebrity protection; preemployment verification; and individual background profiles. Some investigate computer crimes, such as identity theft, harassing e-mails, and illegal downloading of copyrighted material. They also provide assistance in criminal and civil liability cases, insurance claims and fraud cases, child custody and protection cases, missing-persons cases, and premarital screening. They are sometimes hired to investigate individuals to prove or disprove infidelity. ((Info from http://www.bls.gov/oco/ocos157.htm))

Information Analyst: Processes information gathered by the investigators in the field. Finds links in cases to find out who is involved with who.

Security Insurance Agent: Main job is to watch the investigators in sensitive cases. If anything goes wrong and the investigator's safety becomes threatened, the S.I. Agent will step in and resolve the issue.

Librarian: The Librarian is responsible for maintaining the archives and records from cases the Investigators investigate. The Librarian is usually found in the Base of Operations and spends most of their time working there.

Need a Investigator? Contact: D.Ellis@RCISolutions.com

DeRon Ellis
In Game Administrator
In Game Administrator

Posts : 428
Join date : 2011-08-04

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