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Character story.

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Character story. Empty Character story.

Post by Chris_Young05 Fri Apr 01, 2011 2:18 am

I was born at 12/12/1985, my dad was in the army for 5 years and died in a big war at Israel. He died before I was born. When I was born a mafia came in the hospital and killed all the people, even my mom. They took me with them in the car and drove to an unknown place. They wanted to cut me to little pieaces but then the mafia boss said that I will turn strong when I grow up. I lived my life with that mafia, they taught me how to speak, fight, shoot, hot wire, and every other thing.
I was very trained when I turned 20. They were sending me for missions to kill people, and that's how I got money. They taught me how to be a good hitman, how to kill secretly. I didn't have a name because my mom and dad didn't get to give me one when I was born, I asked the mafia what was my name, they told me that we have no names. We always change ourselfs after a big mission that people saw us. We change IDs and everything. We get out of the country for couple of years and come back as another person. We did that for 3 years until some mafia came to us during the night and killed my boss, every other member. I was in a secret room that is underground, they couldn't find me. At the morning I woke up and saw everyone lieing on the ground, dead. No sign of who killed them. I ran out of there, I was sad though. I remembered everything they taught me. I knew the other mafia was looking for me to kill, I caught a plane and landed at los santos. I made myself a name like they told me, it was Micheal Carbian. I lived at los santos for 2 other years, I moved from there to polomino creek. I found a house, I lived peacefully but I wasn't used to the peacefull life, I used to kill people and I just couldn't change myself. A guy name Antonio (Fake name Roman) had a big mafia there, He invited me to join him. We killed and robbed people together, and that's how I live from now on.

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