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Current Employees

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Current Employees Empty Current Employees

Post by DeRon Ellis Mon Oct 31, 2011 5:04 am

Preston Taylor

Truck Drivers-Full Time
Full time truck drivers will complete long distance hauling. They will cross county lines to retrieve goods and bring them back to the main warehouse for processing. Full time drivers will usually be found driving Roadtrains, Linerunners, or Tankers, with trailers attached.
Active Full-Time Truckers

Truck Drivers- Part Time
Part time truck drivers will complete the short distance trucking jobs. They pick up goods from the processing plant and deliver them to the local stores around the Red County area. Part time drivers are usually seen driving Boxvilles, Mules, and Bensons.
Active Part-time Truckers
Mike Kakolav
Max Addams

A new addition the Larson. Aside from the usual check ups and repairs on the company vehicles, Larson's mechanics will now start servicing vehicles for the pubic. Workers will earn the usually salary plus pay from customers getting their cars repaired. Mechanics will offer roadside assistance and towing for repairs. Usually seen driving pickup trucks or tow trucks. ((Must have OOC knowledge on how cars operate and simple repair procedures.))
Active Mechanics
Brandon Foxx-Specializing in Engine work and Electronic wiring

Employee Support
These workers will assist employees with any job, from trucking to warehouse work. When they aren't working on anything, they'll assist the long haul truckers with picking up and returning loads to the processing plant. Also serve as a small security force within the trucking division.

DeRon Ellis
In Game Administrator
In Game Administrator

Posts : 428
Join date : 2011-08-04

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