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Ariel Virai[Application].

Dominique LaRue
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Ariel Virai[Application]. Empty Ariel Virai[Application].

Post by ArielV Sun Sep 11, 2011 6:01 am

In Character

First Name: Ariel

Last Name: Virai


Race: Caucasian

Date of Birth: 1986

Place of Birth: Manchester, UK.

Current active address: 56 Dillimore.

Available phone number(s): 1010030

Education: University of Manchester

Are you currently in occupation?: Nope.
If yes, what is your current occupation?: N/A.

Have you had any previous occupations?: Yes.
If yes, what were your previous occupations?: Ex-Deputy.

Do you own a current valid driver license?:Yes.
If yes, has it ever been suspended?:No.

Do you posses any knowledge or experience in the law enforcement area?: I am an ex deputy, so, yes.
Have you ever been arrested?:Yes.
If yes for what charges/crimes?:I honestly don't remember.

Have you ever served time in prison?:No.
If yes for what charges/crimes?:

Biography:((No bio for you.))

Out of Character

Age: 17
Country: USA.

Server nickname:Wat.

Past characters and factions: Alexis_Vaughn (Still in use.) Ariel_Virai (Still in use.) SD. I think I was in EMS once.

How long have you been a member of this server?: Multiple months, Maybe a year.

Have you ever been banned from this server (if yes, why)?:Nope.

Why do you wish to join this faction?: Need more cops on during the day, too much crime.
Have you ever played on any other role play servers (if yes, which)?: Yes, ZO, And a few others.
Do you posses any law enforcement knowledge or role play experience?: Yep.
Have you read the application rules?: Totally.
Any other comments: Derp, needmoarcops.

Role Play

Explain what is role play and its basics: Take a role as a different person, RP as if it was real life, with a twist, I.E. Here we have vamps/werewolves.
Explain what is meta game and give two different examples: OOC Information being used in IC. I.E. Dude1: Hey Dude2

Dude2: ((Local OOC:Hey, wtf's with the metagame?))

Dude1: I read your nametag >.>, or, Dude2: Hey dude1, wtf is with the admins?

Dude1: ((Local OOC: Stop the meta please?))

Explain what is power game and give two different examples:Forcing your actions on others,or doing actions impossible for anyone. i.e. Dude1: /me kills Dude2 with his mind. or, Dude2: /me pulls an m4 from his hat and kills Dude1 instantly with one shot.
Explain what is "gun from ass": Arsepulling, scrolling without a /me.

Give an example of a good detailed role play /me: /me takes a lighter from her right jacket pocket, and burns an ant crawling on the wall.

Give an example of a bad role play /me:
/me kills everyone.


Posts : 962
Join date : 2011-03-28
Age : 30
Location : A Treehouse.

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Ariel Virai[Application]. Empty Re: Ariel Virai[Application].

Post by Collins Sun Sep 11, 2011 6:07 am

((Don't try to troll here, upload Bio and try to remember why have you got arrested)

Dear Mrs Virai, after reviewing your application we've decided to put it as PENDING because of the following reasons:
-You have to add Biography.
- Try to remember why have you got arrested.

Sincerely, Sheriff Department, Corporal Collins and Head of T&R.
Sheriff's Department
Sheriff's Department

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Ariel Virai[Application]. Empty Re: Ariel Virai[Application].

Post by ArielV Sun Sep 11, 2011 6:10 am

((I'm srs about not making a biography, I'm uncreative xD, also, it was around a month or two weeks ago, so my memory's a little fuzzy on that. I am NOT trying to troll.))


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Ariel Virai[Application]. Empty Re: Ariel Virai[Application].

Post by Dominique LaRue Sun Sep 11, 2011 6:26 am

(( SD would have been made aware that Ariel had stabbed a man to death in front of the bank with a combat knife in plain sight of the public after he hit her once. ))
Dominique LaRue
Dominique LaRue

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Ariel Virai[Application]. Empty Re: Ariel Virai[Application].

Post by ArielV Sun Sep 11, 2011 6:27 am

((ACTUALLY, Before we re-rp'd it, he verbally assaulted and physically attacked me multiple times before I retaliated.))


