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DeRon Ellis' SD Application

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DeRon Ellis' SD Application Empty DeRon Ellis' SD Application

Post by DeRon Ellis Fri Aug 05, 2011 11:08 pm

In Character

First Name: DeRon

Last Name: Ellis


Race: African American

Date of Birth: 12/01/1987

Place of Birth: Kings, San Fierro

Current active address: Palomino Creek Motel ((RPly))

Available phone number(s): 101674

Education: Graduated from King's Central High School
Attended Gant College were I earned my Associates in Criminal Justice and Psychology

Are you currently in occupation?: Yes
If yes, what is your current occupation?: Farmer/Crop Harvester

Have you had any previous occupations?: Yes
If yes, what were your previous occupations?: Dispatcher

Do you own a current valid driver license?: Yes
If yes, has it ever been suspended?: It has not

Do you posses any knowledge or experience in the law enforcement area?: I worked as a dispatcher in San Fierro, also went though the police academy in San Fierro.
Have you ever been arrested?: No
If yes for what charges/crimes?:

Have you ever served time in prison?: No
If yes for what charges/crimes?:

Biography: Growing up in San Fierro did wonders for DeRon's childhood life. He never had many problems in his childhood life. His hobbies included trips the beach and shooting at the pubic range. DeRon worked hard to follow his father's foot steps. In college, DeRon took up courses in Psychology and Criminal justice. At the age of 23, he had completed his courses and when into the police academy. After excelling above his class and proving himself as a worthy cadet, a retired F.T.O. recommended that he look for employment in the Sheriff's Department. Seeing an opportunity to surpass his father's progress in the police department, he quickly agreed to move into Red County. After a three hour flight, he touched down in a long field. Looking around, he quickly felt out of place. He was wearing a $250 dollar suit at the time. After many strange stares from the locals, he decided to hurry up and arrange a meeting with the County Sheriff. After four long hours, he failed to find the Sheriff's Department. Having only $2000 dollars, he made a payment for a motel room so he could have it for the month. Seeing that he wasn't going to find the Sheriff anytime soon, he decided to look around for work. At first, he gave fishing a try, but failed miserably. On his way to turn in the 20 pounds of fish he struggled to catch, he met a farmer selling an old Crop Harvester. He decided to buy the Harvester, and now works on a farm among a group of farmers. He now spends his days harvesting crops and searching for someone to point him in the direction of his goals.

Out of Character

Age: 19
Country: United States

Server nickname: N/A

Past characters and factions: No past characters, past faction, The Farmers

How long have you been a member of this server?: Alittle over a week now.

Have you ever been banned from this server (if yes, why)?: No

Why do you wish to join this faction?: I RPed as a police officer in another server I played on. It was based in Los Santos. I'd like to see how this server's SD differs from my old server's PD.
Have you ever played on any other role play servers (if yes, which)?: Yes, RRP, LSRP, ZORP, TWD-RP, Prison RP
Do you posses any law enforcement knowledge or role play experience?: Yes, played as a police officer in RRP, also have some IRL police knowledge. I was actually in the academy for a few weeks. (Got removed because I wasn't twenty yet.)
Have you read the application rules?: Yes, I have.
Any other comments:

Role Play

Explain what is role play and its basics: Roleplaying is taking the role of a character you've made. Actions should reflect those of which people can do IRL.
Explain what is meta game and give two different examples: Metagaming is using information you've obtained OOCly in IC situations. For an example, I see people putting if they're a vampire or werewolf in there signatures. If you read this on the forums and go in-game spreading the info ICly, its metagame. Also, local and global "/b" chat is OOC. Taking a message like "/b I killed Jack earlier." Then ICly calling the cops is also metagame.

Explain what is power game and give two different examples: Powergame is performing unrealistic actions or forcing actions onto other players without giving them a chance to react. Examples, /me pushes bill on the ground, ties him up and takes his wallet. This doesn't give bill a chance to respond, basically making him defenseless to your actions. /me kicks in the door and kills everyone in the bank. This is unrealistic, because if you walk into a bank and start shooting/killing, people are going to run and panic. People are likely to shoot back as well in a RP situation.
Explain what is "gun from ass": Gun from ass is another form of PG in my opinion. Its taking out large weapons, such as, AKs, M4s, Snipers, RPG, and Shotguns, without a /me.

Give an example of a good detailed role play /me: /me holds his left palm out at the drivers to his left, signaling them to stop. /me signals for the drivers in front of him to move forward with his right hand.

Give an example of a bad role play /me:
/me pulls his M4 from his waistband and fires into the cops face

DeRon Ellis
In Game Administrator
In Game Administrator

Posts : 428
Join date : 2011-08-04

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DeRon Ellis' SD Application Empty Re: DeRon Ellis' SD Application

Post by Terry Winston Sat Aug 06, 2011 1:36 am

((what in game level are you ? ))
Terry Winston
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DeRon Ellis' SD Application Empty Re: DeRon Ellis' SD Application

Post by DeRon Ellis Sat Aug 06, 2011 1:47 am


DeRon Ellis
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DeRon Ellis' SD Application Empty Re: DeRon Ellis' SD Application

Post by Terry Winston Sat Aug 06, 2011 9:53 am

Mt Ellies,

We would like to invite you down to the station for an interveiw.


Terry Winston
Terry Winston
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