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Bishop Bourne Air Force Profile

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Bishop Bourne Air Force Profile Empty Bishop Bourne Air Force Profile

Post by Simon Bourne Mon Mar 21, 2011 5:33 am

*You see a bunch of papers laying on the street, its says as "Lieutenant Bourne" , if you pick it up and read it you will see this*

"Washington, D.C, U.S Pentagon, Designate: "Hawk-Alpha-Delta-Echo-Sierra"

Name and Rank: Bishop Marcus Bourne, Lieutenant.
Age: 23, last Air Force check.
Blood Type: AB Negative.
Eye color: Blue.
Hair color: Dark Brown.
Height: 6 feet.
Weight: 175 pounds.

"Lieutenant Bourne, joined to United States Air Force in April 15th
Known for being anonimus, for being lethal, taking orders without any regret, kept the Colateral Damage at minimal, never said "No" to an order issued by the Command , trained in Hand to Hand combat, Air Combat, First Aid, Basic Survival Techniques and Stealth.
Decided to to decline further promotions to be a combat pilot, in May 3rd he was taken as a P.O.W when his Black Hawk 181 Recon Helicopter got shot down by an Unknown source, he was safely brought back home, heavily wounded and in a coma state, the Goverment decided to test an experimental drug known as "Reaper", the later effects were never checked by any medical staff, he escaped the medical facility and disapeared from the radar, last known position: a small town in San Andreas, "Palomino Creek".


Proceed with further caution.
Simon Bourne
Simon Bourne
Sheriff's Department
Sheriff's Department

Personal Text : Only the dead find the true end of War
Posts : 1858
Join date : 2011-01-16
Age : 28
Location : Somewhere in Nevada.

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