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Sean Phelps
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Garous Empty Garous

Post by Kevin Alymer Sun Dec 18, 2011 10:17 pm

Post here on how many gifts you suggest werewolves should have. It has to be seperated into five level and five ranks for tribal gifts.

Vampires are clearly overpowered, and have plenty of powers which also are passive. Gifts have to be learned, and are not quite as strong so feel free to give your own suggestions out here.
Kevin Alymer
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Garous Empty Re: Garous

Post by Raiden Akimoto Sun Dec 18, 2011 10:21 pm

How about this? [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
Raiden Akimoto
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Garous Empty Re: Garous

Post by Kevin Alymer Sun Dec 18, 2011 10:24 pm

It has to be from WoD.
Kevin Alymer
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Garous Empty Re: Garous

Post by Raiden Akimoto Sun Dec 18, 2011 10:25 pm

Kevin Alymer wrote:It has to be from WoD.

I am not a werewolf and I had never experienced it(I did once and its fucked up. xD) but I will try helping you guys up.

Edit: Try this, [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
Raiden Akimoto
Raiden Akimoto
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Garous Empty Re: Garous

Post by Sean Phelps Sun Dec 18, 2011 10:58 pm

Three gifts to make it equal as Vampires.
Make it level 5+ for Levfel 1 gift, 10 for 2, 15 for 3, 20 for 4 and 25 for 5.
So Vampires and WW's are equal.
Sean Phelps
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Garous Empty Re: Garous

Post by Odin Sun Dec 18, 2011 11:01 pm

We should have at least five gifts, but they must be learned.
Like... two that are the normal and the rest must be taught by a spirit.
Having passive gifts to every breed such as:
Metis: Better sight and can see in peach darkness.
Lupus: Hard skull to bash with.
... just thoughts.

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Garous Empty Re: Garous

Post by Kevin Alymer Sun Dec 18, 2011 11:02 pm

Disciplines have plenty of powers each. How is that fair? Consider the fact gifts have to be learned and are not passive, and also, they're not as strong.
Kevin Alymer
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Garous Empty Re: Garous

Post by Odin Sun Dec 18, 2011 11:13 pm

I think we should keep both races with not passive disciplines/gifts and should learn it.
Like my alt, knowing nothing of his disciplines and powers, only strength, speed and feed, Why not discuss with Akabara on lowering some of their disciplines or ban them to give fairness to humans and werewolves.

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Garous Empty Re: Garous

Post by Nicolas Djordjevic Mon Dec 19, 2011 2:08 am

Every Kindred is having 3 Discipline. Each Discipline is having level 1-10 powers, and some level 6-10 powers. In order to use any Power Kindred loses amount of Blood Points, therefore I'll have nothing against with Garous RPing any Gift or whatsoever as long as they can have limit of that. Not to use it like forever or whatsoever.

Some Powers are banned for obvious reasons and we are not roleplaying them, but yes Kindred are overpowered at some sides, I can admit that.

All in all I agree to this. Garous should be having more Gifts whatever are they stronger or not, just to make these two Races Balanced , and as I said not to put things without the limit.

That's all.
Nicolas Djordjevic
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Garous Empty Re: Garous

Post by Nico Mon Dec 19, 2011 10:23 am

I experienced both races here,and of course there are approximately as many gifts for breed and auspice as powers from the three disciplines a vampire has.
However,a vampire may only used advanced powers from level 15+ also,if the power has more than 8 dots,any generation 10 or higher can't use it.

Oh yes,and vampires have a blood pool which constantly decreases if powers are used,and each day that passes by we lose 5 blood points just 'cause vampires are undead. We have to feed,and each time we use our powers we have to feed aswell. The difference between blood points and gnosis is that when a vampire runs out of blood points,they're doomed. And as far as I've seen no Garou roleplayed Gnosis amounts,therefore in order to make the unlimited gift adding fair there should be some sort of mana pool or gnosis pool or something.

And as for the passives...Sean and David said they can regenerate with rage,even limbs or eyes. And they did. Also werewolves use rage,a rage system would be useful aswell,and rage could always be stored and all.
I'm all good with unlimited gifts,but not every vampire can use those extremely strong powers,therefore not any garou should have extremely strong gifts,but the strong ones only.

Unlimited gifts,nevertheless with a limit for their usage,also with a couple of them banned same as those super strong vampire powers.

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Garous Empty Re: Garous

Post by Kevin Alymer Mon Dec 19, 2011 10:48 am

If you use it too much you go into frenzy and will most likely get killed in the end. If you use a lot of gnosis it affects you spiritually, you become tired, depressed and so on. If you loose rage, you can't shift.
Kevin Alymer
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Garous Empty Re: Garous

Post by Niklaus Corvin Mon Dec 19, 2011 7:21 pm

Using two or three advanced powers, players go almost in frenzy as their blood pool goes really down, people with generation 11th, or 12th, a few .. , can use two and go in frenzy or one and can barely defend themselves. You should a few gifts, I agree.. but don't go with shitloads of gifts and passive shit. I don't have any passive power from a discipline. Every power requires blood points to work, a passive skill WOULD NOT REQUIRE, our only passive powers would be, the jump, the strength, the speed, and beside that Rudy added vampires their HP regen, which gives you 1 HP each 15 seconds. In order to heal wounds we've to use BP, in order to use powers.. we've to use BP, I see many of your wolves.. * heals his wounds with his rage *, but then I see that he doesn't use a /do and RPs lowering his rage amount or however you call it, they use gifts and I don't see them lowering their gnosis by a /do either.
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Garous Empty Re: Garous

Post by Nico Mon Dec 19, 2011 7:51 pm

That's what I was trying to say,they should have a SPECIFIC amount of gnosis. As vampires have for our blood pools. For example,level 1 garou has 10 gnosis,level 2 garou has 15-20 whatever,but you get the idea. Same goes for rage,it increases each time etc etc,like 5 rage required for hipstos,10 for lupus 15 for crinos etc. You get me.

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Garous Empty Re: Garous

Post by Jericho Phelps Wed Dec 21, 2011 2:24 am

Rage is for most of the powers for WW (even shifting), Rage can be stored but its hard. Gnosis is the power that shows Garou's connection to the spirit world (how storng it is) LEARN gifts (bribe the spirits with it). Gnosis can be stored, but not in big amounts (Homids the least, Lupuses the most, Metises in between). Gnosis is also used to activate everything from gifts to fetishes.
I think there could be a system of gnosis storage (lvl 1-4 garous get min gnosis for their breed homid1 lupus5 metis3, lvl 5-9 homid4 lupus8 metis6 etc) but rage would stack up only short amount of time
aka, when a garou gets pissed, he adds points to an unlimited rage stack, but if he crosses, let's say 34, he has to /coin every time he gets more enraged if he goes to frenzy, and that until he calms down.

Jericho Phelps

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