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[Reserved] Sheriff Department archives.

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[Reserved] Sheriff Department archives. Empty [SD]Chris,Bell

Post by Chris_Bell Sat Jan 22, 2011 9:01 pm

First name:Chris
Last name:Bell
Date of Birth:16/6/1986
Current address:37 Palamino Creek
Current phone number:1010032
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Why do you wish to join the Sheriff Department:I have always wanted to be a police officer ever since I moved to San Andreas.I hated the thought of crime ruleing the streets.I understand there is no way to stop it completely,but I'd love to help get rid of some.No matter how many times I have turned aganst the law,it was in jealousy.I love the sound of a police siren.It makes me think that somone is going to change today.Usually noone changes.They will over a period of time though.I would encourage everyone to use 911 more often.That is almost the only way to catch them,and everytime somone is caught,it just grinds there crime thoughts down just a little bit.They will change over time,for the better or for the worse.If the better,then we have a cleaner city.If for the worse,then we have to deal with more.Noone can withstand the law forever,and I want to help with the people that try.
Do you have any past law enforcement knowledge:Yes
-if yes, where:I have read the handbook.Created one.I have also been a police officer in Los Santos,Twice. I read the handbook there multiple times,and through multiple changes.I understand what needs to be done.I also understand how criminals react and where they run to.
Do you have a clean criminal record:No
-if no, what charges:I couldn't remember.I will accept to all of the ones you have on record,pay any fines and do any time that is needed.
Write 2-3 paragraphs about yourself:
I'm just a normal everyday person like you,your nieghbor,and that guy that does checks out your groceries at the store.I have done crimes before,sadly.I am willing to change and I hope you accept that.I want to rid the streets of crime,it irratates me that so much crime goes unnoticed.Its noones fault.It just happens and there is almost no way to stop it.
I witness crime every day.Sometimes I try to stop it.Most of the time I try to get away and make contact with the police.I have been in parts of crime.Maybe a hostage,maybe the main problem.I know what happens.I know how it happens.I can figure out how somone is going to react to somthing.Being a criminal at one point can allow you to figure things out easier.Sadly,I know which houses are locked and which arent.I know great hiding places for criminals.I even know who almost all the criminals are.
I truly hope to change my ways of crime.I would hope you udnerstand that as well.I could help the department in many ways.I would never disobey my higher ranking officers. would never put my friends' lives,or other officers lives in danger of any kind.I hope you reconsider my crimes I have done in the past,and accept my application.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I, Chris Bell, Herby by signing this agree to follow the department rules and I agree that I have taken knowledge of the department rules and of the deputy handbook/guide, I agree that if I commit any crime against the society or the public, I will be fired and given criminal charges upon, I agree to follow the county rules; treat civilians as I would treat my superiors - I will enforce law with no prejudges such as racism, sexism, etc. Last, by signing this I agree that I will be submitted to a hard training in order to determine my health condition, I agree to be submitted to a criminal background check and that if I'm found guilty of any charge I may be denied.
I have read the handbook
Date: [22/1/2011]


Personal Text : I am Sean Bell from the new VHWRP Server(7/14/13)
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http://Used to own roflcookies.com

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[Reserved] Sheriff Department archives. Empty Re: [Reserved] Sheriff Department archives.

Post by xRaul-Guerrero Sat Jan 22, 2011 9:48 pm

[Vouch, 1 of 2, Sheriff Raul Guerrero]

Waiting for vouch of Under Sheriff Dave Nadler.

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Age : 37
Location : San Antonio, Texas

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[Reserved] Sheriff Department archives. Empty Re: [Reserved] Sheriff Department archives.

Post by Ariel Sun Jan 23, 2011 12:31 am

[Vouch, 2 of 2, Under Sheriff Ariel Virai]


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[Reserved] Sheriff Department archives. Empty Re: [Reserved] Sheriff Department archives.

Post by Josh_Woods Sun Jan 23, 2011 12:33 am

Yeah chris should be in SD he is a very good rper. I for one vouch for him even though my vote doesnt count
New Residence

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[Reserved] Sheriff Department archives. Empty Re: [Reserved] Sheriff Department archives.

