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RE: Carrying swords n' shit in public

Simon Bourne
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Lloyd McFadden
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Dominique LaRue
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RE: Carrying swords n' shit in public Empty RE: Carrying swords n' shit in public

Post by Dominique LaRue Sat Oct 01, 2011 12:41 pm

Okay, hi guys- I'm glad to see I'm in VH:RP, a SA-MP game set in 2011 California/San Andreas, United States. For a second there, I thought I was playing World of Warcraft.

What the fuck is up with all the people carrying swords around all over the place? When's the last time you guys saw a guy carrying a sword around in public in the United States without half a can of mace in his eyes, a police nightstick up his ass, and handcuffs being secured around his wrists?

First of all: There's a reason we stopped carrying swords like 150-200 years ago. You know why? Because they suck.

Second of all: There's a reason people don't carry swords around today (at least in the USA). You know why? They're a weapon. You know why else? Because you can't really hide them. You know what that means? People don't see a lone ranger badass, they see a fucking psychopath with a weapon wandering around about two seconds away from raping every child and woman that moves with that blade until it comes out of their eyes. That's what they see. You're not Inuyasha, you're a convict.

Third of all: It's illegal. Very much so. No, you can't say "it's a replica" or a "collector's item"- you know why? Because that shit goes in your house. Dildo collectors don't walk around waving their collection in the air, do they? No. You want to display your dildo/sword/duck collection? Take it to a convention or a museum or some other shit. Otherwise, get a license and good luck explaining how carrying around a sword is necessary.

Fourth of all: It's fucking stupid. Stop being stupid.

You guys think you look like this:
RE: Carrying swords n' shit in public Sword-Master
RE: Carrying swords n' shit in public 479990-bigthumbnail
RE: Carrying swords n' shit in public AnimeSwordsman

You actually look like this:
RE: Carrying swords n' shit in public Sam-with-Sword
RE: Carrying swords n' shit in public L
RE: Carrying swords n' shit in public CherishandEragonSword
RE: Carrying swords n' shit in public Danger

Seeker wrote:
Also, before anyone starts an argument here about "how much swords rock" or whatever- I'm a fencer of twelve years. I also have experience with Kendo (your beloved katana/samurai art) and Claymore.

I have been arrested for carrying around this before:

RE: Carrying swords n' shit in public 846099_f496

... to a tournament. That little one on the bottom there. With a flimsy blade and a little plunger at the top. Because that's a weapon. I ended up getting released and only held for a few hours- but it was a lot of grief and me telling them that it was 'sports equipment' didn't help.

Now some of you RP carrying these:

RE: Carrying swords n' shit in public Bloody_Sword_by_lShadowMagel
RE: Carrying swords n' shit in public Frostmourne_by_furdock

... killing people with them, neglecting to clean them or care for them, and carrying them right on your backs or sides like it's nothing.

Your asses are getting arrested. And if they find a trace of blood on your blade (which I've never actually seen anyone RP cleaning after a kill, it takes more than just rubbing it with a cloth or their clothing) you're going to prison. Big time.

Dominique LaRue wrote:HI. I want to bump this so people read it again! For the sake of adding something new, let me talk about something else that's similar:

If you're walking around dressed in a cloak or armor or some other mideival shit, or rolling around in a Phantom of the Opera mask, no one is going to go "Oh, wow, that man is sexy like Gerard Butler and probably has a beautiful voice." They're going to say "who the fuck is this weirdo walking around in a creepy mask and wearing clothing that looks like it's hundreds of years old." The only reason your clothing sounds cool is because this is roleplay and thus is a fantasy- and you're all geeks. I'm a geek too. To geeks, this all sounds awesome. However, I promise you, too, if you saw some dude walking around wearing YE OLDE robes head to toe and with a klaive sheathed on his back, you would think he's a fucking nutter and should be arrested RIGHT THERE.
And trust me, he will be.

