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The basics

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The basics Empty The basics

Post by Sam Akabara Sun May 29, 2011 1:40 am

In theory, the Camarilla is the universal organisation of vampires (Called Kindred, as a means for cushioning the harsh reality of vampirism) that speaks for and legislates for every vampire in the world. Bound by a series of traditions regarding creation, behaviour and destruction of Kindred, the Camarilla is open to any to any vampire, regardless of clan or origin. The sec also strives for, in accordance with one of the traditions, to hide the existence of all Vampiric society from mortal eyes. Tis deception, called the masquerade, is the defining detail of the Camarillas existence; the creation, maintenance and armed struggle to uphold the Masquerade is what drives much of the sect’s overt policy. Regardless of how powerful any individual vampire might be, there are still only a relative handful of Kindred in the world. Should humanity become are of the vampires existence, the resultant war could have only one possible outcome; humanity victorious, the Kindred essentially exterminated. The sheer weight of numbers would be too much for even the most potent Kindred to withstand. Fear of the day when that genocide tide rises is why the Camarilla strives as hard as it does to defend the Masquerade.

In practice.
In practice, the Camarilla is a sect of cities. The faction as a whole is rules by the inner circle, though few outside the body’s ranks can tell you who, what or how large that circle might be. The most popular rumour is that the inner circle consists of either the quasi-legendary founders or their childer, but no one seems to know for certain. The circle meets once every 13 years to appoint new Justicars, who then serve as the agents of the council for the next decade-plus. Each Justicar in turn appoints and blood bonds archons to assist in their work, and thus the internal policing of the sect is assured.
The vast, vast majority of the Kindred are not archons, Justicars or members of the inner circle. They dwell in the cities, and are frankly more concerned with the nightly business of wherever they live than they are with the sects sweeping policies.
Camarilla cities are ruled by a prince, who is advised, or sometimes dominated by a council of elders called the Primogen. Beneath the Prince are whole arrays of appointed and self-appointed officers who keep order, uphold the traditions and squabble amongst themselves seeking more power. Those Kindred who don’t hold titles seek the, those in power seek more power and those at the top of the pyramid seek to maintain their authority while still keeping their domains strong enough to repel attacks from all corners.
Sam Akabara
Sam Akabara
The Camarilla
The Camarilla

Posts : 951
Join date : 2011-03-20
Age : 31
Location : England

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