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Nicolas Djordjevic
Sam Akabara
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Simon Bourne
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Post by Simon Bourne Thu Jul 28, 2011 1:30 am

Well i've seen through time, that the server changed both scriptly and RPly.

Suggestion: Bring races to basics, instead of having super PG humans/vampires/wolves we go back, Vampires with their ORIGINAL powers (Strenght, Speed and jump) , humans can still fight back, Wolves just have their normal skills.

I say this because MANY people goes like "PG PG PG PG PG" when i witness a vampire-human fight, back in the Original days when i started, vampires could only use Speed Strenght and Jump to survive a fight, and now they use magical energy shadow tentacles of doom and mind powers....also shifting into animals...
Simon Bourne
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Post by Samara Thu Jul 28, 2011 1:42 am

I completely agree with this, Though honestly, I don't care if anyone uses these IG, just not when you RP with me, because I never supported these extra super powers that both the Wolves and Vamps get and I'll just walk away from the RP, Some people already know that because I've told them IG when they've tried to use them against me, I've only had to walk away from one so far...

Anyway... I agree that they should remove all the extra super powers, I liked it better before. ^_^

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Post by Jager Arach Thu Jul 28, 2011 1:52 am

Back to the basics is fine for humans, but these extra abilities and things define each individual vamp/wolf. Instead of all being eating/killing machines. Instead we have healers, killers, spies, tricksters and alot more. Besides most of the wolf powers are trivial and are only there to give each one a small boost.
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Post by Sam Akabara Thu Jul 28, 2011 2:03 am

Tell me exactly which Vampire you've seen do this.
I want names, becuase vampires aint allowed to use their shit against humans.

I'm cracking down on vamps who only fight all the time. (Fighting all the time is not proper RP, if that's the only thing you know how to do, get out)
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Post by Nicolas Djordjevic Thu Jul 28, 2011 2:58 am


Don't take away my Shifting Powers. * Gangrel face...*
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Post by Tom Stall Thu Jul 28, 2011 4:45 am

Even though I like my skills, I agree to this. Back to basics.
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Post by Peter Greenson Thu Jul 28, 2011 5:55 am

I have no say in this as I am a human and humans haven't changed.
I'd love to play with no terms no nothing...
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Post by Sean Phelps Thu Jul 28, 2011 10:33 am

Yep.. I've seen Lasombras throwing shadow balls destroying everoyne around themselves and stuff. Humans are still okay... Wolves should try to not shift in public etc.
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Post by Terry Winston Thu Jul 28, 2011 10:40 am

I have no problem with there powers as long as they do some/.coin and actually can fail them other wise it is just pure PG (mayby aswell the suggestion sam (ED) made of scripting the amount of blood drunk is needed as alot of vamps will actually lie ( i have no proof but commensence helps when you suspect someone) I think back to basic is neeeded enless The blood system is scripted.
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Post by Nicolas Djordjevic Thu Jul 28, 2011 12:15 pm

Sean Phelps wrote:Yep.. I've seen Lasombras throwing shadow balls destroying everoyne around themselves and stuff. Humans are still okay... Wolves should try to not shift in public etc.

Uhm, what?

How so that I haven't seen ANYONE using disciplines siiiince... Sam added those blood points?

And the only Wolf-ze'-public-shapeshfter was that Claude something guy who DMed everything possible around him...

So no, Sam is getting rid of kindred PGers, so does Kevin and his silent brothers... ( And Jager ofc )...

And no... I haven't seen.. humans... flying and... saving people from lasers and giant apes... yet...
Nicolas Djordjevic
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Post by Sam Akabara Thu Jul 28, 2011 2:02 pm

Please, name and shame the Vampire PG'ers who have used unfair things against you in the last...Two weeks?
Please? I'm waiting.
I assure you, providing there is ample evidence, i shall do my utmost to get these people race changed, as they have clearly not read anything i have put on the fucking guides and tuts section.

Allow me to point out some parts which specifically cover the whole fighting thing, none of which not one fucking person could be bothered to read, and probably still wont in this fucking post.

Moriarty wrote:

Think through your characters motivations. Characters need to be....Well, characters, and not cardboard cut-outs or plot devices. Trickster characters, for example, don't just hop around and "Cause chaos." they need to have a purpose for the actions they undertake.

Noncombat conflicts and methods are more important than fighting. Combat results in getting hurt or getting killed - most people go out of their way not to get punched in the face. Vampires potentially have forever laid out before them. Are they going to want to risk it by getting in gunfights and sword duels? Combat should be singular and dramatic, not yet another panel of this month’s action comic.
There's always something bigger and badder than you out there, and vampires who constantly pick fights are going to encounter bigger, badder things far more quickly than vampires who don't go knocking on deaths door.

I'm not saying you can't have a gunfight, I’m saying that if every night is a pitched battle through the streets of L.A. with SWAT teams and helicopters, you'll lose much of the sublime nature we're trying to create.

Don't make your characters Tom Clancy protagonists. So a character can use a rifle- there's no need to make him a Navy SEAL. RP should be scary because it casts the mundane in a sinister light. Your neighbour could be a vampire, and fear comes from the fact that you wouldn't know and his proximity. Exploding ninja Bruce Willis vampires spouting one-liners before decapitating a dozen IRA loons with their three-bladed Katanas are out of place.

Don't overestimate the use of supernatural power. Given his druthers, a vampire would prefer to enact their schemes without drawing attention to the fact that something otherworldly is at work.
Dominate a person into giving you money, that’s going to attract attention if handing you money is out of character for that individual. If you blackmail him, well, that at least won't be creating any Masquerade breaches. Remember most disciplines require a coin to work. They're not guaranteed effective.

Don't be WAHOO! Action is thrilling, but uses it to punctuate an RP story or illustrate a theme instead of using it for its own sake. You may wish to use some WAHOO! Because monotony is boring. But make it worthwhile. This is not a modern dungeon crawl or wuxia film.
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Post by Simon Bourne Thu Jul 28, 2011 8:22 pm

Well i DO remember the first Wolf attack in PC, there was only 1 or 2 wolves, they appeared at night, attacked EMS but didin't kill anyone AND they ran away unnoticed.

What i'm saying is that not ALL but SOME of the powers Vamps/Puppies have should be limited , like before when wolves had just started , there was no PG and 'complaints' about wolves PGing, and vampires shifting.

Back then, the only bloodlines used were Toreador and Bruja, but now everyone goes "LOOLOLOLOL LASOMBRA NOM NOM NOM" , back when Lasombra had just started it was okay, but now it's kinda.....shitty.

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