Half of your characters look like this, except with the addition of some shitty cosplay outfit:

RE: Carrying swords n' shit in public HomelessSign

Last edited by Dominique LaRue on Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:42 am; edited 4 times in total
Dominique LaRue
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RE: Carrying swords n' shit in public Empty Re: RE: Carrying swords n' shit in public

Post by Sean Phelps Sat Oct 01, 2011 12:46 pm

You, sir. Have an fact here.
This is the reason why i moved from my klaive to an little pistol that shoots poisoned darts.
I rarely use it, only in life threatening situations tho'.

I laughed hard at the pics..
Sean Phelps
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RE: Carrying swords n' shit in public Empty Re: RE: Carrying swords n' shit in public

Post by Dominique LaRue Sat Oct 01, 2011 12:50 pm

Seanykins wrote:You, sir. Have an fact here.
This is the reason why i moved from my klaive to an little pistol that shoots poisoned darts.
I rarely use it, only in life threatening situations tho'.

I laughed hard at the pics..

Good man. -thumbs up for this man-

Also, before anyone starts an argument here about "how much swords rock" or whatever- I'm a fencer of twelve years. I also have experience with Kendo (your beloved katana/samurai art) and Claymore.

I have been arrested for carrying around this before:

RE: Carrying swords n' shit in public 846099_f496

... to a tournament. That little one on the bottom there. With a flimsy blade and a little plunger at the top. Because that's a weapon. I ended up getting released and only held for a few hours- but it was a lot of grief and me telling them that it was 'sports equipment' didn't help.

Now some of you RP carrying these:

RE: Carrying swords n' shit in public Bloody_Sword_by_lShadowMagel
RE: Carrying swords n' shit in public Frostmourne_by_furdock

... killing people with them, neglecting to clean them or care for them, and carrying them right on your backs or sides like it's nothing.

Your asses are getting arrested. And if they find a trace of blood on your blade (which I've never actually seen anyone RP cleaning after a kill, it takes more than just rubbing it with a cloth or their clothing) you're going to prison. Big time.

Last edited by Seeker on Sat Oct 01, 2011 1:00 pm; edited 1 time in total
Dominique LaRue
Dominique LaRue

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RE: Carrying swords n' shit in public Empty Re: RE: Carrying swords n' shit in public

Post by Terry Winston Sat Oct 01, 2011 12:54 pm

The problem is cali law actually states you can carry a sword sheathed as sam has told everyone although in real life i also doubt anyone one in 2011 would carry a sword with out the police questioning them
Terry Winston
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RE: Carrying swords n' shit in public Empty Re: RE: Carrying swords n' shit in public

Post by Dominique LaRue Sat Oct 01, 2011 12:59 pm

machete wrote:The problem is cali law actually states you can carry a sword sheathed as sam has told everyone although in real life i also doubt anyone one in 2011 would carry a sword with out the police questioning them

You can carry some swords sheathed- the law is actually very, very strict on it. I live in California- and if you scroll up, I got arrested for carrying around a fencing foil. Guess what? Not all cops know the law. The law is a very, very, very big book. And there is a clause in the law that defends them if they make a mistake (like arresting you for a legal weapon)- it's called probable cause and also safety first. If you whine and complain "BUT MY $15 CHINATOWN KATANA IS LEGAL" they can just say "well, we thought you were a threat and dangerous."

On top of that, yes. Police have full right to question you. And check your ID. And pat you down. Remember probable cause?

The best part is that most of the people carrying swords are vampires/werewolves. If you guys don't want to attract attention to yourselves, how about not carrying outdated, often old swords around in public illegally?

So yes- there is a law somewhere that says something along the lines of you can carry a sheathed sword and stuff- but you can browse through the public record of court trials regarding weapon carry and you'll see a few cases about people carrying swords. And guess what- not a single one was let off because the police just claimed the person was being dangerous.

Once again, in case I need to repeat myself: I got arrested for carrying a fencing foil.

