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David Jones <Weapons License>

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David Jones <Weapons License> Empty David Jones <Weapons License>

Post by Max Woods Wed Sep 14, 2011 8:48 pm

To: Red County Sheriff's Department
455 Main St.,
Dillimore, SA 91034

From: David Jones
5 Palomino Creek, renting.
Palomino Creek, SA 91034

David Jones <Weapons License> 2akh5rq
Red County Sheriff's Department
Courtesy - Professionalism - Respect

Weapon License Application

Personal Information:

Full Name: David Jones
Date of Birth: 87', 4/9/2011
Sex: Male
Social Security Number: 568175
Current Address: 5 Palomino Creek
Current Occupation: Fishing
Phone Number: 1010015

Background Information:

Have you ever had a firearm license before?: No.
Have you ever had a firearm license be revoked or suspended?: No.
If yes, for what reason: N/A
Do you have any previous criminal record?: No.
If so, describe the nature of your crimes and when: N/A

Weapon Information:

Clearance Level: Level 1
Intended weapon(s): Colt45, Shotgun.
Where will your weapon(s) be stored?: In my home.
Do you have training or experience regarding the proper usage of the weapons you are applying for? If so, state the nature. No.
Why are you applying for a weapons license and why should the Red County Sheriff’s Department accept your application?: [[250 word minimum]]]
Why am I applying for it? Because of the wildness in this beautiful world. There are much animals that mean harm to the city, I need protection. There are not enough police officers to help every citzen in Red County. As I call them, the robber or wild animal could already kill me. I wonder alot these forrests and when the hunting season is open, I got hunt Animals, not the protected ones, like, rabbits and such. All my buddys got weapons for hunt, I was hunting with a normal combat-knife that my dad left behined before he died. It was my fortune, untill a few robbers came and robbed me and my money. I do not want to be a part of this cruel world in wich people cannot defend themselves. Also I saw the crime rate is getting higher and higher, people dying on the streets... That was one reason, as for the other reason, its because I do NOT like people killing Legally-Protected-Animals. I will try my best to help them, a small weapon is all I need, sometimes a small knife would do also. As a fisher, I always get robbed, for the money that I earn from selling my dear fish. Its hard to earn money in this world, as I hardly have collected 2500$ For this license. I had a girlfriend, she got killed, in a bank robbery, I do not want that to happen again, as if I had a weapon with me, I could had protected her, but I couldnt, I was too weak... That's why, I hope you listen to my need.

I, David Jones, understand the terms and conditions for applying for a weapons license. I understand that if I violate any of the terms or conditions, misuse my license in any way, shape or form, or mishandle my weaponry and become a danger to myself or others through the use thereof, that I will have the license revoked without a refund of funds and likely arrested and tried to the fullest extent of the law. I understand that any and all firearms I purchase using this license will only be handled by myself and that every one of them is to be registered upon purchase to my name and any crimes committed with the weaponry can and will be levied upon me. I promise, under penalty of law, that all information in this application is absolutely true and understand that falsifying information on this document will result in any licenses being revoked, having my ability to apply in the future removed, and also being arrested and tried accordingly. I promise to use the weapons license responsibly, safely, and lawfully.

Screenshot of you /charity-ing the appropriate amount of money for the license:
(( Will Do if accepted))

Max Woods
Max Woods

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David Jones <Weapons License> Empty Re: David Jones <Weapons License>

Post by Terry Winston Mon Sep 19, 2011 1:00 am

Dear mr jones,

I am sorry to inform you that you application has been denied, the license you are applying for is not needed. I suggest applying for a hunting license but be aware that type of license is very restrictive and only allow you the use of the weapons in forest or desinaited hunting grounds.

Yours sinseraly,
Under sheriff,
Terry Winston
Terry Winston
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