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Ariel Virai[Application]. Empty Re: Ariel Virai[Application].

Post by Dominique LaRue Sun Sep 11, 2011 6:29 am

ArielV wrote:((ACTUALLY, Before we re-rp'd it, he verbally assaulted and physically attacked me multiple times before I retaliated.))

(( A military-issue combat knife that's not licensed and excessive force. Lucky for Ariel, the other stuff she did was edited out. Wink ))
Dominique LaRue
Dominique LaRue

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Ariel Virai[Application]. Empty Re: Ariel Virai[Application].

Post by ArielV Sun Sep 11, 2011 6:37 am

((Also, if you watch the CCTV Carefully, you'd see I exited my car, and then he punched me twice, an uppercut to the jaw, and a punch to the face, for no blatant reason. I then SHANKED HIS ASS.

....Dun tell anyone what I did dom ;( ))


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Ariel Virai[Application]. Empty Re: Ariel Virai[Application].

Post by Nero Sun Sep 11, 2011 11:57 am

ArielV wrote:((... also, it was around a month or two weeks ago, so my memory's a little fuzzy on that. I am NOT trying to troll.))

ArielV wrote:((Also, if you watch the CCTV Carefully, you'd see I exited my car, and then he punched me twice, an uppercut to the jaw, and a punch to the face, for no blatant reason. I then SHANKED HIS ASS.

....Dun tell anyone what I did dom ;( ))

(( She remembers!! And the SD knows why you got arrested... Some people remember... And yeah, more people know what you did :P
You should apply with Alexis... Would be fun patrolling with you again :D))

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Ariel Virai[Application]. Empty Re: Ariel Virai[Application].

Post by Collins Sun Sep 11, 2011 5:08 pm

((Please, don't discuss here, and Ariel try to copy and paste your biography from your previous application.))
Sheriff's Department
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Ariel Virai[Application]. Empty Re: Ariel Virai[Application].

Post by ArielV Sun Sep 11, 2011 5:15 pm

((I applied ingame on my previous app, so, yeah. My previous app was when we still has raul guerrero.))


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Ariel Virai[Application]. Empty Re: Ariel Virai[Application].

Post by Collins Sun Sep 11, 2011 5:16 pm

((idk then, try to make one, untill then, PENDING.))
Sheriff's Department
Sheriff's Department

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Ariel Virai[Application]. Empty Re: Ariel Virai[Application].

Post by Nero Sun Sep 11, 2011 5:26 pm

(( Russ, biography comes above skills and experience for you?... >.< ))

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Ariel Virai[Application]. Empty Re: Ariel Virai[Application].

Post by Collins Sun Sep 11, 2011 8:43 pm

((No, but It's recuirment in the application))
Sheriff's Department
Sheriff's Department

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Ariel Virai[Application]. Empty Re: Ariel Virai[Application].

Post by Kevin Alymer Sun Sep 11, 2011 8:47 pm

((Everything in the application is mandatory. Fill all of it. Application gives knowledge of the RP skills/RP knowledge etc a player has. Don't underestimate it.))
Kevin Alymer
Kevin Alymer

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Ariel Virai[Application]. Empty Re: Ariel Virai[Application].

Post by ArielV Mon Sep 12, 2011 5:31 am

((Making a bio will be hard, since it'll have to be fake, since I'm a fucking vampire, and I am uncreative, so, derp.))


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Ariel Virai[Application]. Empty Re: Ariel Virai[Application].

Post by Savage Mon Sep 12, 2011 5:46 am

(( Uh sorry for posting here but... LolVampirecop can be a serious Masquerade Violation.

Vampires, join the SD at your own risk.))

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Ariel Virai[Application]. Empty Re: Ariel Virai[Application].

Post by ArielV Mon Sep 12, 2011 7:39 am

((Savage, I read it, gtfo.))


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Ariel Virai[Application]. Empty Re: Ariel Virai[Application].

Post by Edward Veatress Mon Sep 12, 2011 7:43 am

(( Ariel, go wait and stop posting here everyone ))
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Ariel Virai[Application]. Empty Re: Ariel Virai[Application].

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