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Another tutorial[I was bored and made it...]

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Another tutorial[I was bored and made it...] Empty Another tutorial[I was bored and made it...]

Post by Max Woods Thu Mar 03, 2011 11:18 pm

Dont make bad comments, if you got bad comments, then dont post, good comments = Post.

Im going to show you a short tutorial about things you should know:

I will make:
- Basic things you should not do in game!
- What is MG and PG
- What is RPK and CK
- What is DM
- What is OOC and IC
- What is RK and DDB
- What is Bunny Hop and Ninja Jack
- Example of a roleplay

Basic things you should not do in game!

1. If you take one skin, you need to choose wisely, because you cant rp a white guy and next day an mexican, people would wonder and it would be very non-rp.
2. Drive properly like in real life, you wont drive in real life over the streets, park and do crazy stunts...
3. You should always rp, only stop roleplaying if an admin tells you so.
4. By roleplaying, if you loose some money, dont make things up and PG so you can get away without loosing money, just dont worry, its a game for fun.
5. Follow the server rules.
6. Always do your best rp-ing.
7. Dont abuse some things to get health, it would be just PG, later on PG.
8. Dont Bunny Hop like some freaking rabbit, walk normaly or run, it doesent matter, just dont bunny hop.

What is MG and PG

Metagame - Metagaming is using OOC knowladge ICly. Example: 1. You are walking and you see someones nametag and say: Hey Tom, how are you?
2. Someone robbed you, you dont know his name and a guy pm's you what is his name, if you use that knowledge ICly, it would be MG.

Powergame - Powergaming is doing this that you cant do in real life.
1. You are getting arrested, someone tazed you, you wont stand up and run away, because you cant do it in real life, so its PowerGaming.
2. You see your worst enemy, you wont just come and start hitting him, you need to give the player a chance to respond on the /me with /do. It would be PG if you just come and start hitting him.

What is RPK and CK

RPK - Roleplay kill, it means = Someone kills you basicly, you forget about everyone and start a new life with a new name, everyone knows the old character, but not the new character.
Short: You forget about everyone and start a new life, they dont forget the "old you", you need to meet friends again...

CK - Character Kill, it means = Not everyone can CK you, only faction leaders and admins can do it. You die, your account gets banned, and you need to start a new life with a new name, basicly you die and make new account, simple.

What is DM

Deathmatch - It means if you just came into a new server, now you so tuff and start shooting/punching guys without an good IC reason, listen. Someone makes you mad OOCly and now you shoot/punch him. If someone makes you mad ICly, then you have the rights to shoot/punch him, BUT! You need to rp it like this
/me attempts to punch him in the face making his nose bleed
/DO S/F?
The person can anwser /DO F, I dodge it and attempt to hit you in the stomach
then he makes /DO S/F?
And so on.

What is OOC and IC

OOC - Out of Character, it means that you speak to players about YOUR REAL LIFE! Not the life in game. Basicly talk in /g or /b and say like: /b hey, let's go to the club tommorow? Ok il meet you at the club.

IC - In Character, it means you speak like you were the character in game, you speak about your life in game. T or F6 to speak ICly, Example: Hey, how are you? My name is Josh(But your real name is(example: David).

What is RK and DDB

RK - RevengeKill, it means that when you die, in an IC fight, you come back and start punching him again, that's IMPOSSIBLE! You cant have 2 lifes and still remember him. So you cant get there and start punching him.

DDB - Driver Drive By, this is just not allowed on servers, i think it's not allowed because you cant drive at the same time and shoot someone... Only passengers can shoot.

What is Bunny Hop and Ninja Jack

Bunny Hop - It means if you constantly jump to get to somewhere faster, you of course wouldnt do that, you would run to the location and not jump, it will make you loose strength and need to get rest.

Ninja Jack - It means, if someone is in a car, and you press ENTER and just jack his car without /me's and /do's! You dont give him/her the chanse to respond like, /do The car doors are locked, or /me shuts the door and holds it so no-one opens it.

Example for a roleplay

/me puts his drug seeds in his backpack
Police: POLICE! You are under arrest for drugs dealings.
You: SHIT!
/me attempts to push the cop away and run away
/DO S/F?
/do S
*Police tazes you*
Police: You are under arrest for evading and drug selling.
You: Aaah, damn...
/me attempts to cuff the man
/DO S/F?
/DO S. No resistance(You cant resist because you are tazed
/me attempts to drag him to the police car
/DO S/F?
/do Cuffs in front or on the back?
/DO In front
*You are in the car with one cop*
/me attempts to raise his arms above the driver seat and choke the driver
/DO S/F?
/DO S.(If the cop tryes to grip your arms, you both get killed because no-one is steering the car)
/me attempts to take the keys from his uniform
/DO Auto S(He is killed, he cant do shit)
/me unlocks the cuffs and opens the door, runs away.
------------END OF RP------------

Hope i helped atleast a little bit... Razz
Max Woods
Max Woods

Posts : 1171
Join date : 2011-01-02
Location : Croatia, Sea Side

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