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Cyborgs Empty Cyborgs

Post by Guest Tue Jun 14, 2011 10:27 pm

Now i'm sorry for saying this, but i find the servers reaction to them odd, How can you ban them for not possibly existing,

All over the world, people are creating robots and such, why not simply state that a robot has been escaped, It's not PG'ing by any means, A cyborg can be killed, but why waste a good use of technology, We're not talking about advanced technology here, we're talking possibly even Linux based bots. Yet people seem to think that this is PG'ing, and Vampires and Werewolves not? So let me ask you this, what was the idea making this server? I'm not ranting, im trying to get logical here,.

I enjoyed Rp'ing as Cassandra, it was fun, I wasn't PG'ing her exisitance, I even made a story to prove she can be killed, So anyone has ideas why she wasn't staying state why.

Even if she was to be made half human and cyborg, this is still accepatable. This allows her to be more killed easily. She's an experiment, cut her some slack guys...please.

Personally i think this should be over turned....x


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Cyborgs Empty Re: Cyborgs

Post by Caleb Simms Tue Jun 14, 2011 10:31 pm

You can still RP on Cassandra but no longer as a robot, simply RP her as the creator of the robot or something along that line.
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Cyborgs Empty Re: Cyborgs

Post by Guest Tue Jun 14, 2011 10:32 pm

But why? What's the fun in that? The fun being she is the metal thing, It provides a much more easier RP, It possibly can't be a PG issue.


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Cyborgs Empty Re: Cyborgs

Post by Caleb Simms Tue Jun 14, 2011 10:34 pm

It was decided that it was PG'ed before so that's why they aren't allowed to be RPed anymore.
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Cyborgs Empty Re: Cyborgs

Post by Guest Tue Jun 14, 2011 10:43 pm

Before? Has there been them before? And if so..why not the second chance? I' refuse to acknoldge that they can be PG'ed, and even then, why punish all people who RP them? Only the indivual....I'm intresting to see what other people think about it. I can give for and agains't reason to RP as them, and i will assure that, the for outweighs the against's. You cannot simply decide they are PG'ing if you have not seen them in action.

/me knocks out someone easily with my punch, Yes PG. /me attempts to push *name* slightly, with force. No....Just because Cyborgs are real, not all can be PG'ed. Mine wasn't....If i wanted i could of gone over the top, But i've been RP'ing for 5 years to know better then to do that, I want to bring something more exciting into this community, and to let me prove that, Via RP i think i ought to have a chance. Not just put down because of some people thinking it's PG. Me and Nerrisha, i think was the only two people who could actually pull it off, easily and still maintain a high level of RP,

Here is a quote from a blogger, now consider it "Our bodies can be changed by technology, but even without physical augmentation or prosthesis, the tools we use change our lives dramatically. Using a computer connected to the internet, I can chat with friends and strangers in a virtual environment, where my online persona could be an old woman, a business executive, a friend, or anyone else I can imagine -- and I can switch at any time. But construction of avatars, apparent shapeshifting and even identity theft are not restricted to the online world. As social beings, we maintain our constructed selves on a daily basis, and can even change our identity from one moment to the next."

Cyborgs are not all PG, Please reconsider your therories on Cyborgs. x


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Cyborgs Empty Re: Cyborgs

Post by Tanya Smith Tue Jun 14, 2011 10:51 pm

ToBeIsNotToBe wrote:Me and Nerrisha, i think was the only two people who could actually pull it off, easily and still maintain a high level of RP.

High level of RP? Please ask your friend Nerrisha to tell you how is she maintaining a high level of RP using her cyborg'ish legs jumping over buildings and such?
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Cyborgs Empty Re: Cyborgs

Post by Guest Tue Jun 14, 2011 10:54 pm

Over buildings, maybe not, but that can mean two things, Running fast up to a roof, via stairs. Depends on the RP scene, I will fight for this cause, I enjoy the RP.