Post by xRaul-Guerrero Sun Jan 23, 2011 12:44 am

[Reserved] Sheriff Department archives. 2akh5rq

Mr. Bell,

I'm happy to announce that you have been accepted we remind you to take knowledge of the Deputy handbook as well as the department rules too, you will be given an interview and a test by the Sheriff or a trainer.

I, Myself, Sheriff Raul Guerrero would like to thank you for choosing the Sheriff's Department as your local law enforcement agency.

Signed, Sheriff Raul Guerrero.

All questions should be redirected to the Sheriff's Office
Sheriff Raul Guerrero, Post 761, Badge 113, 41-54.

Posts : 43
Join date : 2010-12-13
Age : 37
Location : San Antonio, Texas

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[Reserved] Sheriff Department archives. Empty [SD] Orr Khalifa.

Post by Orr_Cokino Sun Jan 23, 2011 3:13 am

First name: Orr
Last name: Khalifa
Date of Birth: September 25 1989
Current address: I don't have one yet in game
Current phone number: I don't have one yet in game
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Why do you wish to join the Sheriff Department: I want to join the SD because I want the city to be with less crimes and criminals, and I'm good at car chasing because I'm playing cops and robbers servers too.( I catch every criminal there)

Do you have any past law enforcement knowledge: Yes.
-if yes, where: I have a lot of law enforcement knowledge because I see people getting caught a lot of times for a lot of reasons and I know most of them but while I'm gonna be a cop, I'm going to have more law enforcement knowledge.
Do you have a clean criminal record: Yes.
-if no, what charges: N/A
Write 2-3 paragraphs about yourself: Hi, my name is Orr and I wish to become a cop on this server because I play this server a lot so its gonna be usefull if I become a cop because I can keep the city safe with no crimes any time.
I'm going to be on duty the whole time, I don't take breaks I just keep the city safe and clean.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I, Orr Khalifa., Herby by signing this agree to follow the department rules and I agree that I have taken knowledge of the department rules and of the deputy handbook/guide, I agree that if I commit any crime against the society or the public, I will be fired and given criminal charges upon, I agree to follow the county rules; threat civilians as I would threat my superiors - I will enforce law with no prejudges such as racism, sexism, etc. Last, by signing this I agree that I will be submitted to a hard training in order to determine my health condition, I agree to be submitted to a criminal background check and that if I'm found guilty of any charge I may be denied. And I have read the handbook.

Date: [January/22/2011]

Last edited by Orr_Cokino on Sun Jan 23, 2011 3:48 am; edited 3 times in total

Forum Scavenger
Forum Scavenger

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[Reserved] Sheriff Department archives. Empty Re: [Reserved] Sheriff Department archives.

Post by xRaul-Guerrero Sun Jan 23, 2011 3:20 am

Make your story longer, read the deputy handbook and I might vouch for your application.

Posts : 43
Join date : 2010-12-13
Age : 37
Location : San Antonio, Texas

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[Reserved] Sheriff Department archives. Empty Re: [Reserved] Sheriff Department archives.

Post by Orr_Cokino Sun Jan 23, 2011 11:55 pm

Ok I did everything...

Forum Scavenger
Forum Scavenger

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[Reserved] Sheriff Department archives. Empty Re: [Reserved] Sheriff Department archives.

Post by xRaul-Guerrero Sun Jan 23, 2011 11:58 pm

[Vouch, 1 of 2, Sheriff Raul Guerrero]

Waiting for vouch of Under Sheriff Ariel Virai.

Posts : 43
Join date : 2010-12-13
Age : 37
Location : San Antonio, Texas

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[Reserved] Sheriff Department archives. Empty Re: [Reserved] Sheriff Department archives.

Post by Ariel Mon Jan 24, 2011 12:05 am

[Vouch, 2 of 2, Under Sheriff Ariel Virai]


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[Reserved] Sheriff Department archives. Empty Re: [Reserved] Sheriff Department archives.

Post by xRaul-Guerrero Mon Jan 24, 2011 12:06 am

[Reserved] Sheriff Department archives. 2akh5rq

Mr. Khalifa,

I'm happy to announce that you have been accepted we remind you to take knowledge of the Deputy handbook as well as the department rules too, you will be given an interview and a test by the Sheriff or a trainer.

