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Paul_Terker Firearm License Application

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Paul_Terker Firearm License Application Empty Paul_Terker Firearm License Application

Post by Paul_Terker Sun Jul 24, 2011 7:25 pm

Forename and Surname:Paul Terker
Address:4 Palomino Creek (renting)
Phone Number:1010607
Social Security Number:45-25-19

Check ID((Post a screenshot where you transfer 2000 dollars to an SD member Captain or Above)): ((Do it when you get the license.))

Why are you applying to achieve a weapon license and what level clearance are you applying for and why?((150 words minimum)):Well, theres not much to say other than applying, but I am applying for a level 1 license only so I can have more fun with my hobby, hunting. I only want to be able to carry a Colt 45 or Glock under my shirt and a hunting rifle on my back, to let people know that if they mess with me, they`re gonna get shot, of course I wouldn't use it incase of emergencies, like Wolves, the person robbing me has a gun too, in fact when I came here with my Red Tampa, A man that looks like a "Gangsta" Asked me for a lift, So I did, but he punched me while I was driving, and Knocked me out, if it wasnt for someone with a valid weapon license, I could have lost my money, car and maybe my life. I asked Officer Marcus about weapons and if they are legal, he said I could apply on the SD website, so here i am, hoping to be accepted.

State why we would accept your application((100 words minimum)):Personally I think the SD should accept my license application because I can not only protect myself, but stall enemies to the SD until help arrives, I was in Vice City for a holiday, But of course, when i was there I was pulled up by a local gang, Also, I missed my flight back to Los Santos so I spent about 5 more weeks in a rented house, VCAP were very picky about they`re flights, something about terrorists Anyway, when I was there I had to protect myself, So I asked the VCPD For a weapon License Valid for there....for the time being. So I applied and it got accepted and I had protected myself, and infact stalled a crime being committed and helped the VCPD with a crime, I got accommodation for being a good citizen, and they put something on my Vice City license.

Do you have experience with pistols and / or other weapons:Yes In Vice City I carried a weapon with me at all times

Pistols:Colt 45



Rifles: Hunting Rifle

Current employment:Fisherman, Used to be undercover with VCPD

(All license related things here with VCPD can be proven it needed, VCPD put 5 stars on my license, so that If anywhere needed a valid weapon license, Like Ammu-nation not only buying guns, but also get 25% off, documents are always with me)

Last edited by Paul_Terker on Sun Jul 24, 2011 8:32 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : forgot phone number)
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Paul_Terker Firearm License Application Empty Re: Paul_Terker Firearm License Application

Post by Terry Winston Mon Jul 25, 2011 7:56 pm

Mr Terker,

I am happy to inform you you will be granter a level 1 weapons license, Please use you weapon responsbly and rember it can be revoked at any time.Please come to The police station with the funds to recive your license.

Terry Winston
Terry Winston
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