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New race idea

Jager Arach
Sam Akabara
Nicolas Djordjevic
Tanya Smith
Kevin Alymer
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New race idea Empty New race idea

Post by Kevin Alymer Fri Jun 10, 2011 6:25 pm

So I came up with this as I was posting in the general board and was googling around.

How about we have a race just focused on having abilities to distract, make fun of people and as a race thats what they enjoy doing. They like annoying the supernatural races with as they are smart, and have different tricks and ways to bring them in conflict together as they enjoy doing so. As for humans they just like confusing them and joking around with them too.

Would be fun to have a race like this and not just about killing. They would be rare in numbers and usually only fight for their war. They test the patience of people and fight the supernatural without using violence but mind. They are not about fighting and killing and as strong as humans. Their speed is not really about fighting its more of a way for them to vanish so they can escape a situation. They usually use words to complete their purpose.

All abilities are ranked 1 to 5.

Abilities(Only to be used with a proper reason)

- /boo - Makes a character feel dizzy

- /whereami - Blocks someone's sight for a period of time, not fully but makes it much harder for them to see.

- /push - Can make someone roll fall if in the proper range not by pushing them but by magically doing so. Strength and range depends on the ability.

Abilities(Less need to need a reason)

/malfunction - When a driver tries to access a car after this their engine will have problems for a while. This will make them loose patience.

- Speed - To escape a they are should be the best at escaping since they are not good at fighting

- Jump - Same reason as above.

- Invisibility(not sure if its even possibly to script, But there can be a special skin that we consider as invisible) It has a timer depending on the ability. Cannot be used to attack just to poke people or annoy them. Wastes a lot of their energy icly enough for them to not be able to attack whle invisible.

- /copy - You look like another person for a period of time, and maybe level 5 could be permanent. Another way to find out he's the fake is to test him with silver, some other special thingie or by him/her acting differently. But the timer thingie should work with a cooldown depending on the level. You can only look like a person you've /studied before in very close range. The database could save the list of the people you can look like. Your skin will change like his and he will have your name with a number after it.

Rarely would anyone be chosen for this race as proper rpers are needed. The leader of it would be the only one to choose, carefully who is up for it and won't abuse the powers.


- The best at sneaking, much more than even vampires regardless of bloodline(The ones that have tricked) They are the originals at doing this and its their main strength.

- Can bring people into conflict.

- Known for their knowledge and smart.

- Immortal in age.


- Same as other supernatural races they cant save firearms etc. Low paychecks with a 180 max.

- Not good at fighting, they use their abilities to find their ways around. They don't have the purpose to kill but joke around and causing conflict. Using their minds basically.

- Not brave, they always hide when race wars happen and only try to survive themselves.

More information

This new race is immune to vampire magic as they could be the ones who taught it to them in the first place. They are very good at it and they are basically focused mostly on that.

They live off fun, other feelings would make them weaker in powers, so they have trouble harming someone badly and they dislike doing so etc. They like living in luxury, they can be hired to do jobs, but they only accept if the price is really high as they want to ensure living in luxury.

You could same powergame but they have disadvantages and they need a bigger reason than humans themselves to harm someone badly. They usually like making others go in conflict, loose their patience as a part of their joke.
Kevin Alymer
Kevin Alymer

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New race idea Empty Re: New race idea

Post by Tanya Smith Fri Jun 10, 2011 7:38 pm

I find this suggestion attractive. But it's starting to get really deep bull*h*t. Jokers/Cyborgs/Vampires/Werewolves... What next? Supermans? Spidermans? Other d*c*heads? Still I do like this. But let's not overcome the system.
Tanya Smith
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New race idea Empty Re: New race idea

Post by Nicolas Djordjevic Fri Jun 10, 2011 7:43 pm

I'll play my role and say:

I think that we're doing just fine.

More lesses... more troubles.

Wolves who are attacking us for no reason is just enough for me. ( Oh yeah.... There is reason " We are hungry!". What do werewolves eat, vampires.. ? )
Nicolas Djordjevic
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New race idea Empty Re: New race idea

Post by Sam Akabara Fri Jun 10, 2011 8:39 pm

Urgh...I'm not really one fo rthe whole "Pixies running around being annoying" style.
I...Could see this race being abused quite often too...
I...Dont support it for the above reasons...
Damn pixies.
Sam Akabara
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New race idea Empty Re: New race idea

Post by Jager Arach Fri Jun 10, 2011 9:51 pm

Nicolas wrote:I'll play my role and say:

I think that we're doing just fine.

More lesses... more troubles.

Wolves who are attacking us for no reason is just enough for me. ( Oh yeah.... There is reason " We are hungry!". What do werewolves eat, vampires.. ? )
O go take your shit somewhere else, noone's here to read your quarels about how you hate getting your ass kicked. I agree with Sam when it comes to the whole abuse thing and how annoying it would be also this server is based off of a pretty much dark and grim game, so I can't see much fun happening. Not to mention werewolves and vampires already fighting and the humans getting raped by both sides. Lets not even get into the fact that we have too small a player base right now.
Jager Arach
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New race idea Empty Re: New race idea

Post by Victor_Jankowski Fri Jun 10, 2011 10:03 pm

And what's the name of this new race? Monkeys?Trollers? Seriously, I don't see the point of this new race. And like Mia stated, it's gonna fuck up the server which was supposed to have ONLY Vampires.