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Cyborgs Empty Re: Cyborgs

Post by Guest Tue Jun 14, 2011 11:01 pm

To be honest, on my part, I screwed up on a few points that I had been revising over lately.
So soon, I'll make a list of a-er-rules for cyborgs to make it slightly realistic. You know, this has been done for werewolves and vampi-Oh. It hasn't been done on them. Actually, the opposite where done.
Werewolves and vampires are probbably the most overpowered on the server, especially with vampires.
A robot can give a metal punch.
But a vampire can give a punch that sends a person flying from the bank to the clothes store roof with it's overpowered "strength 5 so that means I can throw you about" shit. And it's actually been roleplayed. I was there, for those who know who I'm referring to.

Robots aren't fast. In fact, their the opposite. Their usually slow and can be outrun easily. (But this depends on the robot design rather than robots in general.) But then you've got vampires who try to dodge a sneak attack because they see a hand coming towards them from behind somehow.
Really, honestly, please.

A wolf/vampire can go about and biting/SNAPPING peoples necks. Auto kill, or a quick "RPK" as you call it. Why? Not really sure, because robots can't possibly do one hit kills like wolves do. Knock out? Probably, but not auto kills. On another point, I never attempted to kill anyone as a robot.

However, as robot's have their disadvantages, they've got advantages too.

*As for Mia's comment, who Mia is against me for helping the FBI to be caught by sedating her, there is such a thing as Hydrolics, which could mimic human jumping if used correctly, and in this case, jumping a bit more than a human would, since the strength in the jump would be the maximum capacity of the hydrolic, (Faster, more force) and not a muscle which never does it's maximum. And I never jumped over a god damned building. I jump and try catch the end of the building, like everyone else does on the server, somehow not slipping off. It's not that special.

They don't feel pain. They could know that they are damaged, but do not let "pain" stop other actions of their doing. However, against this, they could have a essential body part of them, like their leg, dismembered if the attacker attacks them correctly, disabling them from movement.

But however, I/Cassandra should make a set of rules for robots soon, making it fair for everyone.


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Cyborgs Empty Re: Cyborgs

Post by Caleb Simms Tue Jun 14, 2011 11:14 pm

The Constipator wrote:To be honest, on my part, I screwed up on a few points that I had been revising over lately.
So soon, I'll make a list of a-er-rules for cyborgs to make it slightly realistic. You know, this has been done for werewolves and vampi-Oh. It hasn't been done on them. Actually, the opposite where done.
Werewolves and vampires are probbably the most overpowered on the server, especially with vampires.
A robot can give a metal punch.
But a vampire can give a punch that sends a person flying from the bank to the clothes store roof with it's overpowered "strength 5 so that means I can throw you about" shit. And it's actually been roleplayed. I was there, for those who know who I'm referring to.

A wolf/vampire can go about and biting/SNAPPING peoples necks. |Auto kill, or a quick "RPK" as you call it. Why? Not really sure, because robots can't possibly do one hit kills like wolves do. Knock out? Probably, but not auto kills. On another point, I never attempted to kill anyone as a robot.

However, as robot's have their disadvantages, they've got advantages too.

*As for Mia's comment, who Mia is against me for helping the FBI to be caught by sedating her, there is such a thing as Hydrolics, which could mimic human jumping if used correctly, and in this case, jumping a bit more than a human would, since the strength in the jump would be the maximum capacity of the hydrolic, (Faster, more force) and not a muscle which never does it's maximum. And I never jumped over a god damned building. I jump and try catch the end of the building, like everyone else does on the server, somehow not slipping off. It's not that special.
They don't feel pain. They could know that they are damaged, but do not let "pain" stop other actions of their doing. However, against this, they could have a essential body part of them, like their leg, dismembered if the attacker attacks them correctly, disabling them from movement.

But however, I/Cassandra should make a set of rules for robots soon, making it fair for everyone.