I, Myself, Sheriff Raul Guerrero would like to thank you for choosing the Sheriff's Department as your local law enforcement agency.

Signed, Sheriff Raul Guerrero.

All questions should be redirected to the Sheriff's Office
Sheriff Raul Guerrero, Post 761, Badge 113, 41-54.

Posts : 43
Join date : 2010-12-13
Age : 37
Location : San Antonio, Texas

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[Reserved] Sheriff Department archives. Empty [ SD ] Allan Walker

Post by Asteris Thu Jan 27, 2011 2:22 am

First name:Allan
Last name:Walker
Date of Birth:1975/10/27
Current address:I dont have one yet.
Current phone number:I dont have one yet.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Why do you wish to join the Sheriff Department:
Well ,like everyone ,i want the city have less crimes and criminals.I always wanted to be a Police officer since i was young.I everything about police ,i want to protect people and punish the criminals.
Do you have any past law enforcement knowledge:Yes
-if yes, where:Well i've studying everything about police 8 years
Do you have a clean criminal record:Yes.
-if no, what charges:-
Write 2-3 paragraphs about yourself:
Hello ,my name is Allan ,Allan Walker.I was born in San Fierro.When i was 6 years old i started to go in school.Studies was great.When i've finished all 12 grades I started to go to university where I have been studying about the police.When i've finished university i thought ,why not i leave and san fierro and start join police forces somewhere else.So i camed to Montgomery where i am trying to join police forces

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

(( OOC ))

Country of Origin:Lithuania
GMT:GMT+2 I think
How long you play per day:As much i'am playing with my compiuter.

I'am sorry for my bad english.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I, Allan, Herby by signing this agree to follow the department rules and I agree that I have taken knowledge of the department rules and of the deputy handbook/guide, I agree that if I commit any crime against the society or the public, I will be fired and given criminal charges upon, I agree to follow the county rules; threat civilians as I would threat my superiors - I will enforce law with no prejudges such as racism, sexism, etc. Last, by signing this I agree that I will be submitted to a hard training in order to determine my health condition, I agree to be submitted to a criminal background check and that if I'm found guilty of any charge I may be denied.

Date: [27/01/2011]

Posts : 1
Join date : 2011-01-27

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[Reserved] Sheriff Department archives. Empty Re: [Reserved] Sheriff Department archives.

Post by xRaul-Guerrero Thu Jan 27, 2011 2:39 am

[Vouch, 1 of 2, Sheriff Raul Guerrero]

Waiting for vouch of Under Sheriff Ariel Virai.

Try to fix your english and you'll be good.

Posts : 43
Join date : 2010-12-13
Age : 37
Location : San Antonio, Texas

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[Reserved] Sheriff Department archives. Empty [SD] Paul Perez

Post by Paul Thu Jan 27, 2011 3:34 am

First name: Paul
Last name: Perez
Date of Birth: 28/06/1987
Current address: 1127 Dillimore Pkway.
Current phone number: Don't have one yet
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Why do you wish to join the Sheriff Department: Because, I would like to defend and enforce the law and not go against it, to fight criminals, to keep the county area safe.
Do you have any past law enforcement knowledge: Yes
-if yes, where: Before i moved to here i was an LSPD police officer in LS, also i went in to the LS Police academy.
Do you have a clean criminal record: Yes
-if no, what charges: N/A
Write 2-3 paragraphs about yourself:
**Takes a pen, takes a piece of paper, and starts to write with his pen**
Hello my name is Paul, I Came from a city called LS, i was a police officer there.
The reason i moved to here was that in a city you have lots of stress... (in the county you don't have so stress).
So now i want to continue my life, to be in the SD.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

(( OOC ))

Age: 17
Country of Origin: Canada
GMT: -5
How long you play per day: 3 or 2

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I, Paul Perez, Herby by signing this agree to follow the department rules and I agree that I have taken knowledge of the department rules and of the deputy handbook/guide, I agree that if I commit any crime against the society or the public, I will be fired and given criminal charges upon, I agree to follow the county rules; threat civilians as I would threat my superiors - I will enforce law with no prejudges such as racism, sexism, etc. Last, by signing this I agree that I will be submitted to a hard training in order to determine my health condition, I agree to be submitted to a criminal background check and that if I'm found guilty of any charge I may be denied.

