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La Società Vitruviano [Official Faction]

Caleb Simms
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Shin Takeshi
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La Società Vitruviano [Official Faction] Empty La Società Vitruviano [Official Faction]

Post by Shin Takeshi Wed Dec 15, 2010 11:33 am

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While others find themselves obsessed with the power they receive during the embrace, there are those who would rather perfect the powers given to them rather then exploit them. While knocking one out provides an easier meal, seducing one to allow you at their neck assures that none of the delicious life essence is wasted, and that no questions will be asked the next morning. Precision, timing, effectiveness, awareness. All key elements to the perfect crime, the perfect con, and even the perfect meal. Afterall, we're all going to need to feed eventually.

La Società Vitruviano, the Vitruvian society in english, has been around since the mid 1600s. The clan back then consisted of primarilly Toreador, vampires who have beauty beyond comprehension, and found their meals from seducing people to their bed chambers. The Society believed in never leaving behind a trace, never having to tie up loose ends, and never abandoning each other. There was no pain in asking for help, especially if it meant no one would discover the clan.

The clan is still around to this day, only if barely. Held together by a few people. This is the story of how the Clan found its way to it's new home.

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Shin Akuji Takeshi, Twenty Seven years old, Father of Five, Had finally got his life in order. He had just married his true love, Jade Medicci, and finally settled down with her in the outskirts of Little Tokyo. Shin was the son of a Geisha, born with no father, a lost brother, and a sister once found and lost again. For the last five years he had been the member of the local Yakuza, the Akuji-Kai, and had worked his way to being one of the most loved members. Everyone knew who Shin was, lately. He was on the News almost weekly because of his artistic talents, and his position in the Akuji Industries. In Little Tokyo alone, Shin was one of the voices of guidance. Many of the new initiates would come to him for advice, and when able he would always help them solve issues with each other, or outside the Yakuza itself. This was Shin's perfect life, the life he had chosen and perfected, and nothing could take that away from him. That was his thinking, atleast...

It was the christmas of 2009, when Shin was returning home to his wife and kids. Rather then find open arms which had been awaiting his return, the scene he saw made him stare in disbelief. Jade, Shin's love, was laying limp on the ground, while a man sat in the nearby chair, fedora covering his face as it stared downward. Shin withdrew his Ninjato, a miniature Katana favored by Assassins, and called out to the man.

"You bastard! Who the hell are you!? Why the hell did you take her away from me!" He screamed out, as he charged at the man, impaling the blade through his heart. The man chuckled, blood leaking from his new wound as he tilted his head up to Shin. The man was Leonardo Van Meter, one of Shin's eldest friends, and one of the people whom Shin grew up with.

"I had to, Shin. I had to make sure you could handle the burden you accepted from me years ago." Leonardo said, taking Shin's hand and pushing it and the blade away from him. "Two years ago today, Shin, I asked you that in return for me getting you Jade back, that you would one day repay this debt however I wished. Its time you did so, my son."

With that, Leonardo pinned Shin down to the floor, biting into his neck. Shin screamed out, the wound that resulted searing in an unbelievable pain, pain he had not felt in all his years. Darkness soon followed, then the nightmares. Horrible things, unspeakable things. A crib cried out to him, but as he looked inside there was only a doll. The crib would then fill with blood, and Shin would drink from it. There would be an old woman crying, but as Shin looked into her eyes, there was nothing. In the next instance, he saw Jade, crying blood from eyes of nothingness. All this ended with him waking, sweating hard, in his bed. Leonardo, top hat and all, looked over him.

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It was over the next few days Leonardo told Shin about what just happened. Leonardo had been around for far longer than Shin could believe. Leonardo had been alive since the mid 1700s, and was a vampire. Shin wouldn't have believed it, if it wasn't for the fact the bite Leonardo gave him had such effects. Leonardo said it was what most kindred went through during their embrace. Nightmares, pain, and when they awake, a curse they would bear for eternity. The week was spent with Shin learning about the society, about the Inquisition, and about his new found powers. As Leonardo, Shin was a toreador. Already well known for being a man whore, he was now blessed with the loss of any imperfection to his body. All the scars he had, zits, anything was gone. But the reason why Leonardo did this for him was something Shin could not swallow.

"the Inqusition believes that I've been conspiring against the society lately, Shin. As such, I'm expecting to be put to death within the next 72 hours. It could happen as I sleep, or even when I am awake. Because of this, my son, I want to give you something I hold dear. My title as Father to my clan."

He handed Shin a book, labled "Cronache di un Perfezionista", which told of Leonardo's clan. The Vitruvian Society. It told Shin about what he must do, what he would be leading, and what changes in his life were necessary. It was a burden Shin accepted with open arms, and one he has been holding on his shoulders for the last year.

