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*A Letter Posted to the Construction firm*

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*A Letter Posted to the Construction firm* Empty *A Letter Posted to the Construction firm*

Post by Terry Winston Sun Nov 27, 2011 1:49 pm

Dear whoever it may cocern,

My name is Terry Winston, as you may or may not know im the acting Sheriff for the Red County area and would like to enlist your services for some building contracts the first contract would be for the sheriffs department the building is getting old and quite frankly unsafe i would like a full refurbishment and update and more modern systems, this will be funded by the goverment. For my second project i would like you to refurbish my clothing store and would be a private job for my self, i am willing to pay you $10000 for the work you will recive $2000 on starting the job and the further $8000 on completion. If you are interested in inder taking this work please feel free to right a letter to my secutary at the sheriffs deparement.

Yours sincerally,
Terry Winston.
Terry Winston
Terry Winston
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Join date : 2011-06-02
Age : 32
Location : England

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