Vampires and wolves - They are much stronger than the average person, you are stereotyping that all persons that RP as vampires and wolves RP the way you stated above and that's is not true, if you feel someone is PGin you simply report them.

And what about you RPing having a built in ultrasound into the robot? The robots are staying ICly destroyed for now.
Caleb Simms
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Cyborgs Empty Re: Cyborgs

Post by Guest Tue Jun 14, 2011 11:21 pm

TheCalm wrote:Vampires and wolves - They are much stronger than the average person, you are stereotyping that all persons that RP as vampires and wolves RP the way you stated above and that's is not true, if you feel someone is PGin you simply report them.
But that roleplay that your telling me to report happens every day, and it is accepted. Yet cyborgs are not, and seen as the strangest most impossible thing in the world.
(Talk about irony...)

And I made a total of 3 mistakes while roleplaying the robot. Others have made hundreds. You don't see Wolfs taken down for that, do you?
I had even made a schematic for Nerrisha recently, that simplifies everything into a fair, roleplayable character, and decided to stick to it, and decided that it would prevent any more complaints.
Of course, that was until Cyborgs where banned, of course. You didn't give it a chance.
You gave werewolves a chance, why not this?
Their both not possible, so why not let it gradually stick in and fix itself?


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Cyborgs Empty Re: Cyborgs

Post by Tanya Smith Tue Jun 14, 2011 11:35 pm

They told you to RP these days technology. Do you know how todays' robots walk? It's a great thing that they can climb the stairs, not talking about any running/jumping or dodging. About Cassandra... Yeah she have come to this world to find out human life's meaning or something. She talked like a real human, without doing any mistakes anything. Done everything her doc worked in for her. It's maybe is possible to make a cyborg like that, but... There's still no technology in the world that would talk to you/answer your questions. Cyborgs sprint? How would a piece of metal keep a balance like seeing today as Cassandra tried to run away. Lastly... How genius was the doc to create such a technology? I bet it was a superman, nothing less.
Tanya Smith
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Cyborgs Empty Re: Cyborgs

Post by Guest Tue Jun 14, 2011 11:41 pm

Mia wrote:They told you to RP these days technology. Do you know how todays' robots walk? It's a great thing that they can climb the stairs, not talking about any running/jumping or dodging. About Cassandra... Yeah she have come to this world to find out human life's meaning or something. She talked like a real human, without doing any mistakes anything. Done everything her doc worked in for her. It's maybe is possible to make a cyborg like that, but... There's still no technology in the world that would talk to you/answer your questions. Cyborgs sprint? How would a piece of metal keep a balance like seeing today as Cassandra tried to run away. Lastly... How genius was the doc to create such a technology? I bet it was a superman, nothing less.
Now, I don't know about Cassandra, but Nerrisha's body is technically an artificial replacement for her burnt body. She is still human which explains her human interaction. She's basically a human brain controlling a robot body. Now, fully functional artificial legs, hands, arms and some other parts do exist. It's basically a bundle of them to make a full robotic body. I did roleplay a few times on how she tripped on nothing and then got used to controlling the robot parts, like the legs. Now, and here's the fictional part that you are supposed to be complaining about. How the technological body understands the pulses that her brain sends is fictional. Like many things on the server. But the rest is possible in a way.

The Ultrasound waves was voided because I was hyper at the time and had no idea what I was doing, and had the "OOC fun" feeling from the scene that happened before, and I'm sorry for that.

I still say that we should make a bunch of rules for it.


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Cyborgs Empty Re: Cyborgs

Post by Kevin Alymer Tue Jun 14, 2011 11:49 pm

The server is focused on science fiction, but the supernatural creatures, not improved technology. We are rping today's time so use today's technology.

