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The Atilliary Facilities Driving Test

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The Atilliary Facilities Driving Test Empty The Atilliary Facilities Driving Test

Post by Guest Wed Feb 23, 2011 9:11 pm

Atilliary Facilities brings you the verified Atilliary Facilities Driving Test
This test gives you a confirmed badge that you are able to drive the vehicle type.

Normal Vehicles License: 50$
>In this test, you will be tested to drive with a small AF Utility pickup. It will have signs on it to indicate the driver is being tested or is learning.
> You will be penalized for going across stop lights and crashing, and any careless driving.
> A AF examiner will observe your driving skills. The examiner will send you around Palomino, and after that after that will send you to Montgomery and then back to Palomino Bank. The examiner will tell you which roads to take.
> Going dangerously fast will deduct marks.

Large Vehicles License: 100$
>In this test, you will be tested to drive with a large AF Transporter Truck. It will have signs on it to indicate the driver is being tested or is learning.
> You will be penalized for going across stop lights and crashing, and any careless driving.
> A AF examiner will observe your driving skills. The examiner will send you around Palomino, and after that after that will send you around Montgomery, then around BlueBerry, then to Dillimore Police Station and then back to Palomino Bank. The examiner will tell you which roads to take.
> Going dangerously fast will deduct marks.

Please note that attempting to steal the vehicle will result in a ban from the Atilliary Facilities Vehicle Driving License, and from doing any of the tests.

For the test, contact: 1010202
For the people who have passed or failed, please consult the AF BaRM HQ for the Passed/Failed board.
((If no one answers, means I'm not on :/))


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