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New wolf rule

Matt Mercer
Alex Montgomery
Kevin Alymer
Nicolas Djordjevic
Sam Andersun
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New wolf rule Empty New wolf rule

Post by Sam Andersun Wed Jun 08, 2011 5:23 pm

I've been noticing alot of the one bite kills where the wolves (No matter what their abilities are) can bite your neck, instantly killing you. This is extreamly unreasonable because its unfair to the other party, and no other race can 1 hit kill anybody or anything. I think it should either be against the rules, or the wolf must /coin the bite, (if Tails the other person has a chance to defend, if heads the person it bit.) or, lastly a new way for humans and vampires to one hit kill someone or something. Bottom line, the wolfs aren't only over powered, they're also out numbering every race which leads to completely random unprovoked attacks on people. The wolves are also thinking because they have numbers, they're practicly invincible, and when someone comes along that has the ability to beat them, they begin to whine and complain, saying its not fair. Something needs to be done about the wolves, as its getting out of hand.
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New wolf rule Empty Re: New wolf rule

Post by Nicolas Djordjevic Wed Jun 08, 2011 5:39 pm

/coin to decide will my character live or not? To get killed by 20 years old wolf?

Nah that pretty sucks.

Yeah I like that fact that getting killed by one hit is lame and all, but still... I feel guilty when I attempt to only kick the wolf off me.

Second thing I want to say is : "OMfg! No script fight you will kill me in two hits! Okay then we will have RP fight... " * 10 minutes later the wolf loses * " Thats not unfair cuz blah blah blah... "

Yeah, wolves started bitching and complaining after every lose... They just want to win anyhow.

But I sit down and realize why the heck are they even attacking when they KNOW that they are going to lose...

I mean, logicly (How to properly type this word.. ?) why are you even attacking then?

Just stay back and don't attack strongest...

Human on the sight? Oh damn he is dead! No... humans can win also. There are lot of ways for a human to RPly kill wolf with not much troubles.
Nicolas Djordjevic
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New wolf rule Empty Re: New wolf rule

Post by Kevin Alymer Wed Jun 08, 2011 5:43 pm

We are not really overpowered, don't say so if you haven't played a wolf yourself. You have no idea what's out there that we can't do nothing about.

The problem with this is that, yes one bite kill, its life, get used to it. You know why you get killed by a wolf? Not because they are overpowered but because you fail to roleplay the fear against such animal. And that's what you get, you get attacked from it. Fear its not always a weakness its a response supposed to make yu realise that danger is near so you have to get prepared and take preparations. People fail to RP this so they end up getting killed, totally their fault for not doing anything about an issue. When you see a bus passing by and you being on the way if you don't move you are basically owned. Without fear humans, creatures would be extinct, I mean you would keep not caring about doing things like jump of a cliff, you would not care someone's aiming a gun at you etc.

We are as dangerous as a person aiming a gun at you, one shot kill to the head. It's your fault you didn't leave the area before.

And let me explain why you got killed that fast yesterday. You were focused on ticketing me for being on the roof, and the wolf was running around, the place. You ignored him for a good 5 minutes or maybe more, or a bit less, but you did have plenty of time to react. You didn't roleplay fear at ALL and you let the wolf stay behind you. You fail to realise its a wolf, people are afraid of dogs as they can risk your life by biting not talking about wolves. Wolves do hunt humans especiaclly a big wolf like the one you just let run around you totally ignoring it. So I do suggest you RP fear. If you'd notice the wolf you'd face him and unholster a weapon like MP3, and back off and even call back up(ICly ofc.). There would be no way that wolf could've got to you in one bite or even be able to actually do anything if you'd rped fear, and acted like in real life.

So don't say wolves are overpowered its your roleplay that gave the wolf a great advantage to bite you from the back. RP fear next time and don't whine. Wolves are dangerous animals, start realising that. People RP with us as being pets, thats why they usually end up being attacked. And we're rarely hunting in packs anymore but IRL a wolf pack would be dangerous. Wolves are not overpowered, they are supernatural creatures balanced to the vampire race. Vamps can use weapons and have bloodline tricks that makes them totally balanced with our race. We are as humans in human form being vulnerable, but dangerous when formed. Advantage for a disadvantage. Try being a wolf and fighting the other races and then do judge the race. As for humans, we have no chance against humans if they are well equipped(Reason they can save firearms and heavy ones and we cant) and as two people. Even one could do at times. And humans are clearly more powerful icly, they are rich and enjoy their lives more. We need to save for a very long time to even achieve anything and enjoy buying something fun.