He met the few others, he learned what he had to, and with that he found that Leonardo had left to accept his fate. Shin had never saw hismelf as a leader, but he did see himself as a teacher. That is waht these new bloods, like himself, needed. Guidance. Shin planned to provide them with this guidance.

"Nulla è definito, ma tutto è permesso. Ciò che facciamo nella vita è di piombo con le nostre mani, e solo noi possiamo scegliere il nostro destino. E 'con quella conoscenza, che dobbiamo sforzarci di rendere il nostro destino perfetta, non importa quale strada scegliamo di seguire. Viva la società."


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Who Are We?

The Vitruvian Society is a faction basing itself on perfecting their abilities, and making sure they never bring suspicion to theirselves. Its not about money, power, or controlling others, but about a teacher and student form of bettering themselves. This does not limit itself to their abilities as a vampire, but their skills they had while human beings. This also does not mean we are a pacifist faction. Anyone who caused problems will always be dealt with, but in a clean and evidence free method. We are not murderers, we are the heralds of perfection.


[center]Father - The head of the faction. He has the final say on anything, and everything, and those who disobey his words may find themselves sleeping forever.

Speaker - One of the few who have proven themselves. These are the captains of the Society, who watch over the others and give orders in place of the Father. They do not outrank him though.

Brother/Sister - A member who has earned his seat in the society.

Child - Someone working their way into the Society.

The Testaments ((Ic Rules))
IC rules must be followed. You will be given so many chances. Fuck up too many times in such a short while, and you may be removed. You are allowed two PK's as a Child, and two CK's total before your banned from trying again. I will permit you to rejoin only with good reasons.

1) Never leave behind traces of your presence
2) Seek help with your brothers, for only they can teach you.
3) Do not bring wandering eyes into our Society
4) Never commit Diabolerie ((feeding from another Vampire))
5) Never feed or use your powers unless warranted by a superior.
6) Respect your superiors.
7) Never cause harm among other kindred without permission.
Cool Respect Human Laws along side our own
9) Always attempt to perfect yourself.
10) Never speak of the Society.

OOC rules
Follow these rules. Period.

- Respect Server Rules
- Respect Admins
- Respect Me, and Followers OOCly as well. I won't tolerate assholes.
- No spaming of OOC. Your here to RP, not gab.
- Keep Ic shit IC, and OOc shit OOC.

Last edited by Shin on Tue Jan 11, 2011 1:06 am; edited 9 times in total (Reason for editing : Added some profiles)
Shin Takeshi
Shin Takeshi
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La Società Vitruviano [Official Faction] Empty Re: La Società Vitruviano [Official Faction]

Post by Akira Wed Dec 15, 2010 12:06 pm

Really Nice Good luck !
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La Società Vitruviano [Official Faction] Empty Re: La Società Vitruviano [Official Faction]

Post by Guest Wed Dec 15, 2010 12:13 pm

Good luck !! XD


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La Società Vitruviano [Official Faction] Empty Re: La Società Vitruviano [Official Faction]

Post by Keyon Jones Wed Dec 15, 2010 3:20 pm

You put a lot of effort in it! Good luck!
Keyon Jones
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La Società Vitruviano [Official Faction] Empty Re: La Società Vitruviano [Official Faction]

Post by Infinity[Markus] Wed Dec 15, 2010 3:52 pm

Yes, being looking forward to this, definetly going to join on a vamp, if I ever make one.

EDIT: Just read the story, I like how you combined the original Vitruvian with Shin.

Last edited by Infinity[Markus] on Wed Dec 15, 2010 6:48 pm; edited 1 time in total

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La Società Vitruviano [Official Faction] Empty Re: La Società Vitruviano [Official Faction]

Post by besterich27 Wed Dec 15, 2010 5:05 pm

I wish you good luck!


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La Società Vitruviano [Official Faction] Empty Re: La Società Vitruviano [Official Faction]

Post by Shin Takeshi Wed Dec 15, 2010 6:06 pm

Glad to see you all like it. Its my pride and joy, other than Shin.
Shin Takeshi
Shin Takeshi
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La Società Vitruviano [Official Faction] Empty Re: La Società Vitruviano [Official Faction]

Post by Caleb Simms Wed Dec 15, 2010 7:09 pm

Nice thread it looks great, good luck.
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La Società Vitruviano [Official Faction] Empty Re: La Società Vitruviano [Official Faction]

Post by Shin Takeshi Wed Dec 15, 2010 7:40 pm

More to come. Added a couple profiles, and will update the profiles as needed.
Shin Takeshi
Shin Takeshi
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La Società Vitruviano [Official Faction] Empty Re: La Società Vitruviano [Official Faction]