Date: [26/01/2011]


Posts : 36
Join date : 2011-01-27
Location : In your hand

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[Reserved] Sheriff Department archives. Empty Re: [Reserved] Sheriff Department archives.

Post by Ariel Thu Jan 27, 2011 4:00 am

[Vouch, 2 of 2, Under-Sheriff Ariel Virai]


Posts : 345
Join date : 2011-01-08
Age : 30
Location : USA

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[Reserved] Sheriff Department archives. Empty Re: [Reserved] Sheriff Department archives.

Post by xRaul-Guerrero Thu Jan 27, 2011 4:04 am

[Vouch, 1 of 2, Sheriff Raul Guerrero]

Waiting for vouch of Under Sheriff Ariel Virai

Posts : 43
Join date : 2010-12-13
Age : 37
Location : San Antonio, Texas

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[Reserved] Sheriff Department archives. Empty Re: [Reserved] Sheriff Department archives.

Post by xRaul-Guerrero Thu Jan 27, 2011 4:04 am

[Reserved] Sheriff Department archives. 2akh5rq

Mr. Walker,

I'm happy to announce that you have been accepted we remind you to take knowledge of the Deputy handbook as well as the department rules too, you will be given an interview and a test by the Sheriff or a trainer.

I, Myself, Sheriff Raul Guerrero would like to thank you for choosing the Sheriff's Department as your local law enforcement agency.

Signed, Sheriff Raul Guerrero.

All questions should be redirected to the Sheriff's Office
Sheriff Raul Guerrero, Post 761, Badge 113, 41-54.

Posts : 43
Join date : 2010-12-13
Age : 37
Location : San Antonio, Texas

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[Reserved] Sheriff Department archives. Empty Re: [Reserved] Sheriff Department archives.

Post by Ariel Thu Jan 27, 2011 4:18 am

[Vouch, 2 of 2, Under-Sheriff Ariel Virai]


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Join date : 2011-01-08
Age : 30
Location : USA

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[Reserved] Sheriff Department archives. Empty Re: [Reserved] Sheriff Department archives.

Post by xRaul-Guerrero Thu Jan 27, 2011 4:20 am

[Reserved] Sheriff Department archives. 2akh5rq

Mr. Perez,

I'm happy to announce that you have been accepted we remind you to take knowledge of the Deputy handbook as well as the department rules too, you will be given an interview and a test by the Sheriff or a trainer.

I, Myself, Sheriff Raul Guerrero would like to thank you for choosing the Sheriff's Department as your local law enforcement agency.

Welcome to the department, you will be welcomed by all our deputies.

Signed, Sheriff Raul Guerrero.

All questions should be redirected to the Sheriff's Office
Sheriff Raul Guerrero, Post 761, Badge 113, 41-54.

Posts : 43
Join date : 2010-12-13
Age : 37
Location : San Antonio, Texas

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[Reserved] Sheriff Department archives. Empty [Reserved] Sheriff Department archives.

Post by xRaul-Guerrero Thu Jan 27, 2011 4:21 am

Old applications go here.

Reserved for the Sheriff's Office Administration use only.

Posts : 43
Join date : 2010-12-13
Age : 37
Location : San Antonio, Texas

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[Reserved] Sheriff Department archives. Empty [SD] Sam Andersun

