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Kevin Alymer<License>

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Kevin Alymer<License> Empty Kevin Alymer<License>

Post by Kevin Alymer Sun Aug 21, 2011 12:25 pm

455 Main St.,
Dillimore, SA 91034

From: Kevin Alymer
30 Palomino Creek,
Palomino Creek, SA 91034
August 21th 2011

From: Kevin Alymer
PC house 30.
Red County, SA 91231
August 21 2011

Kevin Alymer<License> 2akh5rq
Red County Sheriff's Department
Courtesy - Professionalism - Respect

Weapon License Application

Personal Information:

Full Name:Kevin Alymer
Date of Birth: 11th April 19
Social Security Number:944-73-1143
Current Address:PC, house 30
Current Occupation:Private Investigator, RedsNeds Loans worker, Local store manager of RedsNeds security, Co owner of the monte armory
Phone Number:1010670

Background Information:

Have you ever had a firearm license before?:Yes(Level 2)
Have you ever had a firearm license be revoked or suspended?:No
If yes, for what reason:-
Do you have any previous criminal record?:No
If so, describe the nature of your crimes and when:-

Weapon Information:

Clearance Level: 2
Intended weapon(s):Hand guns, rifles, maybe more, depending on the situation
Where will your weapon(s) be stored?:House, vehicle, armory shop
Do you have training or experience regarding the proper usage of the weapons you are applying for? If so, state the nature: Yes, been trained to handle weapons by other trained people, shooting ranges.
Why are you applying for a weapons license and why should the Red County Sheriff’s Department accept your application?: I am applying for a firearms for different reasons. One reason is for self protection, second one is because I work for RedsNeds security, third one is because I own an armory. Red County has shown to be a pretty dangerous place. Crimes in Red County are common, that means there are people out there that can try and harm us any time. We can't always be safe, and we always have to be cautious and well equipped to deal with these situations. Adding to the fact that there's mobs, robbers, gangs, and even wild animals that can harm you, defense is always needed. As a private investigator I know the risks of this town as I investigate similar cases. Also Reds Neds offers security. Here are some of the services included by them.

((Don't count as words))

At RedsNed Security we offer the following services:

-1. Mobile Patrols: Provides security in remote locations, A mobile patrol will constantly look over your designated location until told to do otherwise.
-2. Bodyguards: Provides personal security. CPP (Close Personal Protection) will protect you from mobs and other situations. For further security please add in a hash (*) next to bodyguards.
-3. Crowd Control: Provides assistance in controlling large crowds for your specific needs.

The firearms license would help us offer those services. SD isn't really in the best shape and doesn't react fast enough for us to protect ourselves so protection is needed in that case. I also co-own an armory, the one in Monte. As for any other reasons, security is the main concern, I also have a friends, family to protect, I apologize but things in this town happen pretty quick. You can't really trust anyone around. I haven't had a criminal record before, nor was my firearms license revoked until now. I owned a firearms license 2 due to the fact I co-owned the armory. I think I should be able to defend myself. I try to be peaceful towards the community, and I don't think the firearms are to be used as a first reaction in a situation but I'd rather use one as a last resort. Safety is important to us all.

[[250 word minimum]]]

I, (Kevin Alymer), understand the terms and conditions for applying for a weapons license. I understand that if I violate any of the terms or conditions, misuse my license in any way, shape or form, or mishandle my weaponry and become a danger to myself or others through the use thereof, that I will have the license revoked without a refund of funds and likely arrested and tried to the fullest extent of the law. I understand that any and all firearms I purchase using this license will only be handled by myself and that every one of them is to be registered upon purchase to my name and any crimes committed with the weaponry can and will be levied upon me. I promise, under penalty of law, that all information in this application is absolutely true and understand that falsifying information on this document will result in any licenses being revoked, having my ability to apply in the future removed, and also being arrested and tried accordingly. I promise to use the weapons license responsibly, safely, and lawfully.

Screenshot of you /charity-ing the appropriate amount of money for the license:
Kevin Alymer
Kevin Alymer

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Kevin Alymer<License> Empty Re: Kevin Alymer<License>

Post by Terry Winston Sun Aug 21, 2011 6:19 pm

Kevin Alymer<License> 2akh5rq
Sheriff Department, County of Dillimore
Weapons licenses

Mr Alymer,

I am sorry to inform you that you application has been DENIED,
The reason for declining your application is becuase you do not own a level 1 license. Please feel free to re apply for a license in 2 weeks.

