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Ariel Virai[Another App.]

Terry Winston
DeRon Ellis
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Ariel Virai[Another App.] Empty Ariel Virai[Another App.]

Post by ArielV Wed Sep 21, 2011 8:29 am

In Character

First Name: Ariel

Last Name: Virai

Gender: Female

Race: Caucasian

Date of Birth: 1986

Place of Birth: Manchester, UK

Current active address: 56 Dillimore

Available phone number(s): 1010030

Education: University of Manchester, + SD cadet program (months back)

Are you currently in occupation?: No.
If yes, what is your current occupation?: N/A.

Have you had any previous occupations?: Yes.
If yes, what were your previous occupations?: Under-sheriff of the RCSD, Ex-S.A.S. Commando (couple years back)

Do you own a current valid driver license?:Yep.
If yes, has it ever been suspended?: Nope.

Do you posses any knowledge or experience in the law enforcement area?: Yes, I used to be the undersheriff, I obviously do.
Have you ever been arrested?:Yes.
If yes for what charges/crimes?:Something about a traffic violation, Caleb Simms would know.

Have you ever served time in prison?:No.
If yes for what charges/crimes?: N/A

Biography:My name is Ariel Virai.
I was born in Manchester, in the UK, in the 1980s. My family was middle class, Dad was in the GMPD (Greater Manchester Police Department.)
We had an okay life, life wasn't too hard, nor too easy. I joined the military in 2005 after I was done with college., and three years later, I was selected for the S.A.S.,
A year after that, I left the military, receiving an honourable discharge. I took a plane to Red County, and met a few people, who will not be named here. I joined the sheriff's department, in late 2010.
I rose through the ranks fairly quickly, and kept crime at an alltime low. I quit for a while, due to me disagreeing with then-sheriff Raul Guerrero.
A month or so later, in 2011, I rejoined, Raul was no longer the sheriff, as he had disappeared for some reason. I went on a rather long vacation to visit my family, and I've only been back for a month or so now. Well, that's my story, and I hope you accept me back into the sheriff's department, because we have too much crime, it's every day or so that I'm attacked physically or verbally, and have to defend myself, without any officers nearby, or even responding to 911 calls if they are there.

Out of Character

Age: 17
Country: USA

Server nickname: Wat.

Past characters and factions: Ariel_Virai, EMS, SD. Alexis_Vaughn, nofactionshere.

How long have you been a member of this server?: Since december 2010.

Have you ever been banned from this server (if yes, why)?:Nurp.

Why do you wish to join this faction?: We need more cops, too much crime, too little cops online.
Have you ever played on any other role play servers (if yes, which)?: Yep, the one that we all know about but can't speak of, and a few others.
Do you posses any law enforcement knowledge or role play experience?: Yup
Have you read the application rules?: Yup
Any other comments: You know you want to accept me :<

Role Play

Explain what is role play and its basics: Take a role as a different person, RP as if it was real life.
Explain what is meta game and give two different examples: OOC Information being used in IC. I.E. Dude1: Hey Dude2

Dude2: ((Local OOC:Hey, wtf's with the metagame?))

Dude1: I read your nametag >.>, or, Dude2: Hey dude1, wtf is with the admins?

Dude1: ((Local OOC: Stop the meta please?))

Explain what is power game and give two different examples:/me punches you in the face, instantly killing you, /me stabs you in the eye, making you go blind permanently in both eyes.
Explain what is "gun from ass": Asspulling weapons.

Give an example of a good detailed role play /me: /me takes a lighter from her right jacket pocket, and burns an ant crawling on the brick wall.

Give an example of a bad role play /me:/me kills u wth 1 sot
((Spelling was intended at the end Very Happy))


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Ariel Virai[Another App.] Empty Re: Ariel Virai[Another App.]

Post by DeRon Ellis Wed Sep 21, 2011 10:26 am

Ariel Virai[Another App.] 2akh5rq

Dear Ms. Virai,

Your application has been reviewed and the managerial force of the station has agreed to put you as ACCEPTED,
Please head down to the station for further instructions for your future steps with us. Thank You.

Sergeant, Unit 41-75,
DeRon Ellis.

((Remember, do not post here unless you outrank me and want to overrule the application decision.))

DeRon Ellis
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Ariel Virai[Another App.] Empty Re: Ariel Virai[Another App.]

Post by Terry Winston Wed Sep 21, 2011 11:39 am

(( i will allow this however please check if the apps are closed as they are this will be the last application until they reopen))
Terry Winston
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Ariel Virai[Another App.] Empty Re: Ariel Virai[Another App.]