As for Nerrisha I never found her trouble or anything.
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Cyborgs Empty Re: Cyborgs

Post by Samara Wed Jun 15, 2011 2:57 am

I RP'ed with Cassandra, and tbh, it was one of the most interesting RP's that I've had on this server for quite a while, it's good to have a change from the normal wolf vs wolf fight or wolf vs vamp.. and all the others, this server's RP usually tends to be focused on fighting.
I didn't see Cassandra PG once, Her way of RPing this is completely fair to all players, I've seen her RPing injuries, then fixing herself, She RP's exactly like a normal person when others are around, then when there was a wolf attack on the town, she was bitten, and I got her out of the town and she fixed herself up by sewing up the wound. As I said before, I have -NOT- seen her PG once, and I think that she should be allowed to RP this even though others have PGed it in the past, she hasn't broken any rules with it so far.

I haven't RP'ed with Nerrisha, and so I have no idea how that character has been RP'ed and so I'll leave that for other people to put opinions about.


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Cyborgs Empty Re: Cyborgs

Post by Sam Andersun Wed Jun 15, 2011 3:35 am

I agree, I have NEVER had any problems RPing with cyborgs or robots, and I've never seen PG from them, but wolves and vampires PG constantly! I get what you're saying about RPing todays tech, but come on, as long as its not PGed, whats the big deal? I personally think it takes alot of RPing experience to RP a cyborg properly and it should be encouraged, since it must be very enjoyable for the people who are doing it, considering they are fighting for it. But, I think that whoever wants to RP one, must put alot of effort into the back story, and present it to Jaxson or Peter for authorization, and if it seems that they're just going to PG, they can deny it.
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Cyborgs Empty Re: Cyborgs

Post by Victor_Jankowski Wed Jun 15, 2011 3:39 am

Look, IMO, Vampires and Werewolves aren't PG because they live secretly. Now, lifting a guy using robot strenght with 5 humans watching? REALLY!?

I haven't seen any RP problems with Cass, but she got CKed because obviously, sometime the government would catch up to it....
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Cyborgs Empty Re: Cyborgs

Post by Guest Wed Jun 15, 2011 10:47 am

Thank you all for the comments.

Victor: I'm willing not to accept or decline the CK, on two reason.


Since this was a theory about cyborgs, she could have been used for better useages, Please note she was only at a very basic level.


Maybe the CK was a good thing for her? Perhaps so. But surely such a waste of a char just to CK her like that?

As for the others, Victor, i haven't and never she would never use superhuman stregnth to gain an advantage in a fight, She wasn't given huge amount of strength, only the same a human would use, i said this to avoid PG'ing, i would never even consider PG'ing her, again she is A.I, meaning that she ALWAYS act the injury, for fear of being discovered, I.e healing herself and such, she can't walk around with a huge cut inside her and not sewing it, that would PG'ing and wrong. And as for Mia, Mia, she did run ever so slightly, i didn't get to complete the rest of the sentance due to others interfereing.

If broken down properly, you would find that i did mention that the Proff ran tests on her, such as speed and agility, this is not to say that is totally immune, I did actually RP her getting struck by lightning, She was helped by Romeo.

Again, technology in her isn't that advanced, She is simply pieces of metal placed together and given a opensource software to explore on, What should of happened in hindsight, is that Cassandra should of reported herself to the Army, and declare herself...She isn't built for fighting , simply exploring.

If this presents the case more clearer, I still will fight to actually be allowed to RP her.


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Cyborgs Empty Re: Cyborgs

Post by Jamie Steel Wed Jun 15, 2011 12:11 pm

You say the technology isn't advanced, yet the other day you whopped out a bioscan to see if I had any weed inside my stomach. Don't get me wrong i'm not for restricting people's RPing but if you're going to do it, make sure it's plausible...


Now as stated before I'm all for people RPing robots as long as they use modern day technology. However this has a lot of downsides, because all robots today are dribbling wrecks. Think I'm wrong? Find me a robot that's fully integrated into society like your characters are.
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Cyborgs Empty Re: Cyborgs

Post by Peter Greenson Wed Jun 15, 2011 12:49 pm

Feganator wrote:
Now as stated before I'm all for people RPing robots as long as they use modern day technology. However this has a lot of downsides, because all robots today are dribbling wrecks. Think I'm wrong? Find me a robot that's fully integrated into society like your characters are.