Give me a reason to support this, Kev. I don't see the reason for this race.
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New race idea Empty Re: New race idea

Post by Tommy Carreiro Fri Jun 10, 2011 10:14 pm

Victor_Jankowski wrote:Trollers?
This should be implemented.


Jks, unsupport, cuz this aint a fairytale.

Tommy Carreiro

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New race idea Empty Re: New race idea

Post by Sam Andersun Fri Jun 10, 2011 10:54 pm

I have multiple problems problems with this suggestion.

1. This would be horribly abused, especially with the vehicle disabling, say one of these guys has a serious problem with a cop, he'd follow the officer around and wait till the officer pulls someone over and if the suspect runs, disabled over and over again.

2. The server has a VERY small regular player base, and the amount of humans is very small, and the more races we get, the less humans we get, and once we run out of humans, vampires go extinct, once vamps go, wolves get board and leave, then were left with a bunch of retarded pixies.

Sam Andersun
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New race idea Empty Re: New race idea

Post by Nicolas Djordjevic Fri Jun 10, 2011 11:10 pm

The Grim of Evil wrote:
Nicolas wrote:I'll play my role and say:

I think that we're doing just fine.

More lesses... more troubles.

Wolves who are attacking us for no reason is just enough for me. ( Oh yeah.... There is reason " We are hungry!". What do werewolves eat, vampires.. ? )
O go take your shit somewhere else, noone's here to read your quarels about how you hate getting your ass kicked. I agree with Sam when it comes to the whole abuse thing and how annoying it would be also this server is based off of a pretty much dark and grim game, so I can't see much fun happening. Not to mention werewolves and vampires already fighting and the humans getting raped by both sides. Lets not even get into the fact that we have too small a player base right now.

What the fuck is wrong with you?

Don't you dare saying that you are not attacking vampires.

And as I fucking remember you are the ones who usually lose and start bitching, whining, and complaining how fight was unfair and how Vampires are having strength and speed.

Excuse me but, what the fuck? WHAT THE FUCK? As far as IIIII know... YOU... are the ones who like attacking all the fucking time.

To be fucking honest I never attacked an Werewolf BECAUSE I know that my chances are higher to win.

But still... you just CAN'T learn your lesson. You just keep RPly attacking us?! Its freaking boring to defend against a wolf every god damn fucking day... Do you know why? Because you always whine when you lose.

how you hate getting your ass kicked.

Rofl mao dude, as I remember you was the one who was bitching all fucking day long time ago when you was new in here and saying how all Script and RP fights were unfair.

And not to mention how you ignored few of my RP attacking long time ago. ( I don't care much now since you've changed your RP. )

What I'm trying to say is:

RP fights suck! Someone always loses and the loser always is saying how the fight was unfair.

That's why I'm not attacking any of the wolves.

You always attack first for some reason, what should I do, let you win or something?

Listen, I don't be discussing OOCly about RP shizzel.

What made you react like that? You hate us when you lose, don't you?

More races = More fight = More suckness.
Nicolas Djordjevic
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New race idea Empty Re: New race idea

Post by Kevin Alymer Sat Jun 11, 2011 1:30 am

Stop starting to create random debates. I'm not suggesting it to be implemented, I am giving a new random idea. In case in the late future we decide to have a new race, one of these ideas can prove useful.

And also, my point is, if another race is ever created it should be something unique and this is just an idea of how it can be unique. I didn't say this should get implemented, using some of these in a new race in the future can bring some more unique roleplay and fun to it. Not every race has to be violent.

The race name is trickster and its a mythological creature. And what I found interesting about this is that they don't fight like other races do, full of hatred and violence, they try to get them in conflict using their abilities such as copying someone's appearence for a time. I do find this ability pretty interesting to be honest, and could trick people around. Plus it would be a very rare race and just to add more spice to it.

Anyways don't start with the arguing, it was just an idea that I liked to share with the community. I shared it here to get your thoughts, not to suggest to get it in game. But my whole point in this is, if there's a new race ever created in one or two years, something like this would be interesting.

And Nicolas if you read the entire thing, they don't kill, they put people into conflicts. Killing weakens and disgusts them as they prefer a life of fun.

Edward, they don't annoy people in that way. They are originally smart and they use it instead of violence to test people's patience, or put them into conflict. They aim interesting people. They don't just go annoy people for no reason.

I myself find it interesting because it would be fun to see someone with some of these abilities putting strong people into conflict, fighting them without violence.
Kevin Alymer
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New race idea Empty Re: New race idea

Post by Sam Akabara Sat Jun 11, 2011 2:25 am

Also...I seriously disagree with this line of yours...