Post by Dominique LaRue Wed Sep 21, 2011 1:35 pm

(( Need I remind you guys that the SD has video footage of this woman, identified- at that- attacking a man with a knife and brutally murdering him in front of the bank? Neutral ))
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Ariel Virai[Another App.] Empty Re: Ariel Virai[Another App.]

Post by Nero Wed Sep 21, 2011 1:46 pm

Seeker wrote:(( Need I remind you guys that the SD has video footage of this woman, identified- at that- attacking a man with a knife and brutally murdering him in front of the bank? Neutral ))

(( You just had to ruin it... Mad
Besides, Terry could've said something if he wanted to... And some people might prove she's changed ICly. And I believe it was self-defense... ))

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Ariel Virai[Another App.] Empty Re: Ariel Virai[Another App.]

Post by Dominique LaRue Wed Sep 21, 2011 1:53 pm

(( A person who would brutally stab a man to death with an illegal-to-carry, unlicensed military combat knife in public, even in self-defense [mind that he just hit her, he didn't pull a gun on her until after she pulled her combat knife, so it was unwarranted excessive force] would never be accepted into law enforcement because they are generally a danger to themselves and others. Rather than walking away during verbal conflict and minor physical conflict, she exasperated it and then she pulled an illegal and highly-dangerous weapon. ))
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Ariel Virai[Another App.] Empty Re: Ariel Virai[Another App.]

Post by Nero Wed Sep 21, 2011 1:58 pm

(( She was already punished for all of that... She has experience, she might get a second chance... And it's not your choice to decide really... Terry already made his decision.
Edit: And if he does change his mind now, becuase your OOC comments, it would be MGing. If he wanted to overrule DeRon's decision, he should've done that in the first place. ))

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Ariel Virai[Another App.] Empty Re: Ariel Virai[Another App.]

Post by Dominique LaRue Wed Sep 21, 2011 2:05 pm

(( It wouldn't be MGing. It is an OOC misunderstanding- DeRon may have forgotten. I am sure if he knew ICly- as he would, realistically- what the SD knew regarding this person, he wouldn't accept them. I'd really like to see a single American police department or sheriff's department that recruits violent, impulsive murderers.

And if she was 'punished' for that, it'd be life in prison. Since she's not CK'd, at the very least she'd have a high-alert criminal record meaning no jobs in government at all. Experience =/= second chance and government jobs don't give out "second chances."

I appreciate you defending your leadership and friend- but whether or not it's my choice, I am within my rights to call out non-RP when I see it. I like Ariel, but her character is a highly deadly criminal who has committed crimes and used her vampire powers in public and now she's applying to the SD on the same character. I already have little to no respect for the SD as it is- but if the SD wants to clean its shitty image up, it needs to take itself a bit more seriously. ))
Dominique LaRue
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Ariel Virai[Another App.] Empty Re: Ariel Virai[Another App.]

Post by Terry Winston Wed Sep 21, 2011 2:59 pm

(( i have to agree with seeker i didn't realise she was caught on cctv she can always make a new charcter or get ck'ed if she feels like still joining the SD, rules are rules sorry))

Terry Winston
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Ariel Virai[Another App.] Empty Re: Ariel Virai[Another App.]

Post by ArielV Wed Sep 21, 2011 3:14 pm

(( Then ICly overrule it.))


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Ariel Virai[Another App.] Empty Re: Ariel Virai[Another App.]

Post by Ferdinand Brixius Wed Sep 21, 2011 3:45 pm

We had an okay life, life wasn't too hard, nor too easy. I joined the military in 2005 after I was done with college., and three years later, I was selected for the S.A.S.

It does not work like that, you have to be in the army, gaining military experience, and an extensive knowledge of field and techincal work.
Ferdinand Brixius
Ferdinand Brixius

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Ariel Virai[Another App.] Empty Re: Ariel Virai[Another App.]

Post by ArielV Wed Sep 21, 2011 4:11 pm

((1. You shouldn't be posting here, 2. It was made up on the spot as a FAKE bio. >.<))


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Ariel Virai[Another App.] Empty Re: Ariel Virai[Another App.]

Post by Caleb Simms Thu Sep 22, 2011 12:54 am

(( Do not post here if it doesnt concern you ))
Caleb Simms
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Ariel Virai[Another App.] Empty Re: Ariel Virai[Another App.]

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