So yeah there's your balance and response to the suggestion. I do not support it as I see no reason in it. And we don't whine if we get beaten that's a random claim you find. Don't forget that everyone whnes when they get bitten. Not getting out of hand, well balanced just your mistake of rping it wrong.

Stop claiming things, I could easily as a human even back stab you right there with one hit. Would be even easier.
Kevin Alymer
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New wolf rule Empty Re: New wolf rule

Post by Sam Andersun Wed Jun 08, 2011 6:19 pm

Its not so much as I mind the bite ocasionally, but instead of having an awesome RP fight, you just jump on us the second we turn our back and rip our spine out. Its so rediculously unfair and its extreamly boring, every time I get into a fight with a wolf I'll warn it with my gun, it'll run away, I turn around and all of a sudden I'm dead. It may seem fair in the wolf's eyes, but when it happens to you EVERY single time, its not that fun.
Sam Andersun
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New wolf rule Empty Re: New wolf rule

Post by Kevin Alymer Wed Jun 08, 2011 6:27 pm

If you'd consider the fact that there's a wolf, consider its going to try to feed as its a carnivore. That's why you avoid being lonely in dark allies unprepared on a town surrounded by the woods and known for dangerous animals around. As I said before RP realistic fear and its not going to be easy for them to kill you or bite you from the back. And do realise I could do that as a human easily. Actually I had more chances to do it as a human as you wouldnt fear me being behind you, and I'd just go for a stab to the neck to end it in one /me. So don't say its unfair. There's a reason you got all those guns and all those SD members around you. And I've been in a situation where two humans were armed, I didn't have a chance to do anything to them as I could easily loose. Whining isnt depended on the race but the player. Be careful in dark alleys as you would be in real life in such town. That simple. When a town is known for animals as wolves or bears you be careful as you would be in real life. And you could avoid trouble easily.

Don't say unfair, admit that you ignored the wolf and didn't RP a bit of fear or caring he was there for some time. That's the reason you got bit in the back.
Kevin Alymer
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New wolf rule Empty Re: New wolf rule

Post by Alex Montgomery Wed Jun 08, 2011 7:07 pm

Would you act all normal when theres' THIS: [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

around you?

I don't think so, maybe if you would roleplay fear and stop all those HURR I R IRAQ SOLDIAH GUT KILL KILL NO FEAR atitude then you won't end up dead, fleeing or backing off is always an option.
Alex Montgomery
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New wolf rule Empty Re: New wolf rule

Post by Nicolas Djordjevic Wed Jun 08, 2011 7:21 pm

ChuckyFTW wrote:Would you act all normal when theres' THIS: [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

around you?

I don't think so, maybe if you would roleplay fear and stop all those HURR I R IRAQ SOLDIAH GUT KILL KILL NO FEAR atitude then you won't end up dead, fleeing or backing off is always an option.

"Oh my fucking God...

Fucking scarin' wolf going to fuck the shit out of me...

Shit after one hit in the stomach, by using my vampire strength, I can make him vomit for hours...

In one second I can be fucking away from him...

I'm 243 years old and I've killed one thousand and two wolves like this one.

Damn.. I'm scared as shit.. "
Nicolas Djordjevic
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New wolf rule Empty Re: New wolf rule

Post by Guest Wed Jun 08, 2011 7:49 pm

Kevin wrote: with this is that, yes one bite kill, its life, get used to it. You know why you get killed by a wolf? Not because they are overpowered but because you fail to roleplay the fear against such animal. And that's what you get, you get attacked from it. Fear its not always a weakness its a response supposed to make yu realise that danger is near so you have to get prepared and take preparations. People fail to RP this so they end up getting killed, totally their fault for not doing anything about an issue. When you see a bus passing by and you being on the way if you don't move you are basically owned. Without fear humans, creatures would be extinct, I mean you would keep not caring about doing things like jump of a cliff, you would not care someone's aiming a gun at you etc.
Rest TL;DR.
But that, my friend, is not the case. I mean, I never raised a finger to wolves and have probably been the most attacked by them.
FireFighter Aluz Yin rushes to scene and starts trying to revive a person.((Aluz Yin)
A random wolf comes and attempts to bite the firefighters neck ((RPK)) ((Wolf_Shit_Head))
/do S/F? ((Wolf_Shit_Head))

((Wolf_Shit_Head: because I am hungry icly so rp or i will report you))

(Not saying he was the wolf in the scene above, but when you shapeshift in front of a priest just to kill him is just low. Especially killing an awesome roleplayer like Jones Cunningham(AKA Anthony Weber) for nothing.)