Post by Sam Andersun Wed Feb 02, 2011 5:47 am

First name: Sam
Last name: Andersun
Date of Birth: 25/6/1984
Current address: No registered address.
Current phone number: 1010143
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Why do you wish to join the Sheriff Department:
Do you have any past law enforcement knowledge: Yes.
-if yes, where: My parents were both police officers in Liberty City
Do you have a clean criminal record:
-if no, what charges:
Write 2-3 paragraphs about yourself: was born at Liberty City general hospital. My parents were both police officers when I was a child I used to go on ride alongs alot with my Dad or Mum, I turned 13 and was accepted into Liberty City School for exceptional children and I excelled. When I graduated, at age 19 I was accepted into Liberty City University and Liberty City Police Reserves or LCPR. I got my masters degree and I was about to apply for the police department I got a phone call from my uncle saying that he needed me to come to Red County, SA. I got on the plane and flew out there, when I got there he needed me to sign his will, and I did. When I was about to fly back home I got a phone call, my parents, who were both police officers, had been shot and killed. When I decided there was nothing left for me back home, I moved in with my uncle and I shared his trailer ( which was extreamly cramped ). when I turned 25 my uncle passed was arrested for white collar crimes ( I was cleared of any involvement ) I live in his trailer now but its not registered in my name. I had been monitoring the police recruitment status when I was in a car crash I took an interest in emergency services. I was going sign up for emergency services but then I decided to wait for the police. its nothing like how I thought it was. I have been waiting for the police recruitment to open up and when I heard that it opened I ran to a computer to sign up. I want to be a state trooper because I would love to help my comunity, keep the peace and make this a crime free country. I have always respected police officers and I feel that its my duty to carry on my parents legacy. I will work the hardest I can to keep this city safe. I will not back down from a challenge and I will put the safety of others before myself. I will respect my fellow officers and I will never ever quit. You can put me on bathroom guard duty and I will treat it like it is saving the President. I am also friendly, dedicated and a workaholic. it would be an honor to serve this great nation. When I see the police doing their job I always stop and admire them, even the worst jobs are amazing to me. One day I hope to be in the Special Weapons And Tactics department. If I am accepted I promise to follow the rules to the letter, never talk back, always follow regulations be kind but firm to all suspects and civillians, always be on time and I will always put emergencies before myself. I am a very good shot, a good negotiator and I know lots of very effective tactical moves. I am a very good emergency driver and I am good in pursuits, I used to do the Police Chase Simulator at LCPD training facility. I wear all uniforms with pride, dignity and respect.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Prior Aptitude test.

Tick the [] box with a X with the correct answer.

1) You as a peace officer have the right to do everything you please: True [] False [X]

2) You as a peace officer have the right to arrest everyone you please: True [] False [X]

3) Your superior tells you to shoot a black male, your superior obviously seems to be racist, what would you do: - Shoot him because he's your superior: []
- Tell your superior to do it himself: []
- You go yelling on the radio "OH MY GOD YOU BASTARD KILLER" []
- You tell him to stop and the next night you talk with the Sheriff [X]

4) You have the right to arrest a suspect if you suspect him of being part of a crime organization: True [] False [X]

5) The Sheriff has the right to demote or/and fire you from the Sheriff Department if you act like a dumbass: True [X] False []

6) The Sheriff Department employs people under 21 years: True [] False [X]

7) If you want to pull over someone you: - Put your sirens on and ram the suspect
- Do nothing and start shooting at him
- Put your sirens and tell him that he's under arrest
- Put your sirens, park over and talk with him. X

Cool You see a kid with a gun, he obviously seems to be under drug effects, what would you do: I would attempt to talk him down, however, if he points to weapon at me, another officer or a civilian, I would take the shot, attempting to hit a non lethal shot if posible (Depending on the type of gun, if its automatic ect.)

9) The Sheriff department does not enforce their deputies to read the deputy handbook, they don't care about it: True [] False [X]

1) You walk to your office, while walking there you see a fellow deputy beating up a suspect inside the department, what would you do: I would call other units and attempt to pull the deputy off him and then get information on what had caused him to do these things, then depending if he did or did not have a reason, put in a formal report to the sheriff.

2) You are driving down the highway, you spot a male over the roof; obviously he's car surfing they drive at a high speed, the driver obviously seems to be under drug effects or drunk, what would you do: I would attempt to pull him over, if he did not pull over I would chase him at a safe distance and call other units to clear the roads, since the man in on the roof we cannot use spike strips or preform the "P.I.T." manouver. When I got enough units I would tell them to box him in and slowly decrease speed, slowing the vehicle down and then make the arrests.

3) Your partner and you assist to a call, possible underage consummation, you arrive on scene multiple suspects are dancing and shouting like they were crazy, what would you do: I would, first have units on standby for backup, turn on my lights and sirens and get out and tell them calmly to go home. If they refused to go home I would have a few other units come in and hopefully that would scare them off, if they still refused I would attempt to arrest the more rowdy ones, scaring the others off and then take the detained kids back to the station, call their parents and get them to take the kids home.