*claps for Feganator*

You can roleplay it being a cyborg, Because cyborg simply means man/machine mix...
I however, Don't think its good to have technologies that don't exist already as a part of you... So get researching!
I gave you permission to use technology available today,

Need I say more?
Cyborgs are man - machine mix, I thought you would RP maybe a bionic ear (Which are shit) or something... Robots? I'm not trying to get into UNSW so I can watch robots walk around, I'm trying to get an ATAR score of 91 so I can design the software to make them walk at least... Sheesh!
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Cyborgs Empty Re: Cyborgs

Post by Victor_Jankowski Wed Jun 15, 2011 7:14 pm

Like Ed said IG... Cyborg RP IS OVER. Unless a management member revokes that decision. You can't just decline/accept the CK is that's it... It's like being CKed by inq
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Cyborgs Empty Re: Cyborgs

Post by Guest Wed Jun 15, 2011 7:39 pm

"You can roleplay it being a cyborg, Because cyborg simply means man/machine mix...
I however, Don't think its good to have technologies that don't exist already as a part of you... So get researching!"

Have you considered what i just said? I said she was made from metal, from a metals factory that was supplying to a army base? Is that not technologies avaliable? I think that's more a primary sector, and not tertiary.

And aswell for a bioscan, Did i say anything about it being hightech? A bioscan in real life doesn't sound too fancy.


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Cyborgs Empty Re: Cyborgs

Post by Sam Akabara Wed Jun 15, 2011 8:32 pm

ToBeIsNotToBe wrote:
Have you considered what i just said? I said she was made from metal, from a metals factory that was supplying to a army base? Is that not technologies avaliable? I think that's more a primary sector, and not tertiary.

You know...That doesnt make any sense whatsoever...at all....and it really isnt possible...not in that way.....

*Bangs some metal into a human shape*
*Puts a CPU into the metal*
*The metal begins walking talking and acting like a human*

No. Just no.
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Cyborgs Empty Re: Cyborgs

Post by Guest Wed Jun 15, 2011 9:38 pm

Then Moriarty, How would you off approached the subject? Mhm?

I've only tried to be unique by myself, Everyone seemed fine with it, I can't see what's up with it, With a good RP session, this char could really develop.


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Cyborgs Empty Re: Cyborgs

Post by Simon Bourne Wed Jun 15, 2011 10:44 pm

I think she has the rights to choose her character race and origin, since you can choose to be a vampire or a wolf, she has the same rights as in the REAL RP world Vampires and Werewolves don't exist, since the server can't explain how Vampires and Wolves work and still be able to choose them as a playable character race, Cyborgs/Robots CAN be explained on how they work and they cant be used as a race? I call bullshit to the maximum level, normal players have the same rights as Wolves/Vampires to choose a race/type of being.


Side Note: You said "Oh vampires are supernatural, you can't explain how they work" So technically a Cyborg (That is each day closer to be real in real life) that can be explained and has been already presented CANT be used as a character?

Edit: If you find a way to show how vampires and wolves work WITH A FULL EXAMPLE AND IF THEY EXIST IN REAL LIFE then you can talk about Cyborgs not existing.
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Cyborgs Empty Re: Cyborgs

Post by Yuudai_Tanaka Wed Jun 15, 2011 10:50 pm

Well to sum it up, here's my opinion on the matter at hand. This server is meant for Vampires, Humans, and Wolves, not for other things like Cyborgs. RPing a cyborg on here is like RPing a vampire or werewolf on a server meant for humans, its just a no. Next thing you know, instead of being focused on wolves and vamps, you have Cyborgs/transformers, fairies, demons, heck even unicorns roaming around.

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Cyborgs Empty Re: Cyborgs

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