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Trolling. - Page 2 Empty Re: Trolling.

Post by Dominique LaRue Thu Dec 01, 2011 3:47 am

Sam Akabara wrote:Weellll maybe you should lead by example by coming ig and showing them all how to do it.

That is a valid point. Members of the server would often comment that they enjoyed my RP and felt like it improved their own. However, I would like to get roleplay of a certain quality as well. At the moment, I don't yet have much reason to go in game. I might have more time, but it's not an attractive fate to pop in game and spend hours and hours being an RP tutor while dodging aggressive players OOCly and eye-roll worthy roleplay ICly. Popping on the forums is much more time-efficient because it's quick, it's easy, I can multi-task, it requires no commitment, and it reaches a larger audience.

As well, I'd like my rank restored if I was to go in game.

Short version: I understand where you're coming from.
Dominique LaRue
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Trolling. - Page 2 Empty Re: Trolling.

Post by Raiden Akimoto Thu Dec 01, 2011 6:25 am

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Lucian got a point there, we are here to have fun. Some player taking serious about 100% RP like IRL and they gone craaazy. Also, dont blame me for wheelie-ing around the town and then say fsdfds in OOC. :3
Raiden Akimoto
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Trolling. - Page 2 Empty Re: Trolling.

Post by Simon Bourne Thu Dec 01, 2011 6:32 am

You're all being extremely retarded over a topic that derailed when the creator wrote the title.

If you have a problem with someone's character, try to keep it to yourself, or go see Dr. Phil or something.
Simon Bourne
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Trolling. - Page 2 Empty Re: Trolling.

Post by Dominique LaRue Thu Dec 01, 2011 7:10 am

Simon Bourne wrote:You're all being extremely retarded over a topic that derailed when the creator wrote the title.

Topic seems to me to have stayed fairly unretarded with the exception of the last two posts and one or two others.

Simon Bourne wrote:If you have a problem with someone's character, try to keep it to yourself, or go see Dr. Phil or something.

Rolling Eyes
Dominique LaRue
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Trolling. - Page 2 Empty Re: Trolling.

Post by Jericho Phelps Thu Dec 01, 2011 3:12 pm

Is it possible to keep a real character in this server?
Jericho is, YES, Charming as fuck and also quite strong, but he aint bright, he knows nothing about the Gaia world and actually despises it, its realism in the form of still having a char i like. Kthnxbye.

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Trolling. - Page 2 Empty Re: Trolling.

Post by Sam Akabara Thu Dec 01, 2011 5:18 pm

So he's a big strong charming guy who knows nothing about nature?
Sam Akabara
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Trolling. - Page 2 Empty Re: Trolling.

Post by Jericho Phelps Thu Dec 01, 2011 5:31 pm

YESH! Also has no idea why da fuck he got into the mess of being a werewolf.
Trolling. - Page 2 Wink

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Trolling. - Page 2 Empty Re: Trolling.

Post by Simon Bourne Thu Dec 01, 2011 6:49 pm

Well fuck that, i've created a cop that smokes weed, playes videogames and drives around in a lowrider....pssshhh....
Simon Bourne
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Trolling. - Page 2 Empty Re: Trolling.

Post by Terry Winston Thu Dec 01, 2011 8:03 pm

i Think people need to sit and realise its a game and that by losing your pride honour or valour etc is not hurt becuase its a game sometime it is more fun to be on the loosing side to see where the roleplay take you rather then /me counters your every move with my ninja like speed and persision.
Terry Winston
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Trolling. - Page 2 Empty Re: Trolling.

Post by Lloyd McFadden Thu Dec 01, 2011 8:30 pm

I dont see why people are so butthurt by seekers trolling or w/e. Its true what he said and most people wont accept being slightly injured in RP. They prefer to /b argue all the time. The server has hardly any active and decent admins who know this too. Theirs probably 4 admins who DONT go around OOCing all the time and RPing rather than helping players. Yeah I disagree'd with the way seeker done his admin job but I was just butthurt at the time. He done a good job and we need more admins like him who will enforce more discipline rather than allow people to RP to win. But meh, We as the server's players have no say, we never have had any say. The management never really does anything when we act. They just sit back, read the posts and do nothing. Thats mainly why Im not as active as I used to be.
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Trolling. - Page 2 Empty Re: Trolling.

Post by Dominique LaRue Fri Dec 02, 2011 3:03 am

Terry Winston wrote:i Think people need to sit and realise its a game and that by losing your pride honour or valour etc is not hurt becuase its a game sometime it is more fun to be on the loosing side to see where the roleplay take you rather then /me counters your every move with my ninja like speed and persision.

Precisely! Heck, I remember a time in a roleplay (not on SA-MP) where my character, who was a loud-mouth and jerkface, got jumped by like six people. Of course, the character never stood a chance- they knocked out my character and then proceeded to take my character to their hide-out. Next thing y'know, they're having a big argument at the hide-out and my character ends up piping in and gets one side to turn on the other. That was fun RP I never would have had if I was just like "herp derp I dodge everything and I blast off into space."