It's 12020 in the Penal Code for the sword. Also note that earlier in the penal code regarding weaponry it states that police are free to take whatever action necessary if they believe that the weapons are a public safety risk or disturbance. And guess what? Carrying a sword in public is a disturbance. People don't like it.
Dominique LaRue
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RE: Carrying swords n' shit in public Empty Re: RE: Carrying swords n' shit in public

Post by Max Woods Sat Oct 01, 2011 1:11 pm

You have a point, realy. My father is a Pirotechnist, So I know a little bit about laws too. One day I asked him if its alright to carry a gun with a license in public, he said no. If you want you can carry small in a backpack, but dont let People see it. A sheat on your back - People get disturbed by it and call police and mess starts :\ People dont get it, You DONT KILL PEOPLE FOR CALLING YOU NAMES. God Dammit >_>

OFT: I lol'ed at the pictures.
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RE: Carrying swords n' shit in public Empty Re: RE: Carrying swords n' shit in public

Post by Sean Phelps Sat Oct 01, 2011 1:16 pm

ooh, interesting. You were an Kendo student ? I'm probably going to start it soon, due an new club opened in Croatia.
Sean Phelps
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RE: Carrying swords n' shit in public Empty Re: RE: Carrying swords n' shit in public

Post by Dominique LaRue Sat Oct 01, 2011 1:16 pm

RE: Carrying swords n' shit in public Kershaw-scallion-1620BL-350x350

That's what's legal, by the way, to carry in California (San Andreas).

3'' MAXIMUM. For you Europeans, no more than 7.5cm. That's blade beginning (the heel of the blade) to the tip/point.

On top of that- your knife cannot (whether by design or because you broke it/oiled it/whatever) open by a button, by gravity, by a flick of the wrist, spring-action, anything- you have to pull the blade open. If the office can take your knife and flap his hand around until the blade pops out, you're carrying an illegal knife.

Note, you can still be given a lot of grief for carrying it around. If you guys don't notice a trend yet- police don't like people carrying weapons. Even if they're legal. And they're within their rights to give you lots and lots of shit about it- or just take it away from you/arrest you depending on how much of assholes they are.
Dominique LaRue
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RE: Carrying swords n' shit in public Empty Re: RE: Carrying swords n' shit in public

Post by Jamie Steel Sat Oct 01, 2011 1:44 pm

I know what you mean, Blade got arrested by the fuzz too.

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RE: Carrying swords n' shit in public Empty Re: RE: Carrying swords n' shit in public

Post by Dominique LaRue Sat Oct 01, 2011 1:54 pm

Feganator wrote:I know what you mean, Blade got arrested by the fuzz too.


That reminds me of VH-RP.

Every time he paused, it was either to OOCly bitch about how this was PG and how he was reporting it to the admins or him saying, ICly: "THIS IS A COLLECTOR'S ITEM!"

Whenever he took a shot from the bean-bag gun and just kept standing, it was him non-RPing.

When he finally got arrested? A-jail.
Dominique LaRue
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RE: Carrying swords n' shit in public Empty Re: RE: Carrying swords n' shit in public

Post by Marcus Campbell Sat Oct 01, 2011 2:49 pm

Are you gonna complain about everything?

Why don't we scrap guns while were at it?People have swords irl...

Oh Wait,This isn't Rl it's a GAME.That is ment for fun.
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RE: Carrying swords n' shit in public Empty Re: RE: Carrying swords n' shit in public

Post by Nicolas Djordjevic Sat Oct 01, 2011 3:04 pm

That's right.

Quit having swords, buy some 21th century weapons.

Anyway, I'm wondering why none is RPing musketeers.
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RE: Carrying swords n' shit in public Empty Re: RE: Carrying swords n' shit in public

Post by Terry Winston Sat Oct 01, 2011 3:31 pm

How about this we make any bladed weapon illegal you can carry small knives in a back pack with good reason. Anything bigger than like a pen knife or a small kitchen knife carried in any form would be illegal.
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RE: Carrying swords n' shit in public Empty Re: RE: Carrying swords n' shit in public

Post by Samara Sat Oct 01, 2011 5:29 pm

Nick_Jones wrote:Are you gonna complain about everything?

Why don't we scrap guns while were at it?People have swords irl...

