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* .:: Cesar Rivarez Application Format ::.

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* .:: Cesar Rivarez Application Format ::. Empty * .:: Cesar Rivarez Application Format ::.

Post by Cesar_Rivarez Sun Aug 21, 2011 5:37 am

[b">In Character

First Name: Cesar

Last Name: Rivarez


Race: Half Mexican and Half Italian

Date of Birth: 05/05/1983

Place of Birth: South Mexico

Current active address: 36 Palomino Creek

Available phone number(s): 1010422

Education: I only finished High School

Are you currently in occupation?: Yes
If yes, what is your current occupation?: Head of the Secruity of the Los Santos Bank.

Have you had any previous occupations?: No.
If yes, what were your previous occupations?: N/C

Do you own a current valid driver license?:Yes
If yes, has it ever been suspended?: No.

Do you posses any knowledge or experience in the law enforcement area?: Yes , I am
Have you ever been arrested?:No
If yes for what charges/crimes?:N/C

Have you ever served time in prison?:N/C
If yes for what charges/crimes?:N/C

* .:: Cesar Rivarez Application Format ::. 75305422473142277
The first Job
When Cesar Rivarez arrived the los santos he wend to his brother Pablo house , Pablo was the only brother of Cesar , Pablo told Cesar to join his Gang but Cesar refused it cause Cesar don't want to be a Gang banger so Cesar went to Los Santos to find a Job
He was tired walking around then he bought a Newspaper then checks the Jobs Page he noticed that the Los Santos bank was looking for some trusted Secruity Guard so Cesar quickly went to the Los Santos Bank to Apply , Cesar succed to applied to be a Secruity guard now Cesar was working on Los Santos Bank. [/Font

* .:: Cesar Rivarez Application Format ::. Bank-Robbery
The Robbery
after 4 months Cesar still working at the Bank of Los Santos , When he was on Duty three of them only guarding the Secruity then a Four stranger wearing a Hockey mask and a Black cap then one of them Punched the secruity guard at the Door and Cesar quickly runs to the Bathroom to hide and the three armed guy shouts * This is a robbery get down! * all people get down but Cesar still hiding , He grabs his Radio on his waistline then speaks on it * Calling for backup and Assistant for Los Santos Police * and the Police arrived they parked their car infront of the Bank while aiming at the Door , Cesar don't know what to do he grabs his Baretta PX4 on his waistline then slowly opens the bathroom door then steps out then one of the Armed Guy noticed him then Cesar quickly aims his Baretta PX4 to the Armed guy then shoots it twice the Three armed guy shouted * Who shoot! * then Cesar Rivarez kneels down and trying to Cover then when he standsup he shooted the Two armed Guy on the Chest (( Cesar was a good shooter )) The two armed guy died and their Leader aiming at the Door then Cesar Shouted * Dude drop your gun you can't do anything now * The Armed guy slowly dropped his Gun on the ground then puts his Hands on the Air then shouted * I surrender *and the Chief asked Cesar Rivarez to come to his Office if he got a Time.

* .:: Cesar Rivarez Application Format ::. 0038641849306218
The offer of the Chief
When Cesar went to the PD and he entered it he noticed the LSPD chief then he approached it and Asked * Sir what do you want *
The chief replied * Come with me i got some offer for you * then Cesar nods and followed the Chief , They went to the LSPD chief office then
LSPD chief told Cesar that they Sheriff Department on Red County need some guy like Cesar the Chie asked Cesar to Apply to be a Sheriff and Cesar slowlys nods then told the Chief * Okay sir i will try * the Chief standsup then offers his left hand to Cesar * Handshake * Cesar accepts it while Cesar slowly standing Up then Cesar told the Chief * i need to go Sir * The Chief nods then the Chief shouted * Cesar wait this is your Reward *
The Chief gave Cesar $25,000 then Cesar took it Gently then Cesar went out of the PD.

Out of Character

Age: 18
Country: Philippines

Server nickname:Mr_Joker013

Past characters and factions: Gabriel Silver = Lasombra ,The wolf Cesar Rivarez = FP

How long have you been a member of this server?: Playing hours 290

Have you ever been banned from this server (if yes, why)?: Yes but its a Temp banned reason Flaming.

Why do you wish to join this faction?: Cause i want to be a SD
Have you ever played on any other role play servers (if yes, which)?: Yes , LS-RP
Do you posses any law enforcement knowledge or role play experience?: Yes
Have you read the application rules?: Yes
Any other comments: N/C

Role Play

Explain what is role play and its basics: Roleplay is a Term that you need to make the Virtual Game like In real life using /me , /do , /ame and /attempt ll Ex: /me lifts his left hand then looks at his golden rolex watch. , /do Any resist? , /ame turns the safety [On/Off] and /attempt to runs toward the guy then smash the empty bottle on his head.
Explain what is meta game and give two different examples: Metagaming mixing OOC term into IC term ll Ex: IC chat: LOL what did i do? xD

Explain what is power game and give two different examples: Powergaming forcing a player to RP or doing unrealistic stuff IG ll Ex: /me looks at the sky then jumps like Hulk
Explain what is "gun from ass": Non-Rp getting your Weapons
Give an example of a good detailed role play /me: /me grabs his PDA on his waistline then lifts his right hand then touches some button from the Screen.

Give an example of a bad role play /me: /me piss at the tree then walks away

Posts : 302
Join date : 2011-02-02
Age : 31
Location : Behind the Palomino bank..

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* .:: Cesar Rivarez Application Format ::. Empty Re: * .:: Cesar Rivarez Application Format ::.

Post by Samara_Robbinson Sun Aug 21, 2011 6:50 am

Applications are closed


Posts : 1
Join date : 2011-08-16

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* .:: Cesar Rivarez Application Format ::. Empty Re: * .:: Cesar Rivarez Application Format ::.

Post by DeRon Ellis Sun Aug 21, 2011 7:25 am

Actually they're opened, the "Closed" just hasn't been changed. Also, please refrain from posting here.

DeRon Ellis
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* .:: Cesar Rivarez Application Format ::. Empty Re: * .:: Cesar Rivarez Application Format ::.

Post by Terry Winston Tue Aug 23, 2011 6:23 pm

* .:: Cesar Rivarez Application Format ::. 2akh5rq

Mr Rivarez,

Im sorry to inform you that your application has been unsuccesfull DENIED,
Reason for declining your application is your past criminal record and activities,

Terry Winston.
Terry Winston
Terry Winston
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Age : 32
Location : England

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* .:: Cesar Rivarez Application Format ::. Empty Re: * .:: Cesar Rivarez Application Format ::.

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