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Tommy Carreiro's char story.

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Tommy Carreiro's char story. Empty Tommy Carreiro's char story.

Post by Tommy Carreiro Sat Mar 19, 2011 3:06 pm

Chapter 1: Ship mission.
I started my life as nothing else than a Recruit.
Picking crazy missions, risking my life..
One mission I picked was epic. I got to be with Captain Black.
We had to go onto a ship, containing lots of enemy intel.
We're on a chopper... 4 am..
I was actually thinking of sleeping, but I had to be stronger, I'm a Marine, after all.
The chopper controller said that Captain Black will be dropped early to infiltrate.. Huh..
4:30 am. I can see the dropship... I'm ready.
I put the silencer on my MP5K and put on a mask.
The chopper controller dropped a rope, and I went down to the ship. There were a couple of hostiles.
I neutralized them pretty quickly.
Then I ran near the door, turned the valve and got inside.
I went inside, heard some commotion, and picked up my UAV.
It showed only 5 hostiles..
I was thinking - Time to shine.
I smiled, then picked up a flashbang, and threw it through the open door.
I went in and neutralized everyone.
That was pretty easy.
Then I heard a click near my back. That was a shotgun loading.
I was thinking "Daamn.... I'm dead."
Until I heard another MP5K shooting, but quietly.
It was Captain Black.
He saved my ass from death. I was so glad.
He told me to move on.
I spoke quietly to the radio:
Go on. I'll cover the rear.
Then we moved up. We saw a couple of guys handling a SAM. He showed me a sign to stop.
I stopped and aimed at one of their heads.
He mumbled "Weapons free" into the radio.
We killed those guys, and the SAM stopped working.
We moved down the ship, and saw an open spot with about 50 hostiles there.
Bigger time to shine.. I hope we'll survive.
Black threw a flashbang out, and told me to take out my Intervention and put on a silencer.
And I did.
He told me to cover him, as he ran out.
I shot 5 hostiles in the higher floor. I went to the other side and took out my MP5K again.
He told me to help him. I ran near him and shot about 3 hostiles, who were protecting some kind of machine.
That wasnt a machine.. It was a hard disk.. Containing all of the enemy intel.
Since I had the computer, Black was supposed to guard me.
He did pretty good. The ship put up a siren and I had to protect the computer as well, for it to collect all of the intel.
I covered our computer with some metal cubes((bulletproof)) and crouched while aiming down my sights.
Suddenly I saw a tango((target, hostile)) with an RPG. I headshotted him quickly and I asked Black:
Do you have a grappling hook? That gun's useful.
He nodded.
He gave me it and I shot it, picking up the RPG. Then a squad ran in and I gave Black the RPG.
He shot the whole squad.
I gave him a friendly pat on the shoulder, then checked the file transfer..
It's 5000/7200.
Damn, today's transfer is quick!
Tommy sees a container door openning.. And a tango gets out of it.
Tango falls down from it.
I laughed for a bit, then got serious again. Another RPG squad came out. Black, of course, took down the RPG.
Why do Captains get all the fun?!
The computer bleeped, meaning, that the file transfer was successful.
Then we heard something in the radio:
Black Shadow, this is Overlord, do you copy?
Then Black mumbled:
Loud and clear.
-You are in an area of bomb-traps! Get out immediately! A chopper is waiting for you near the deck.
-Solid copy.
Then he turned to me and yelled:
Look, there's a lot of bombs and we need to get out of here IMMEDIATELY!
He started running outside the doors, and I, of course, followed him.
We ran to the deck, and he yelled:
Take out any tangos you see! Everybody's a hostile here, except us!
I nodded and kept sprinting.
Then I felt somebody holding me onto my neck. I started screaming, Black ran away..
I was in the holding of death...
Until my bravery saved me.
I started shooting, and noticed that the dude dropped his knife.. He died.
Black shouted:
What are you waiting for..?! Move!
I started to run to the chopper, when I heard multiple explosions behind me.
I started running quicker than I could ever imagine.
We both got on the chopper soon enough.
It was 6 am... Huh.. Cleared the place in less than 2 hours..
There goes my first real mission...
I went through a lot.. I was raided, got shot in the shoulder protectors.. They were bulletproof.. Heh..

CHAPTER 2: Shock

I went to my home, to drink some tea.
My father was sitting there..
He was dead..
I fell into tears instantly.. I started to scream..
Dad... Why'd you do this to me?!
I noticed a letter in his hands.
I picked it up and saw something interesting..
*Don't worry.. i trusted your brother a secret.. he will keep it.. also..your brother is..Captain Black*
I dropped the letter instantly..
How can that be?!
My life is some sort of a mystery...

9 AM. I sprinted quickly to the SAS squad. There was only Black.. Where's everyone else?
I've ran quickly to him and asked:
What secret!?!
He replied:
You found out i see.. well.. it's time to move from this country.
We moved onto Palomino Creek...
I was still thinking, what will happen...
((Short chapter))

Chapter 3: New life((Teamspeak))
<21:26:34> "Tommy Carreiro": *Tommy Carreiro looks to Nikky
<21:26:36> "Tommy Carreiro": What..?
<21:26:53> "Nikky Black": I wonder if you got cash for the taxi..?
<21:27:05> "Tommy Carreiro": Ehrm... Yes, they paid me for that mission.
<21:27:17> "Nikky Black": They paid me too.. but i put the cash in my bank account
<21:27:40> "Nikky Black": I heard you got promoted?
<21:27:55> "Tommy Carreiro": Yes. I was promoted to Sergeant..
<21:27:59> "Nikky Black": Nice.
<21:28:08> "Nikky Black": Oh.. we are here.
<21:28:36> "Nikky Black": *looks at Tommy*
<21:28:41> "Nikky Black": Uh..?
<21:28:47> "Tommy Carreiro": *Tommy Carreiro looks to Nikky
<21:28:49> "Tommy Carreiro": What?
<21:28:56> "Nikky Black": Won't you pay the taxi driver?
<21:29:08> "Tommy Carreiro": *Tommy Carreiro gives the taxi driver $100
<21:29:31> "Nikky Black": *Nikky gets out of the car*
<21:29:39> "Tommy Carreiro": *Tommy Carreiro steps out of the car
<21:29:47> "Tommy Carreiro": Thank you for driving us.
<21:29:56> "Nikky Black": Thanks..
<21:30:07> "Tommy Carreiro": *Tommy Carreiro closes the doors and walks up to the fishing pier
<21:30:16> "Nikky Black": *Nikky follows Tommy*
<21:30:22> "Nikky Black": You know.. i had stealth training.
<21:30:31> "Nikky Black": That's why they call me "Black Shadow"
<21:30:34> "Tommy Carreiro": *Tommy Carreiro nods
<21:30:36> "Tommy Carreiro": I know.
<21:30:51> "Tommy Carreiro": But..
<21:31:03> "Tommy Carreiro": Tell me again. What's the secret that my dad told you?
<21:31:17> "Nikky Black": The time hasn't come.
<21:31:44> "Tommy Carreiro": Erm...
<21:31:49> "Tommy Carreiro": *Tommy Carreiro looks to the left
<21:31:51> "Tommy Carreiro": Okay...
((The rest will be IG.))

Tommy Carreiro

Personal Text : t0mpwnz
Posts : 672
Join date : 2011-03-08

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