Oh Wait,This isn't Rl it's a GAME.That is ment for fun.

Its not just a game, Its a ROLEPLAY Server.

You know what the word ROLEPLAY means, right? I mean, You'd have to, to have survived here for so long.

Let me refresh your mind.. Roleplay is acting as you would IRL, Acting out differing types of things, Which reflect the real world.

Don't like ROLEPLAYING. (Acting as you would IRL)

Then simple. Don't play.

-People do have swords IRL, That is true, but it is very rare to find someone casually walking around with one.

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RE: Carrying swords n' shit in public Empty Re: RE: Carrying swords n' shit in public

Post by Sam Akabara Sat Oct 01, 2011 5:44 pm

Technically you can get away with it on a teensy weensy technicallity that as long as you don't Brandish the weapon in a "Rude, threatening or otherwise dangerous manner" or have clear intent to use it to break the law, you can get away with it.

Even though you wouldnt..Really..Unless you're a tourist or something with a sword fetish.
Sam Akabara
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RE: Carrying swords n' shit in public Empty Re: RE: Carrying swords n' shit in public

Post by Dominique LaRue Sun Oct 02, 2011 12:24 am

Moriarty wrote:Technically you can get away with it on a teensy weensy technicallity that as long as you don't Brandish the weapon in a "Rude, threatening or otherwise dangerous manner" or have clear intent to use it to break the law, you can get away with it.

Even though you wouldnt..Really..Unless you're a tourist or something with a sword fetish.
Seeker wrote:
machete wrote:The problem is cali law actually states you can carry a sword sheathed as sam has told everyone although in real life i also doubt anyone one in 2011 would carry a sword with out the police questioning them

You can carry some swords sheathed- the law is actually very, very strict on it. I live in California- and if you scroll up, I got arrested for carrying around a fencing foil. Guess what? Not all cops know the law. The law is a very, very, very big book. And there is a clause in the law that defends them if they make a mistake (like arresting you for a legal weapon)- it's called probable cause and also safety first. If you whine and complain "BUT MY $15 CHINATOWN KATANA IS LEGAL" they can just say "well, we thought you were a threat and dangerous."

On top of that, yes. Police have full right to question you. And check your ID. And pat you down. Remember probable cause?

The best part is that most of the people carrying swords are vampires/werewolves. If you guys don't want to attract attention to yourselves, how about not carrying outdated, often old swords around in public illegally?

So yes- there is a law somewhere that says something along the lines of you can carry a sheathed sword and stuff- but you can browse through the public record of court trials regarding weapon carry and you'll see a few cases about people carrying swords. And guess what- not a single one was let off because the police just claimed the person was being dangerous.

Once again, in case I need to repeat myself: I got arrested for carrying a fencing foil.

It's 12020 in the Penal Code for the sword. Also note that earlier in the penal code regarding weaponry it states that police are free to take whatever action necessary if they believe that the weapons are a public safety risk or disturbance. And guess what? Carrying a sword in public is a disturbance. People don't like it.

It's a wishy-wash anyway. I remember clearly thay that I was able to walk around with my friend across the sideroads of a town while he had a katana slung over his back- granted, police activity in that town is low and they're preoccupied with other things. Considering Palomino Creek's crime-rate- especially people who get diced up by swords, they're all getting nicked.
Dominique LaRue
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RE: Carrying swords n' shit in public Empty Re: RE: Carrying swords n' shit in public

Post by DeRon Ellis Sun Oct 02, 2011 1:14 am

Here are the California Knife laws.
http://www.ninehundred.net/~equalccw/knifelaw.html#SECTION 3.7

I say we do something about the Swords though. Theres been too many times I've had to go nightstick to sword combat because some nut thought he could cut my chest open with one /me. Besides, locals would find it odd that people carried around ancient swords thats price value would be ridiculously high due to the time eras they come from.

