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...And Metallica For All (A hell of a TL:DR story)

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...And Metallica For All (A hell of a TL:DR story) Empty ...And Metallica For All (A hell of a TL:DR story)

Post by Nicolas Djordjevic Fri Dec 09, 2011 2:24 am

Seeings as you guys started making loads of topics related to games, I guess music is there for some reason... and yeah, I'll bother you if you bother reading and that's how we make bother zone. Wait what.

Anyway - Metallica. Before going to main topic... Vocals and Rhythm guitar: James Hetfield. Solo g. : Dave Mustaine <-- Got kicked due to retarded reasons back in 1983, Kirk Hammett takes his position. Bass: Clifford Burton, Drums: Lars Ulrich.

I don't know what you guys think but at school I most likely get a respond like "BLAARGH UURGH METAL" when it comes to talking about Metallica with anyone (To translate this thingy, they most likely think that metalhead dudes are some retarded monkeys who like to show their rage at the concert or whatsoever by doing a most simple headbang). Anyway, just 5 years ago I basically hated these guys. Why? I don't know. Probably cause of all those fucked up comments by friends, who of course preferred to listen something more non-metal like-ish. So yeah, just two years ago I downloaded whole Discography due song "For whom the bell tolls" and "Fade to black". In my opinion, I have never seen a band having ALL great songs in their first album. Apparently Metallica's first album is "Kill 'em all". Every song... in this album... is masterpiece for me. Oh no, not 'cause of bloody distortion nor cause Hetfield is having a rather great voice (In my opinion), but due that thing... the thing you feel while listening to it. Or that's just what I do feel. The Four Horsemen, No Remorse, Jump in the fire, Pulling Teeth, etc. etc. etc. It's all just perfect songs for me.

BOOM, 1984 , new album - Ride The Lighting. Same thing as Kill Em All... all the damn good songs. And their first ballad , AKA Fade to black. "The heck, am I hearing a emotive song? Oh jeeze, I thought I came to Metallica's concert", Well screw you, if you think Metallica is all about raging, head-banging and acting like a maniac, well, you're wrong. There are depressive sides of it as well. Creeping Death, another awesome song. Yet not awesome due talking about slaughter or something, but more or less about small part of the Bilbe. Where Moses sends so called "Creeping Death" to kill the first born Pharaoh's son... so Pharaoh could release Hebrew and let them be led by Moses himself. You did not expect Bible related things in Metallica? Oh well, think again, they ain't "Raaagh Satans" as some of the people thought so.. or just to say MOST of the people I met thought that. To return on Fade to Black. Talking about suicide and all , depression and that. None expected James to be so depressive due things, eh? Well he was, therefore he wrote this great song.

1986 - Master of Puppets. I can't name this, honestly. The most greatest song in this album would be Master of Puppets itself, talking about Drug use... Tho' it sounds more to me like someone's ordering you, you want some stuff, the "Master" says you'll get 'em, but in the end you get freaking nothing. Orion, ah, the awesome instrumental. What's so good about this song? Bass Guitar Riffs I'd say. Well I don't play Bass Guitar, but I know bass sounds uberepic in this song. Disposable Heroes. Hmm, alright, they didn't put much effort in this song when it comes to tabs, since guitar mostly plays one singe tone and riff but pretty much quickly. Talking about war and that, war sucks, honestly, it does.

This album has its negative sides. Not because some of the songs completely suck, but due to the fact Cliff died in a car accident. Imagine that, just image. Having a great life, beautiful girlfriend, band, awesome friends, everything you ever wanted and you died due to fact that bus was pretty much fucked up. Yeah, they had a bad bus, Cliff was the only one who died, no one else. Not even crew, but him. Believe me or not but he pulled out "Ace of spades" when deciding who'll sleep in which bed with Kirk. Imagine that KIRK pulled out that card, maybe he'd die? Who knows.

Two years passed, losing their friend and a brother was a big hit for these guys. They never thought about giving up, and how Cliff claimed he'd kill them if they ever gave up from Metallica, they continued with their music making. Jason Newsted had to wear Cliff's boots, and thats how new bassist arrived into Metallica, and it were as I saw , another album was created " ...And Justice For All " - 1988. This album is filled with songs talking about Freedom, about human rights and Justice itself. Tho' it's having undiplomatic related songs like "One" which describes situation of war, or "Harvester of Sorrow" < --- Now that's a hell of a song.

1991, new album called "Metallica", or how fans liked to call it "The Black Album". Obviously due to reason that cover of the album is totally black and only having a cobra or WHATEVER the snakes' name is it on it. I could say that this album would be the favorite for the guys who like Metallica due the reason it is having the most high rated songs, which means these songs in this album earned pretty much high rates on Billboards. Well, not actually many songs but for "Nothing else matters" , I am pretty sure it hit the world with it's harmony. What to say.. James' love towards his girlfriend which is far away from him due to fact he has to travel a lot made him make this song. Imagine that you're somewhere far away and the person you love is at the other side of the ocean, well that's the optimism James used for writing this song. Enter Sandman, well this-.. Ah screw it, I got tired of this song, honestly. Let's say it's a GOOD song but some people just love it so much for no reason... The Unforgiven, well this is an awesome song I'd say, talking about life and it's crap, the reason for you to survive and all. Sad But True, The God That Failed ( WARNING: No, this song has nothing against religion. It's about James' mother's death due to fact she didn't wanted to receive any medication but hoped that God will heal her cancer, God failed at doing so, she dead. That's why James wrote this song).

1996 - Load, 1997 - ReLoad, two more albums. Alright, I'll be honest but these albums are nothing what Metallica used to make. Tho' I never say they completely suck but I most admit some songs are great. Songs like Bleeding Me, Until it sleeps, Mama said and King Nothing are pretty much awesome for me no matter Metallica didn't used trash nor speed metal as it used to back in 80's. ReLoad - Fuel, The Unforgiven 2 and Low man's lyrics are probably their best songs in this album. At the year of 2001 or so, I am not sure... Jason Newsted left Metallica. Well I could name you many reasons for his leaving but I'd just say that it's due the fact he wanted to spend his time on music, not on wives and children like other members of Metallica. Robert Truhilo( ...or whatever his lastname is) joined Metallica as bassist. Well, this guy is just... I don't know, but nothing like Jason or Cliff IMO.

2003 - St. Anger. One word: Failure... Sorry, but the only good songs in this one would be "St. Anger" and "Some kind of monster". ...erm... I guess... that's all.. about this.. album...

2008 - Death Magnetic. Oh well, this is pretty much better than St. Anger. No matter cause it's their last album so far (I do not count "Lulu" as their album, honestly) I can say that it's really good one. Songs like Cyanide, The day that never comes, Broken ,beat and scarred, All Nightmare long are really interesting songs. For me, the fav. one is "The day that never comes"... as for most of the guys I'd say.

..blah blah blah. Why have I typed all this crap? I don't know, honestly. I guess some of you guys read it cause you were bored like me or something... or just cannot sleep...like me... duh, Thanks for reading. And thanks for Too Long Didn't Reading as well.
Nicolas Djordjevic
Nicolas Djordjevic
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