Lloyd McFadden wrote:I dont see why people are so butthurt by seekers trolling or w/e. Its true what he said and most people wont accept being slightly injured in RP. They prefer to /b argue all the time. The server has hardly any active and decent admins who know this too. Theirs probably 4 admins who DONT go around OOCing all the time and RPing rather than helping players. Yeah I disagree'd with the way seeker done his admin job but I was just butthurt at the time. He done a good job and we need more admins like him who will enforce more discipline rather than allow people to RP to win. But meh, We as the server's players have no say, we never have had any say. The management never really does anything when we act. They just sit back, read the posts and do nothing. Thats mainly why Im not as active as I used to be.

Wow, thanks. I appreciate that; I really do. I'd say the problem at the moment is split evenly between players and staff. The players are the ones who are roleplaying like this and having all these arguments, but the staff needs to step up and be more active. We have twenty people on our staff list. Most of them are inactive or only log on once in a while- that's fine, sort of. These twenty admins are all over the world, covering practically every timezone. Yet, only a few admins regularly log on and out of those, only a few actually do their job. It's not necessary to say names- but the fact of the matter is, without a dedicated, committed, and disciplined admin team, this server is not going to improve.

I know that there are some people out there who are perfectly okay with the roleplay on the server. I'd wager because they've never had anything better. A lot of people on the server came from a zombie roleplay server that was really light roleplay and more about the map objective. A heavy roleplay server like what VHRP aspires to be focuses entirely on its roleplay. We don't have any buildings to search around for survival gear or zombies constantly attacking- there is no excuse to not be fully IC at all times. But most of all, people are too concerned about losing. There are a two big reasons people are afraid of losing, from my experience.

  • First and foremost, people are too proud to lose. People roleplay all these really powerful or influential characters- IE: I'm the boss of the mafia, I'm the Captain of the police, I'm the Elder of the Vampires, I'm the King of the Wolves. When it comes to those characters losing, they think it will ruin the roleplay for their organization. "Who could respect a mob boss who gets beat up when he gets attacked by nine people!?!?!?!?!?" If they're not some leader, people still are too personally invested in their characters. It's a good thing to care about your character- all the best roleplayers do. I have not met any good roleplayers who said "I don't care at all about my characters and they're just ragdolls for me"- but there's a difference between caring about your character but treating them as an extension of yourself (if you find yourself referring to your character as 'me' or 'I' often, that's generally a bad sign, get used to referring to your character as "James" or "he" or "they." Your character is not you.) and caring about your character but letting them do their own thing.
  • Secondly, and this is where the fault can be taken off the player "playing to win"- in SA-MP especially, people are so eager on absolutely destroying the other person. In most roleplays I've participated in, it's very uncommon for one character to kill another. I've seen characters get beat up and down the court but left to live. Of course, I've seen characters get killed, too- but it's usually with the permission and agreement of all players involved in the scene. In SA-MP, it seems every robbery/attack/kidnapping/whatever ends up killing the character. If our bodies did not vanish in game, Palomino Creek would look like Stalingrad in 1942. Our creek would be filled with islands of dumped bodies. It's not always necessary to kill someone. I know it certainly leaves the aggressor less problems ("well if I PK him then he can't come and attack me later for this with friends and will have no memory that I sodomized him") but that conflict is fun if people don't roleplay to win.

There are more, but those are the big ones. I'll be posting up a guide later that addresses some of the unwritten rules of roleplay. Roleplay is a group activity. If any of you have done theater, it's very similar to improvisation. We take upon a character, forgo any detailed scripting (or else it would be boring) and have a scene. Improv is done with your voice and body, roleplay in game is done with your character model and text. Even the most advanced Improv artists follow a few basic rules and I feel that a lot of those rules can be applied to RP. I'll elaborate more when I finish the guide.
Dominique LaRue
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Trolling. - Page 2 Empty Re: Trolling.

Post by Nicolas Djordjevic Fri Dec 02, 2011 5:12 pm

Dominique LaRue wrote:
Terry Winston wrote:i Think people need to sit and realise its a game and that by losing your pride honour or valour etc is not hurt becuase its a game sometime it is more fun to be on the loosing side to see where the roleplay take you rather then /me counters your every move with my ninja like speed and persision.

Precisely! Heck, I remember a time in a roleplay (not on SA-MP) where my character, who was a loud-mouth and jerkface, got jumped by like six people. Of course, the character never stood a chance- they knocked out my character and then proceeded to take my character to their hide-out. Next thing y'know, they're having a big argument at the hide-out and my character ends up piping in and gets one side to turn on the other. That was fun RP I never would have had if I was just like "herp derp I dodge everything and I blast off into space."