Post by Shin Takeshi Wed Dec 15, 2010 10:02 pm

Good news. I got admin, so the faction is also scripted now.
Shin Takeshi
Shin Takeshi
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La Società Vitruviano [Official Faction] Empty Re: La Società Vitruviano [Official Faction]

Post by Operetta Wed Dec 15, 2010 10:15 pm

/factionon 4

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La Società Vitruviano [Official Faction] Empty Re: La Società Vitruviano [Official Faction]

Post by Guest Thu Dec 16, 2010 1:13 am

Woah .. Congrats !! bounce


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La Società Vitruviano [Official Faction] Empty Re: La Società Vitruviano [Official Faction]

Post by Vitaliy. Thu Dec 16, 2010 3:14 am

The faction was pretty successful back on LS-RP, so I'm pretty sure it will succeed here as well! Good luck, and congrats on the admin and the faction officialness! Smile
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La Società Vitruviano [Official Faction] Empty Re: La Società Vitruviano [Official Faction]

Post by Jadey Fri Dec 17, 2010 4:23 am

I have a very nice crown it seems Razz

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La Società Vitruviano [Official Faction] Empty Re: La Società Vitruviano [Official Faction]

Post by Shin Takeshi Fri Dec 17, 2010 7:17 am

Infinity[Markus] wrote:Yes, being looking forward to this, definetly going to join on a vamp, if I ever make one.

EDIT: Just read the story, I like how you combined the original Vitruvian with Shin.

Shin and Leonardo always knew each other, but back then I wasn't allowed to mix the two factions. Here, though, I'm able to be everything I made.
Shin Takeshi
Shin Takeshi
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La Società Vitruviano [Official Faction] Empty Re: La Società Vitruviano [Official Faction]

Post by Keyon Jones Fri Dec 17, 2010 3:17 pm

Jaxson wrote:/factionon 4
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La Società Vitruviano [Official Faction] Empty Re: La Società Vitruviano [Official Faction]

Post by Shin Takeshi Sat Dec 18, 2010 4:02 pm

Still working on it all. Story isn't done yet, I'm gonna re-orginize the topic, and I'm working on stuff icly.
Shin Takeshi
Shin Takeshi
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La Società Vitruviano [Official Faction] Empty Re: La Società Vitruviano [Official Faction]

Post by Big Pap' Mon Dec 20, 2010 5:14 pm

Looking good pal, hopefully give you a shout.

Big Pap'
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La Società Vitruviano [Official Faction] Empty Re: La Società Vitruviano [Official Faction]

Post by besterich27 Wed Dec 22, 2010 8:22 am

Meh, add and thing like that: Allies: The Ancelotti Clan Neutrals: Everything else Enemies: None yet.


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La Società Vitruviano [Official Faction] Empty Re: La Società Vitruviano [Official Faction]

Post by Shin Takeshi Wed Dec 22, 2010 8:24 am

besterich27 wrote:Meh, add and thing like that: Allies: The Ancelotti Clan Neutrals: Everything else Enemies: None yet.

No sense in it. If they know what my clan's standing is with them, its enough for me. If I advertise it, people will start MEtagaming.
Shin Takeshi
Shin Takeshi
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La Società Vitruviano [Official Faction] Empty Re: La Società Vitruviano [Official Faction]

Post by Shin Takeshi Thu Dec 23, 2010 5:28 pm

Double post, but its my own topic so w/e.

Things are set up fully ICly, for now atleast. We got a HQ, a market plan, and even began the RPing of actual criminal activity.

Viva la societa.
Shin Takeshi
Shin Takeshi
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La Società Vitruviano [Official Faction] Empty Re: La Società Vitruviano [Official Faction]

Post by NekoKawaii Sun Dec 26, 2010 12:55 pm

*Eats the topic* Delicious ^w^

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La Società Vitruviano [Official Faction] Empty Re: La Società Vitruviano [Official Faction]

Post by besterich27 Sun Jan 09, 2011 6:01 pm

Dont eat the topic or The Ancelotti Clan got 1 lower Allies D: Lol


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La Società Vitruviano [Official Faction] Empty Re: La Società Vitruviano [Official Faction]

Post by Akane_Shine Wed Jan 19, 2011 2:17 am

Scroll down the page quickly and its like watching a stop-motion anime or something.

Good luck with this faction... They should really work on getting the seperate forum areas for each faction, a public one and a private one that requires membership to keep members updated without the world knowing.

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La Società Vitruviano [Official Faction] Empty Re: La Società Vitruviano [Official Faction]

Post by besterich27 Wed Jan 19, 2011 8:33 am

If anyone breaks into my clan HQ my weed is gone!!!! D: D: D: Sad Sad Sad I gotta fix my GTA SA... And if cops come in, holly crap im fucked Very Happy


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