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New wolf rule Empty Re: New wolf rule

Post by Kevin Alymer Thu Jun 09, 2011 12:17 am

The Constipator wrote:
Kevin wrote: with this is that, yes one bite kill, its life, get used to it. You know why you get killed by a wolf? Not because they are overpowered but because you fail to roleplay the fear against such animal. And that's what you get, you get attacked from it. Fear its not always a weakness its a response supposed to make yu realise that danger is near so you have to get prepared and take preparations. People fail to RP this so they end up getting killed, totally their fault for not doing anything about an issue. When you see a bus passing by and you being on the way if you don't move you are basically owned. Without fear humans, creatures would be extinct, I mean you would keep not caring about doing things like jump of a cliff, you would not care someone's aiming a gun at you etc.
Rest TL;DR.
But that, my friend, is not the case. I mean, I never raised a finger to wolves and have probably been the most attacked by them.
FireFighter Aluz Yin rushes to scene and starts trying to revive a person.((Aluz Yin)
A random wolf comes and attempts to bite the firefighters neck ((RPK)) ((Wolf_Shit_Head))
/do S/F? ((Wolf_Shit_Head))

((Wolf_Shit_Head: because I am hungry icly so rp or i will report you))

(Not saying he was the wolf in the scene above, but when you shapeshift in front of a priest just to kill him is just low. Especially killing an awesome roleplayer like Jones Cunningham(AKA Anthony Weber) for nothing.)

What do you really excpect. You icly know they are werewolves and they have the desire to hunt. You get mostly attack because you approach them at will. And also do you in real life go and try to put a wolf in a wolf animal centre with no cage? Or hang out with a bear because only because you're being nice to him you expect the same treatment? That's why you get attacked because you get close and wolves aren't supposed to just sit there and watch at you petting them. Exceptions are made when there are werewolves who can control themselves and still it could get out of hand. That's why you don't see people adopting wild wolves/lions/bears as domestic animals or treat them like pets in real life.

Nicolas, werewolves are to vampires like humans are to wolves. You would be scared that's the reason vampires can carry weapon, to defend themselves. Vampires also have to roleplay fear no matter how strong they are. Wolves are still a danger to their lives.
Kevin Alymer
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New wolf rule Empty Re: New wolf rule

Post by Matt Mercer Thu Jun 09, 2011 12:21 am

I don't think it's unfair. wolves hunt in packs... they go for the neck because its the most vulnerable spot on the body. and wolves. don't have apposable thumbs .. they can't stand on two legs. they can't use guns...If you have a gun fucking use it... I've been knocked over by wolves and a simple /me could keep a wolves jaws away from your face. but technacally... if your knocked over your pretty much fucked.... so stop whining and get creative
Matt Mercer
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New wolf rule Empty Re: New wolf rule

Post by Jager Arach Thu Jun 09, 2011 12:51 am

No no no no no restricting people's abilities and making stupid ooc rules restricting rp is a bad path. You don't wanna be eaten then go somewhere where the server isn't filled with supernatural beings. It is fair as humans and vamps have the ability to use guns, if you stopped whining and thought of a way to kill the wolves, then you'd probably get further as there are ways to kill wolves. Also as many have said before, it's a fucking wolf get away from it or get your face ripped off.
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New wolf rule Empty Re: New wolf rule

Post by Peter Greenson Thu Jun 09, 2011 1:37 am

After you see a wolf attack in your town youll b carrying a high caliber weapon with you.... Remember the power of guns, they will kill a wolf at range just as well as at short distance... And there are little/no recorded cases ever that something can dodge a bullet...
Peter Greenson
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New wolf rule Empty Re: New wolf rule

Post by Kevin Alymer Thu Jun 09, 2011 2:50 am

Peter wrote:After you see a wolf attack in your town youll b carrying a high caliber weapon with you.... Remember the power of guns, they will kill a wolf at range just as well as at short distance... And there are little/no recorded cases ever that something can dodge a bullet...