"This new race is immune to vampire magic as they could be the ones who taught it to them in the first place."

Frankly..You don't really understand the vampires...Don't comment on them/incorporate them...Please..Your suggestion above just wouldnt...work....
Sam Akabara
Sam Akabara
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New race idea Empty Re: New race idea

Post by Jager Arach Sat Jun 11, 2011 3:03 am

Nicolas wrote:
The Grim of Evil wrote:
Nicolas wrote:I'll play my role and say:

I think that we're doing just fine.

More lesses... more troubles.

Wolves who are attacking us for no reason is just enough for me. ( Oh yeah.... There is reason " We are hungry!". What do werewolves eat, vampires.. ? )
O go take your shit somewhere else, noone's here to read your quarels about how you hate getting your ass kicked. I agree with Sam when it comes to the whole abuse thing and how annoying it would be also this server is based off of a pretty much dark and grim game, so I can't see much fun happening. Not to mention werewolves and vampires already fighting and the humans getting raped by both sides. Lets not even get into the fact that we have too small a player base right now.

What the fuck is wrong with you?

Don't you dare saying that you are not attacking vampires.

And as I fucking remember you are the ones who usually lose and start bitching, whining, and complaining how fight was unfair and how Vampires are having strength and speed.

Excuse me but, what the fuck? WHAT THE FUCK? As far as IIIII know... YOU... are the ones who like attacking all the fucking time.

To be fucking honest I never attacked an Werewolf BECAUSE I know that my chances are higher to win.

But still... you just CAN'T learn your lesson. You just keep RPly attacking us?! Its freaking boring to defend against a wolf every god damn fucking day... Do you know why? Because you always whine when you lose.

how you hate getting your ass kicked.

Rofl mao dude, as I remember you was the one who was bitching all fucking day long time ago when you was new in here and saying how all Script and RP fights were unfair.

And not to mention how you ignored few of my RP attacking long time ago. ( I don't care much now since you've changed your RP. )

What I'm trying to say is:

RP fights suck! Someone always loses and the loser always is saying how the fight was unfair.

That's why I'm not attacking any of the wolves.

You always attack first for some reason, what should I do, let you win or something?

Listen, I don't be discussing OOCly about RP shizzel.

What made you react like that? You hate us when you lose, don't you?

More races = More fight = More suckness.
O yes, because you have proof to back up all these exagerations? Of course I got my ass kicked when I was new, who doesn't? I never bitched, I sucked it up and moved on. And yes I don't like script fights, not because they are un fair, but because they are un realistic. I don't hate vampires, I love vampires as they give us alot of roleplay and the server would be a bunch of humans getting raped without them. No what I hate is listening to people talk as if the wolves ruined the whole server, only because you guys are now no longer dominant and have to compete. Those are my last words on it. Still un support for the the demon pixxies things. Although maybe if we get a bigger player base, we could implement another race, but that are more human like to give the human's an ally. But with the same base charcteristics, but more dark.
Jager Arach
Jager Arach

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New race idea Empty Re: New race idea

Post by Kevin Alymer Sat Jun 11, 2011 3:40 am

Moriarty wrote:Also...I seriously disagree with this line of yours...

"This new race is immune to vampire magic as they could be the ones who taught it to them in the first place."

Frankly..You don't really understand the vampires...Don't comment on them/incorporate them...Please..Your suggestion above just wouldnt...work....

I apologize then, I haven't roleplayed a vamp before, my bad. But alright, this was just an idea I threw out for people to give some opinions, but yeah even a new race at the moment it's not needed.
Kevin Alymer
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New race idea Empty Re: New race idea

Post by Niklaus Corvin Fri Jun 24, 2011 5:35 pm

Well, the server would get pretty mixed, three races ? And a guy is planning to add spirits for god's sake. Then, I'mma add a race for me (: GOD.

Seriously, enough with three races from my point of view, though it would be funny.. I must dissagree :/
Niklaus Corvin
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New race idea Empty Re: New race idea

Post by Kevin Alymer Fri Jun 24, 2011 8:21 pm

Salvatore_Rigante wrote: Well, the server would get pretty mixed, three races ? And a guy is planning to add spirits for god's sake. Then, I'mma add a race for me (: GOD.

Seriously, enough with three races from my point of view, though it would be funny.. I must dissagree :/

It was just an idea. If a future race is to be implemented. I just thought like sharing.
Kevin Alymer
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New race idea Empty Re: New race idea

Post by Guest Fri Jun 24, 2011 8:41 pm

Cyborgs where put down for the same reason as this is being put down. And they had more chance to be made than....this...
So I doubt this is going anywhere.


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New race idea Empty Re: New race idea

Post by Magma954 Fri Jun 24, 2011 11:46 pm

The Constipator wrote:Cyborgs where put down for the same reason as this is being put down. And they had more chance to be made than....this...
So I doubt this is going anywhere.
COULD you please! stop arguing about the cyborgs thats all you post about most of the time.
Forum Scavenger
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