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Red County News

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Red County News Empty Red County News

Post by Rising Sun Sep 18, 2011 8:00 pm

Founded By Cary Ford

Red County News Co. - aka - Red County News(RCN)

If you break one of the rules, you will be warned. Three warnings and you are out of the company.

Faction Rules:
1. Follow The Server Rules.
2. Do Not Spread Lies.
3. Respect all of the faction members.
4. Always Roleplay, ALWAYS!
5. Broadcast only important things.
6. No internet expressions like "u", "rofl", "xD" inside the broadcast text.
7. Do not run from the scene, if you are in danger, lock yourself in a car, call 911 and broadcast!
8.Be patient, don't ask for promotions, just prove yourself worthy and we will decide whether you will be promoted or not.

*Be atleast level 3.
*Good RolePlayer.
*Grammar Skills.
(Not for sure, might change)
6. News Director
5. News Editor
4. Senior Reporter
3. News Reporter
2. Junior Reporter
1. Trial Reporter


News Director:
- His role is to make sure all of the broadcasts, interviews and reports are valid, he is the most important part of the company.
- He is the owner and the leader of the company. He takes care of the financial part of the company, and hires employee's.

News Editor:
- Edits and takes care of News articles and advertisement requests.

Senior Reporter:
- Highest position that can one employee reach as a reporter. Broadcasts news, makes interviews and reports the news.

News Reporter:
- A normal position in the company. Broadcasts, interviews and reports the news.

Junior Reporter:
- Lower position, also broadcasts, but cannot do interviews.
- If an employee reached this position, it means he did well, and that he is respected and that he earned his promotion.

Trial Reporter:
- They are on a one week trial. They broadcast news, cannot interview.
- If everything goes right, and no reports are submissioned against him, he is promoted after the one week trial.

News Director:
- Cary Ford
News Editor:
Senior Reporter:
News Reporter:
Junior Reporter:
Trial Reporter:
72 - Male
50 - Male
171 - Male
250 - Male
69 - Female
148 - Female
150 - Female
153- Leader
2x News Chopper
5x News Van
(Sorry, don't know the vehicle ID's)
- Building opposite of the Montogomery Gas Station, to the left.

[spoiler][color=green][size=15]OOC Part[/size][/color]
*What is your Ingame Name?:
*What is your level?:
*Do you have any other accounts?:
*How long have you been playing on this server?:
*What is your timezone?:
*Define RolePlay:
*Define MetaGaming:
*Define powergaming:

*Rate your Roleplay Skills(1/10):
*Do you accept the rules of the Red County News (RCN) Company?
[color=green][size=15]IC Part[/size][/color]
[color=violet]*You pick up a sheet of paper titled "Application Form".*
*You read it, notice a pen on the desk, you pick it up and start writing*[/color]

" You decided to join the Red County News(RCN), congratulations.
Please fill this form with a blue or black ink pen.

First Name / Forename:
Last Name / Surname:
Phone Number:
Why do you wish to join the RCN?

How can you benefit to the RCN and the Red County community?

Please, write a short article in the box below about something so we can evaluate your English skills and your sense for writing.

End Of The Application Form. Thank you for applying for a job in the RCN.
Your application will be evaluated and you will be informed of the results very shortly.

[color=violet]*You read what you wrote, smile and leave the application in the "Application Box".*[/color]

Credits go to :
Nero for giving me the idea and also format.
The Camarilla
The Camarilla

Posts : 62
Join date : 2011-08-25
Location : Cardboard BoxorZz

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Red County News Empty Re: Red County News

Post by Jericho Phelps Mon Sep 19, 2011 9:29 am

Why does every news agency need a chopper? Rich much xD?

Jericho Phelps

Personal Text : I accidentally your money. Is that bad?
Posts : 310
Join date : 2011-08-07
Age : 28
Location : The deep internets

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