Lloyd McFadden wrote:I dont see why people are so butthurt by seekers trolling or w/e. Its true what he said and most people wont accept being slightly injured in RP. They prefer to /b argue all the time. The server has hardly any active and decent admins who know this too. Theirs probably 4 admins who DONT go around OOCing all the time and RPing rather than helping players. Yeah I disagree'd with the way seeker done his admin job but I was just butthurt at the time. He done a good job and we need more admins like him who will enforce more discipline rather than allow people to RP to win. But meh, We as the server's players have no say, we never have had any say. The management never really does anything when we act. They just sit back, read the posts and do nothing. Thats mainly why Im not as active as I used to be.

Wow, thanks. I appreciate that; I really do. I'd say the problem at the moment is split evenly between players and staff. The players are the ones who are roleplaying like this and having all these arguments, but the staff needs to step up and be more active. We have twenty people on our staff list. Most of them are inactive or only log on once in a while- that's fine, sort of. These twenty admins are all over the world, covering practically every timezone. Yet, only a few admins regularly log on and out of those, only a few actually do their job. It's not necessary to say names- but the fact of the matter is, without a dedicated, committed, and disciplined admin team, this server is not going to improve.

I know that there are some people out there who are perfectly okay with the roleplay on the server. I'd wager because they've never had anything better. A lot of people on the server came from a zombie roleplay server that was really light roleplay and more about the map objective. A heavy roleplay server like what VHRP aspires to be focuses entirely on its roleplay. We don't have any buildings to search around for survival gear or zombies constantly attacking- there is no excuse to not be fully IC at all times. But most of all, people are too concerned about losing. There are a two big reasons people are afraid of losing, from my experience.

  • First and foremost, people are too proud to lose. People roleplay all these really powerful or influential characters- IE: I'm the boss of the mafia, I'm the Captain of the police, I'm the Elder of the Vampires, I'm the King of the Wolves. When it comes to those characters losing, they think it will ruin the roleplay for their organization. "Who could respect a mob boss who gets beat up when he gets attacked by nine people!?!?!?!?!?" If they're not some leader, people still are too personally invested in their characters. It's a good thing to care about your character- all the best roleplayers do. I have not met any good roleplayers who said "I don't care at all about my characters and they're just ragdolls for me"- but there's a difference between caring about your character but treating them as an extension of yourself (if you find yourself referring to your character as 'me' or 'I' often, that's generally a bad sign, get used to referring to your character as "James" or "he" or "they." Your character is not you.) and caring about your character but letting them do their own thing.
  • Secondly, and this is where the fault can be taken off the player "playing to win"- in SA-MP especially, people are so eager on absolutely destroying the other person. In most roleplays I've participated in, it's very uncommon for one character to kill another. I've seen characters get beat up and down the court but left to live. Of course, I've seen characters get killed, too- but it's usually with the permission and agreement of all players involved in the scene. In SA-MP, it seems every robbery/attack/kidnapping/whatever ends up killing the character. If our bodies did not vanish in game, Palomino Creek would look like Stalingrad in 1942. Our creek would be filled with islands of dumped bodies. It's not always necessary to kill someone. I know it certainly leaves the aggressor less problems ("well if I PK him then he can't come and attack me later for this with friends and will have no memory that I sodomized him") but that conflict is fun if people don't roleplay to win.

There are more, but those are the big ones. I'll be posting up a guide later that addresses some of the unwritten rules of roleplay. Roleplay is a group activity. If any of you have done theater, it's very similar to improvisation. We take upon a character, forgo any detailed scripting (or else it would be boring) and have a scene. Improv is done with your voice and body, roleplay in game is done with your character model and text. Even the most advanced Improv artists follow a few basic rules and I feel that a lot of those rules can be applied to RP. I'll elaborate more when I finish the guide.

Holy crap, why didn't I think of that...

Well next time I won't RPK anyone and let them/him/her/it hunt me down so that will add more RP, instead of Patrolling and doing actually nothing.

Every day I learn something new, thanks.
Nicolas Djordjevic
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Trolling. - Page 2 Empty Re: Trolling.

Post by Dominique LaRue Fri Dec 02, 2011 9:24 pm

[quote=Dude]Holy crap, why didn't I think of that...

Well next time I won't RPK anyone and let them/him/her/it hunt me down so that will add more RP, instead of Patrolling and doing actually nothing.

Every day I learn something new, thanks.[/quote]

This also wouldn't be a problem if everyone on the server wasn't a Rambo.

Last edited by Dominique LaRue on Sat Dec 03, 2011 4:56 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Forgot the first quote tag. Derp.)
Dominique LaRue
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Trolling. - Page 2 Empty Re: Trolling.

Post by Nicolas Djordjevic Sat Dec 03, 2011 4:11 am

Dominique LaRue wrote:Holy crap, why didn't I think of that...

Well next time I won't RPK anyone and let them/him/her/it hunt me down so that will add more RP, instead of Patrolling and doing actually nothing.

Every day I learn something new, thanks.

This also wouldn't be a problem if everyone on the server wasn't a Rambo. [/quote]

I just want people to Roleplay Fear aswell. Fear.. is not.. a small thing...
Nicolas Djordjevic
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