Yes but you can escape before they aim, which makes it hard for both chances to fight each other.

And this is a result of people no rping fear of wolves, lets admit it, everyone comes over to pet us or just ignores us... Of course people that aren't smart enough to take precaution will be the victims

And if you put a rule not allowing neck biting, it will ruin a lot of roleplay. Animals like wolves go for the neck first as they know its the delicate spot. There is many ways to stop a wolf from attacking your neck also. If its removed it totally will ruin the balance between races as wolves would have no new way to actually get a quick enough kill unlike bullets/kni
Kevin Alymer
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New wolf rule Empty Re: New wolf rule

Post by Victor_Jankowski Thu Jun 09, 2011 3:58 am

Wolves don't usually RP wounds thought, it's like " OH LOOK I JUST GOT SHOT WITH A .357 FMJ SO IMA LICK THE GODDAMN WOUND ( Not even considering that the bullet might still be in his body, not going through) AND THEN I R GUN B KK LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL"

And I also don't think "Hunting" is a valid reason to RPK. And also, Are wolves allowed to chicken run in script fights? They are agile, but not invincible.
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New wolf rule Empty Re: New wolf rule

Post by Kevin Alymer Thu Jun 09, 2011 4:31 am

Victor_Jankowski wrote:Wolves don't usually RP wounds thought, it's like " OH LOOK I JUST GOT SHOT WITH A .357 FMJ SO IMA LICK THE GODDAMN WOUND ( Not even considering that the bullet might still be in his body, not going through) AND THEN I R GUN B KK LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL"

And I also don't think "Hunting" is a valid reason to RPK. And also, Are wolves allowed to chicken run in script fights? They are agile, but not invincible.

They have to RP wounds, but higher endurance can give them higher chances of survivng it but they would still feel the pain of the bullet and would start loosing energy.

And chicken running around the player, dont think it should be done as it creates lag. But you can round around like a normal wolf would do just not only in circles and close to the person.
Kevin Alymer
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New wolf rule Empty Re: New wolf rule

Post by Simon Bourne Sat Jun 11, 2011 8:03 am

"Hi George"
"Sup Geoff?"
"Nuthin', Killin' an' Chillin'."

*Random_Wolf shows up*

"Oh look bro! A fuckin' scary neck eating wolf...."

*Geoff_Noobstein takes his Vulcan M-61 Minigun and kills the Wolf and any other wolf on sight because they look terrifying/scary/monstrous to him/others.*

Yeah....pretty much what would happen.....

So you're either not impressed of a shitty wolf because you see them everyday in fuckin' Palomino Creek or you shit your pants into a brown puddle when you see one.
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New wolf rule Empty Re: New wolf rule

Post by Matt Mercer Sat Jun 11, 2011 9:19 pm

RomeKovz wrote:"Hi George"
"Sup Geoff?"
"Nuthin', Killin' an' Chillin'."

*Random_Wolf shows up*

"Oh look bro! A fuckin' scary neck eating wolf...."

*Geoff_Noobstein takes his Vulcan M-61 Minigun and kills the Wolf and any other wolf on sight because they look terrifying/scary/monstrous to him/others.*

Yeah....pretty much what would happen.....

So you're either not impressed of a shitty wolf because you see them everyday in fuckin' Palomino Creek or you shit your pants into a brown puddle when you see one.
you get a mini gun how? Im callin serious hacks on that one bro. Plus unless your a fucking wolf hunting eskimo with a history of hunting wolves... well i gues you'd still be scared... WEREWOLVES are bigger then REGULAR WOLVES.. so yes children do not feed the wild wolves -.- (RP FEAR FER FUCKS SAKE)
Matt Mercer
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New wolf rule Empty Re: New wolf rule

Post by Simon Bourne Sun Jun 12, 2011 4:41 am

Oh yeah so since they're bigger and dont look friendly humans should do the same wolves do , Kill on sight.

"Oh just because it's a fucking human eating wolf....just kill on sight."
Simon Bourne
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New wolf rule Empty Re: New wolf rule

Post by Matt Mercer Sun Jun 12, 2011 5:46 am

Pretty much... Wolves are not suppose to be in the city... If we actually had an animal control in the SD ... every wolf they catch would be euthanized... I GOT IT

SD get an ANIMAL control unit..
Matt Mercer
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