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RE: Carrying swords n' shit in public Empty Re: RE: Carrying swords n' shit in public

Post by Kevin Alymer Sun Oct 02, 2011 1:34 am

Ye can carry swords, but do it in dark allies, and not public. Doing it on public will surely get you caught. Same goes to AK 47's M4's ecetera.
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RE: Carrying swords n' shit in public Empty Re: RE: Carrying swords n' shit in public

Post by Dominique LaRue Sun Oct 02, 2011 1:43 am

Kevin wrote:Ye can carry swords, but do it in dark allies, and not public. Doing it on public will surely get you caught. Same goes to AK 47's M4's ecetera.

You and dark alleys I swear to god.
Dominique LaRue
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RE: Carrying swords n' shit in public Empty Re: RE: Carrying swords n' shit in public

Post by Kevin Alymer Sun Oct 02, 2011 1:45 am

My point is, when you're not noticeable by the police, or public.
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RE: Carrying swords n' shit in public Empty Re: RE: Carrying swords n' shit in public

Post by Terry Winston Sun Oct 02, 2011 1:56 am

Just apply simple logic would you risk doing it in rl the answering being no becuase not everyone in the world is a masdive criminal most of us are scared of jail and are law abiding people.
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RE: Carrying swords n' shit in public Empty Re: RE: Carrying swords n' shit in public

Post by Matthew Reget Sun Oct 02, 2011 2:11 am

Seeker wrote:
Feganator wrote:I know what you mean, Blade got arrested by the fuzz too.


That reminds me of VH-RP.

Every time he paused, it was either to OOCly bitch about how this was PG and how he was reporting it to the admins or him saying, ICly: "THIS IS A COLLECTOR'S ITEM!"

Whenever he took a shot from the bean-bag gun and just kept standing, it was him non-RPing.

When he finally got arrested? A-jail.
LOOOOOL, +1, +1, +1.
I can't stand people who OOCly bitch about everything and why they can't just take a punch to the face once in a while.
And I completely agree with you on the swords matter, I myself used to carry around swords until I realized how retarded walking around with swords on your back in public really is. People need to stop thinking this is the 1300s and get with the year. Gosh.
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RE: Carrying swords n' shit in public Empty Re: RE: Carrying swords n' shit in public

Post by Lloyd McFadden Sun Oct 02, 2011 2:32 am

Tbh, I could not care less iff their was law saying you can carry blades. You get seen with one then you should be arrested. You would clearly have the sword for a REASON, I.E. Using it to randomely Decapitate some guy for calling you a name.
Also why would you carry around a big obvious katana if it was a collector's item, if it was then it would be kept at home safe, where it can't be stolen easily. Not outside in public.

If you have a sword then you have it for a obvious dangerous reason, so you should be arrested on sight.
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RE: Carrying swords n' shit in public Empty Re: RE: Carrying swords n' shit in public

Post by Dominique LaRue Sun Dec 04, 2011 12:36 am

HI. I want to bump this so people read it again! For the sake of adding something new, let me talk about something else that's similar:

If you're walking around dressed in a cloak or armor or some other mideival shit, or rolling around in a Phantom of the Opera mask, no one is going to go "Oh, wow, that man is sexy like Gerard Butler and probably has a beautiful voice." They're going to say "who the fuck is this weirdo walking around in a creepy mask and wearing clothing that looks like it's hundreds of years old." The only reason your clothing sounds cool is because this is roleplay and thus is a fantasy- and you're all geeks. I'm a geek too. To geeks, this all sounds awesome. However, I promise you, too, if you saw some dude walking around wearing YE OLDE robes head to toe and with a klaive sheathed on his back, you would think he's a fucking nutter and should be arrested RIGHT THERE.
And trust me, he will be.

Half of your characters look like this, except with the addition of some shitty cosplay outfit:

RE: Carrying swords n' shit in public HomelessSign
Dominique LaRue
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RE: Carrying swords n' shit in public Empty Re: RE: Carrying swords n' shit in public

Post by Mike Kakolav Sun Dec 04, 2011 12:43 am

Still laughing so hard esepically at the hobo.

Anyways We look damn cool by carying swords but looks stupid also sometimes
Mike Kakolav
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