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Mike Kakolav <License>

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Mike Kakolav <License>   Empty Mike Kakolav <License>

Post by Mike Kakolav Thu Nov 10, 2011 5:45 pm

To: Red County Sheriff's Department
455 Main St.,
Dillimore, SA 91034

From: Mike Kakolav
6 Palamino Creek,
Red Country, SA 91034
November 10 2011

Mike Kakolav <License>   2akh5rq
Red County Sheriff's Department
Courtesy - Professionalism - Respect

Weapon License Application

Personal Information:

Full Name:Mike Kakolav
Date of Birth:September 21 1980
Social Security Number:231-72-9781
Current Address:6 Palamino Creek
Current Occupation:Trucker at Larson's Trucking
Phone Number:1010769

Background Information:

Have you ever had a firearm license before?:No
Have you ever had a firearm license be revoked or suspended?:Never had one
If yes, for what reason:N/A
Do you have any previous criminal record?:Yes,I do have some criminal record
If so, describe the nature of your crimes and when:Long time ago done some crimes with my brother like getaway driving and stuff but now i am clean.

Weapon Information:

Clearance Level:Level 1
Intended weapon(s):9mm pistols mostly
Where will your weapon(s) be stored?:Mostly at my home or inside the weapon slots inside my trucks while i am at work.
Do you have training or experience regarding the proper usage of the weapons you are applying for? If so, state the nature.Yes i have used firearms before at huntings and back at Russia i learned how to use weapons so using weapons will not be new for me.
Why are you applying for a weapons license and why should the Red County Sheriff’s Department accept your application?: I am currently applying for a license because at work,Which is trucking,is sometimes done during nights and mostly i am alone and incase i get attacked by some robbers etc i will atleast have my own weapon for defence.Also the goods being taken cost alot and i dont want to get fired for losing goods like this and also these days crimes at night are common so i want something to protect myself.I want the R.C Sheriff's Department to accept my application because i wont sell these weapons to anyone and wont harm innocent people with it. Also these weapons are ONLY for self protection.

I, Mike Kakolav, understand the terms and conditions for applying for a weapons license. I understand that if I violate any of the terms or conditions, misuse my license in any way, shape or form, or mishandle my weaponry and become a danger to myself or others through the use thereof, that I will have the license revoked without a refund of funds and likely arrested and tried to the fullest extent of the law. I understand that any and all firearms I purchase using this license will only be handled by myself and that every one of them is to be registered upon purchase to my name and any crimes committed with the weaponry can and will be levied upon me. I promise, under penalty of law, that all information in this application is absolutely true and understand that falsifying information on this document will result in any licenses being revoked, having my ability to apply in the future removed, and also being arrested and tried accordingly. I promise to use the weapons license responsibly, safely, and lawfully.

Screenshot of you /charity-ing the appropriate amount of money for the license:Once its accepted,I will SS.
Your Account Level: I am Level 10.
Mike Kakolav
Mike Kakolav

Personal Text : Hey you yeah you not you yeah you
Posts : 240
Join date : 2011-08-23
Age : 26

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Mike Kakolav <License>   Empty Re: Mike Kakolav <License>

Post by Sam Andersun Fri Nov 11, 2011 7:08 am

Attention Mister Kakolav, I am sorry to say your application is denied. Your application was sloppily written, and you appeared to not take it seriously. Thank you, Second Lieutenant Andersun.
Sam Andersun
Sam Andersun

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Age : 30
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