Terry winston
Terry Winston
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Kevin Alymer<License> Empty Re: Kevin Alymer<License>

Post by Kevin Alymer Sun Aug 21, 2011 8:23 pm

*Letter sent to the Sheriff department*

Mr Winston,

I realise I do not have a level 1 license, but as we all know our licenses were revoked and I used to have a level 2 license before. Therefore I see no issue with my request. Also I co-own a business which sells firearms, so the level 2 license is a must to keep the business going. This is why I request for my license to be reviewed.

Thank you

Kevin Alymer
Kevin Alymer

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Kevin Alymer<License> Empty Re: Kevin Alymer<License>

Post by Terry Winston Sun Aug 21, 2011 10:18 pm

((a weapons license for a company is complety diffrent from a personal i need to speak to peter about wether these licenses cover that.))
Terry Winston
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Kevin Alymer<License> Empty Re: Kevin Alymer<License>

Post by Kevin Alymer Sun Aug 21, 2011 10:22 pm

((Well before they gave level 2 licenses on that. Also since you're speaking to the management, can you ask for the Reds Neds security? Either ways I don't get why I need a level 1 license when my level 2 license was just revoked meaning I've had it before, plus I've had no criminal record or bad history related to the level 2 license.))
Kevin Alymer
Kevin Alymer

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Kevin Alymer<License> Empty Re: Kevin Alymer<License>

Post by Terry Winston Mon Aug 22, 2011 11:35 am

(( your license will be proceced again through red neds so if the company succeds in getting a license the whole company will have to come for a basic weapons training))
Terry Winston
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Kevin Alymer<License> Empty Re: Kevin Alymer<License>

Post by Kevin Alymer Mon Aug 22, 2011 4:43 pm

((Still is it that hard to reinstate a level 2 license regarding the fact my char already had one and it wasn't revoked due to criminal record or misuse?))
Kevin Alymer
Kevin Alymer

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Kevin Alymer<License> Empty Re: Kevin Alymer<License>

Post by Terry Winston Mon Aug 22, 2011 5:26 pm

Kevin wrote:((Still is it that hard to reinstate a level 2 license regarding the fact my char already had one and it wasn't revoked due to criminal record or misuse?))

((if i do it for you is it not then only fair i must do it for everyone else? its nothign against you its been decided to revoke everyone license so everyone ened to reapply with the new guidlines if you feel this to be stupid best bet is to take it up with peter))

((I'd agree if I had a criminal record, or I didn't own a gun shop.))
Terry Winston
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Kevin Alymer<License> Empty Re: Kevin Alymer<License>

Post by Lloyd McFadden Mon Aug 22, 2011 6:34 pm

(( And I quote from the letter about wep licenses:

If you apply within the month of August and apply for the same clearance level of your old, expired weapons license, you will only be charged a flat rate of $500 for the Registration fee for a level 1 reinstatement and a flat rate of $1000 for a level 2 reinstatement. Applications received in September will no longer allow for this.

So, he is entitled to a reinstated License. Especially since he has no criminal record. ))
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Kevin Alymer<License> Empty Re: Kevin Alymer<License>

Post by Dominique LaRue Mon Aug 22, 2011 6:44 pm

(( That does not guarantee that you will be immediately reinstated, mind you- but if Kevin's license gets denied, I don't think anyone can really get a license. He has one of the most IC reasons that you can have in SA-MP besides "I am a mafia guy give me a gun because I need to kill people." ))
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Kevin Alymer<License> Empty Re: Kevin Alymer<License>

Post by Terry Winston Mon Aug 22, 2011 6:58 pm

*a letter in your post box*

Kevin Alymer<License> 2akh5rq
Sheriff Department, County of Dillimore
Weapons licenses

Dear Mr Aylmer,

I am happy to inform you your level two weapons license will be reinstated, your "redned security" will also gain clearence but any member wishing to gain a license under you employment must come to the sheriff's deparment for a weapons training course. Please come to the station to recive your new license and bare in mind the terms and responabiliaties of owning one as the license may be revoked at any time.

Terry Winston.
Terry Winston
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