4) Your patroling on foot, you spot a male with a mask, he's holding a purse, you see a woman running after him, what would you do: I would turn tell him to stop, if he refused, I would chase him, still yelling at him to stop, and if needed I would either, taze, mace or tackle. I would then call for backup and cuff the suspect and get the report of what happened from the woman.

5) You pull over a male, as soon as he rolls down the window you smell a strong odor of Marijuana, what would you do: I would tell him to step out of the vehicle, and preform a test, if he is found high I would detain and arrest him, charging him with D.U.I. of drugs.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

(( OOC ))

Age: 18
Country of Origin: Canada.
How long you play per day: 6-8 hours a day weekdays, 8-12 weekends.
Can you properly speak english: Yes.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I, Sam Andersun, Herby by signing this agree to follow the department rules and I agree that I have taken knowledge of the department rules and of the deputy handbook/guide, I agree that if I commit any crime against the society or the public, I will be fired and given criminal charges upon, I agree to follow the county rules; threat civilians as I would threat my superiors - I will enforce law with no prejudges such as racism, sexism, etc. Last, by signing this I agree that I will be submitted to a hard training in order to determine my health condition, I agree to be submitted to a criminal background check and that if I'm found guilty of any charge I may be denied.

Date: [1/2/2011]

Sam Andersun
Sam Andersun

Personal Text : Samdersun/Undersun
Posts : 632
Join date : 2011-02-02
Age : 30
Location : Canada

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[Reserved] Sheriff Department archives. Empty Re: [Reserved] Sheriff Department archives.

Post by xRaul-Guerrero Wed Feb 02, 2011 6:40 am

[Reserved] Sheriff Department archives. 2akh5rq

Mr. Andersun,

Your application is currently on hold; it will be reviewed by the Sheriff and the under sheriff, you will get an answer as soon as possible; we remind you as well to read again the handbook, you will go throughout a general test, if accepted. We would like to remind you as well not to bug or bother any trainer while your application is being on hold, doing so will get it auto denied.

I, Myself, Sheriff Raul Guerrero would like to thank you for chosing the Sheriff's Department as your local law enforcement agency.

(( Get over level 2, it will be reviewed; Over-all perfect application, failed 1 question out of the whole set. ))

All questions should be redirected to the sheriff's office.

Posts : 43
Join date : 2010-12-13
Age : 37
Location : San Antonio, Texas

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[Reserved] Sheriff Department archives. Empty Re: [Reserved] Sheriff Department archives.

Post by Sam Andersun Wed Feb 02, 2011 7:01 am

(( I know I dont have level 2 but I am very active on the server and I have loads of experience in law enforcement in multiple servers. Could I just become like a reserve to do desk duty? like do reception and other RP stuff like clean uniforms work in the cage (police supply area) and that until I level up? which will be really soon. ))
Sam Andersun
Sam Andersun

Personal Text : Samdersun/Undersun
Posts : 632
Join date : 2011-02-02
Age : 30
Location : Canada

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[Reserved] Sheriff Department archives. Empty sheriff Private Topic

Post by Shin Takeshi Thu Feb 03, 2011 9:05 am

Alright, now that I can, I'll work on making us a private topic here on the forums. I will need some ideas on exactly what sections will be needed, such as a public crimes folder, where we keep records of all the crimes someone commits, Casefiles, etc.

Post here on suggestions, and Raul can approve/deny them
Shin Takeshi
Shin Takeshi
The Camarilla
The Camarilla

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Age : 33
Location : In a box

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[Reserved] Sheriff Department archives. Empty Re: [Reserved] Sheriff Department archives.

Post by xRaul-Guerrero Thu Feb 03, 2011 11:44 pm

Division sub-forums so each leader can post their division roster.

Posts : 43
Join date : 2010-12-13
Age : 37
Location : San Antonio, Texas

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[Reserved] Sheriff Department archives. Empty Re: [Reserved] Sheriff Department archives.

Post by Sponsored content

Sponsored content

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